橋下大叔 BRIDGISAN 》 忠孝新生捷運站美食 | 光華商場三創美食

Last Updated on 2023-05-16 by Foodelicious

(Closed Down) “橋下大叔 BRIDGISAN” 是台北華山文創園區美食之一, 這是一家有傳統台式料理卻有年輕靈魂的小坪數中式餐酒館.
(Closed Down) BRIDGISAN restaurant is located near Zhongxiao Xinsheng MRT Station. It offers traditional Taiwanese cuisine, but yet with interesting old fashion decoration.


菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article.

餐廳地理位置就在市民大道高架與新生高架交叉口, 由於餐廳裝潢較為簡單, 即使有個極度違和的粉色LOGO, 在夜晚依舊很容易錯過. 餐廳裝潢有著70 ~ 80 年代的懷舊主題, 甚至還有少見的霓虹燈, 地板裝潢則是在IG常見的黑白格背景, 櫃檯後方有開放式廚房, 一旁也有放著各種精釀啤酒的冰箱, 眼尖的我還發現有倒掛的葡萄酒杯.
BRIDGISAN , which sounds almost like Japanese language, means Uncle under the bridge. As the name stated, the restaurant is under in between Civil Blvd highway and Xinshen highway. It is easy to miss this restaurant even it has a pink logo hanging on the outside. The interior design has old-fashion theme, which includes neo lights and old-time street painting. Behind the counter would be open kitchen. The craft beers are stored in the refrigerator by the counter. I even noticed wine glasses hanging at the counter.



我抵達的時間約晚上六點半, 位於中間的長桌坐滿了人, 由於店內只有2位員工 (老闆?), 我當下不確定是要在櫃台前點餐, 還是員工會來協助點餐, 後來才知道寫在黑板上的每日菜單似乎只有蓋飯是固定, 先到櫃檯點餐付錢後, 員工會在短時間內上菜.
I arrived at the busy dining hour – 6:30pm. People are seated around the long table in the middle of restaurant. There are only two staffs (bosses?). I wasn’t sure which I order at the counter or ask the staffs to order. The correct SOP would be order and pay at the counter prior serving.




English Name: Rice with Braised & Grilled Pork Belly
Price: NTD $170
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

在中式料理裡, 比起里肌肉, 我更愛五花肉. 深褐色的五花肉佔了蓋飯碗中一半的面積, “橋下大叔 BRIDGISAN”的五花肉一看就知道滷得透撤, 色澤均勻, 更是有炙燒的痕跡, 外層肥肉的膠質十足, 因此口感極度地Q彈, 油脂更是一點一滴將瘦肉轉化成極度軟嫩口感, 每一口皆是滿滿的鹹燒肉香味, 搭配甜度適中的燒肉醬汁覆蓋住口中的油膩感.
In Chinese cuisine, I like pork belly than any part of pork. The dark brown pork belly covers half of the bowl. The meat is braised throughly and grilled perfectly. The collagen and fats offers tenderness and softness texture. Every bite pairing with sweet sauce brings satisfaction for the craving of the salty meats.



除了粒粒分明的白飯外, 配置中有象牙白色的馬鈴薯泥, 翠綠色的小黃瓜切片, 紅薑片, 洋蔥切丁和半熟蛋, 全部配置吃起來十分和諧, 並不會喧賓奪主, 以NTD $170的蓋飯價格算是划算.
Besides the rice, there are also mashed potato, crisp sliced cucumber, pickled ginger, onion chops and half-boiled egg. Each side dish pairs well. As for NTD$170 per dish, it is cost-worthy.



延伸閱讀:  台北宵夜餐廳 》Taipei Midnight Diner Guide



Restaurant Name 餐廳店名: 橋下大叔 BRIDGISAN
Address: No. 16, 62th Lane, Xinsheng North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City 台北市中山區新生北路一段62巷16號 (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bridgisan/
Nearby MRT station: Zhongxiao Xinsheng MRT station 忠孝新生捷運站
營業時間: Thursday ~ Tuesday 11:30am ~ 2pm ; 6pm ~ 1am
Wednesday Off





