AFTERWORK by ACME 》新開幕台北西門站餐酒館也是酒吧
Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious
(已結束營業) 2020 年開始 ACME Breakfast Club 與 AFTERWORK by ACME 餐酒館 結合成為成為同一個品牌, 轉型成為全天營業的餐廳 .
(Closed Down) From the year of 2020, ACME Breakfast Club and Afterwork by ACME combine together into one brand. It becomes all-day operation restaurant.
AFTERWORK by ACME 菜單在文末 AFTERWORK by ACME Menu is at the end of article
目錄 / Table of Contents
ACME Breakfast Club & Afterwork by ACME 餐酒館合併
營業時間:星期三 – 星期一 上午9:00 – 凌晨00:00 / 星期五 – 星期六 上午9:00 – 凌晨01:00(星期二公休)
僅開放晚餐時段訂位(18:00 – 22:00) 一律採電話訂位 02-66170557
ACME Breakfast Club & Afterwork by ACME combines togetherRestaurant Name:ACME BREAKFAST CLUB
Offer: All Day Brunch, Coffee, Dinner, Dessert, Cocktail, Red, White, Natural Wine
營業時間:Wednesday ~ Monday 9am ~ 12 midnight. Friday ~ Saturday 9am ~ 1am [Tuesday Off] Last Order: One hour before closing up
Limited Dining Time: 2 Hours
Minium Charge: None
Reservation Time: 6pm ~ 10pm
Reservation Tel: 02-6617-0557
Menu Link:
關於ACME Breakfast Club
About ACME Breakfast Club
AFTERWORK by ACME 最靠近西門捷運站六號出口, 走徒步區或是旁邊的成都路皆可抵達巷弄內, 位於商業大樓的三樓與招牌不明顯讓 AFTERWORK by ACME 充滿神秘感. 即使我沒去過 ACME Breakfast Club, 也經常在 IG 看到餐廳明亮簡約的白天用餐環境, 晚上則是以霓虹與銀灰色為主色調. 暗色燈光展現出酒吧與餐酒館的裝潢風格. 包廂則是ㄇ字型沙發區. 文末影片有更多餐廳內的細節.
AFTERWORK by ACME is near Exit 6 of Ximen MRT station. AFTERWORK by ACME is located at 3F of a commercial building with low profile sign. The dining environment in the day time is bright and dominated by beige and white color. The dining environment at night is dominated by red and grey-silver colors, which is more like bistro and bar decoration style. The private dining room is the sofa area. There are more details at the video in the end of article.
我想大家最好奇的是為何夜晚要轉型成餐酒館?? 店長提到早午餐餐廳營業時間為 9am ~ 5pm, 由於餐廳客人裡有許多日韓香港旅客, 都會詢問晚餐或是酒吧推薦, 因此 AFTERWORK by ACME 成立就是要讓客人有不同類型的美食與用餐環境. 最特別的是店家大費周章聘請一位泰籍餐飲品牌顧問, 巧妙融合南洋與西式料理風格.
I am sure that everyone is curious about the reason of opening this AFTERWORK by ACME Bistro & Bar. The manager mentions that the breakfast clubs operation time is 9am ~ 5pm. Quite a few foreign tourists asked for recommendation for dinner & bar. Therefore, AFTERWORK by ACME offers customer different types of experiences. The most interesting part would be that they hire a Restaurant Brand Consultant to create more of the Southeastern style cuisines.
延伸閱讀: 其他西門站餐廳 》Other Restaurants at Ximen MRT station
♛ 台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List
連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)
連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康 No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health
Cocktails at AFTERWORK by ACME
至於酒吧部份, 兩位 Bartender 有在台北 MUD Bar 和 Indulge Bistro 的工作經驗, 調酒菜單除了有常見調酒外, 也讓兩位 Bartender 發想創意調酒.
Two bartenders at AFTERWORK by ACME have experiences working at MUD Bar and Indulge Bistro at Taipei City. Besides the usual cocktails, they also offer creative cocktail drinks.
Heart to Heart
Price: NTD $325
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
這款調酒包括琴酒, 梅酒, 桂花糖漿, 萊姆汁, 蛋白, 最特別的是桂花糖漿是 Bartender 自己調配, 而非市面上販售商業糖漿, 蛋則是採用高品質的勤億品牌, 這杯調酒不僅具有視覺美感, 剛開始喝時, 隱約嗅到迷人桂花香, 搭配看似奶泡的蛋白入口, 綿密口感並不會久留在舌尖, 萊姆與琴酒基本上是絕配, 越喝到最後, 梅酒風味會越明顯, 我朋友跟我都蠻推薦這款優雅風格的調酒.
This cocktail includes House Gin, Plum Wine, Osmanthus Sryup, Lime Juice, and Egg White. Their syrup is not commercial-use, instead, the bartenders make the syrup by their own. They also use high-quality brand of egg. The cocktail appearance is attractive and elegant. While start drinking the cocktail, you can sense the floral Osmanthus aroma by nose. The foam-like egg white is creamy and doesn’t stay at the tastebuds too long. The gin and lime is always a great match. The plum wine flavor becomes stronger when the drinking time takes longer. My friend and I both like and recommend this cocktail.
Crimson Tide
Price: NTD $375
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
這款調酒有人頭馬白蘭地, 野莓琴酒, 杏仁香甜酒, 石榴糖漿, 萊姆汁. 石榴糖漿同樣是AFTERWORK by ACME Bartender 自製. 光是看調酒原料已知道是偏甜風味, 主導是甜香白蘭地為主, 酸甜風味為輔, 可以稱作為不同層次的甜風味, 整體為濃烈香醇的調酒.
This cocktail has Remy Martin VSOP, Hayman’s Slow Gin, Disaronno, Grenadine and Lime Juice. By looking at the ingredients, you would know this drink is more on the sweet side. The sweet is from VSOP. The acidity is mostly from raspberry flavor gin. You could call this drink has layers of sweetness. The overall ABV is quite high though.
棕櫚糖炸雞翅, 萊姆薄荷醬
Crispy Chicken Wings with Fresh Mint Lime Sauce
Price: NTD $320
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
炸雞翅與 “Gumgum Beer & Wings 雞翅啤酒吧” 的雞翅部位不太ㄧ樣, AFTERWORK by ACME 餐飲顧問則是採用雞翅的中翅部份, 微酥脆口感搭配微甜焦糖外皮賦予這道以鹹香為主, 微甜為輔的菜餚, 雞肉與骨頭非常容易分離, 女生們吃的時候還是可以保持形象. 由於雞翅份量多, 萊姆薄荷醬扮演解膩功用, 這款炸雞翅是當天用餐最滿意的菜餚.
The chicken wing is different from “Gumgum Beer & Wings” chicken wings. AFTERWORK by ACME chicken wing is the flat part of the wings. The crispy flavor pairing with the caramelized skin is dominated by salty meaty aroma with hints of sweets from the plum sugar. The bones and the meat are easy to separated, which is great fro girls who care about their personal images. Since the quantity is quite much, the mint lime sauce is like a refreshing sauce. This dish is my favorite dish of the day.
延伸閱讀: Gumgum Beer & Wings 雞翅啤酒吧 》101世貿捷運站餐酒館 | Taipei Bistro | 台北包場餐廳
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
AW 炸物組合
AW Local Style Assorted Crispy Platter
Price: NTD $380
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
AW 是 Afterwork 的縮寫, 店長提到這道料理發想於台式鹹酥雞, 不受傳統的框架束縛, 與上一道棕櫚糖炸雞翅最大的不同是這道炸物組合是裹地瓜粉, 麵衣偏厚, 咬下去的酥脆 ㄎㄠˇㄧ聲完全讓人忘記卡路里這件事, 雞肉並不是雞米花, 而是棒棒雞腿與雞胸, 我個人比較喜歡雞腿肉的多汁, 其他配料如香菇, 蓮藕, 糯米椒, 地瓜薯條都不會過於油膩, 也可撒上店家提供的辣椒粉, 我會建議點這一道下酒菜
AW is the initial of Afterwork. The inspiration is from Taiwanese salted chicken. The coating powder is a bit thick by using the potato starch. The crispy sounds make people forget abut the calories. The chicken meats include chicken breast and chicken thigh instead of popcorn chicken. I personally prefer the juicy chicken thigh meats. Other ingredients, such as mushroom, lotus roots, sweet chili and sweet potato fries, are not oily. You can also spread the chili peppers I would suggest this dish.
焦香咖啡煎牛小排, 炸蒜片, 法式酸奶油
Coffee Rubbed Short Ribs (5oz), Fried Garlic, and Sour Cream Sauce
Price: NTD $480
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
AFTERWORK by ACME 採用美國牛肉, 店家建議 5 分熟. 雖然命名為焦香咖啡煎牛小排, 其實並沒有咖啡味或是過多肉香, 整體牛排吃起來些許嫩度. 與 “石庭兼六園鐵板燒” 配料一樣, 牛排皆有搭配炸蒜片與海鹽. 相較之下, 我比較喜歡沾一旁的法式酸奶油與橄欖油.
AFTERWORK by ACME chef uses American beef. The restaurant suggests medium texture. Even though the dish name is “coffee rubbed, but there is not coffee flavor nor excessive meaty aroma. The taste of the short ribs is quite tender. Similar with “Kenrokuen Teppanyaki”, the steak can pair with fried garlic and sea salt. But, I would prefer the sour cream and olive oil.
延伸閱讀: 台中鐵板燒 》石庭兼六園鐵板燒日本料理 | Taichung Teppanyaki
雞胸肉沙爹, 炙烤糖漬鳳梨, 小黃瓜優格醬
Grilled Chicken Satay, Pineapple, Tzatziki Sauce
Price: NTD $300
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
AFTERWORK by ACME 菜單下方有一個九宮格, 若是點 “一連線三道菜” 則是總共 NTD $800, 這道雞胸肉沙爹相當具有南洋風格, 單吃則是雞胸肉偏乾, 建議沾小黃瓜優格醬.
At AFTERWORK by ACME’s menu, there is a tic-tac-toe image down below with dishes’ names. If you order three dishes and connect into one straight line, the total amount price of three dishes would be NTD $800. This dish is full of Southeastern Cuisine style. If you eat the chicken breast alone, it would be a bit dry. I would suggest to dip into the cucumber yogurt sauce.
油醋孢子甘藍, 香脆培根, 無籽葡萄, 酸麵包, 核桃
Brussel Sprouts in Balsamic Glaze, Crispy Bacon, Grapes, Walnut and Sourdough
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
這道孢子甘藍與其他兩道菜餚“一連線三道菜”的組合, 看似凱撒沙拉, 以孢子甘藍代替生菜, 雖然有時會吃到偏苦的孢子甘藍, 但口感依舊是經典清脆感,香脆培根和無籽葡萄搭配油醋是一種不同體驗的搭配.
This Brussel sprouts dish combines with other two dishes are total NTD $800. The appearance looks like Cesar Salad. Instead of lettuce, the restaurant uses Brussel sprouts. However, there are still a few bitter flavor. But the texture is still crisp. The bacon with seedless grape is a different combination and full of surprise.
蟹肉蛤蠣汁蒸蛋, 鮭魚卵
Crab Meat Steamed Eggs in Calm Juice, Salmon Roes
Price: NTD $200
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
有些人到酒吧前都已經吃飽, 但是通常喝酒時會肚子餓, 若是海鮮愛好者, 可考慮這道滿滿鮭魚卵的蒸蛋, 每一口皆是渾圓爆汁的海鮮風味.
Some people already ate dinner before going to the bar. But most of the time, people tend to eat while drinking alcohols. If you are a seafood lover, you can consider this steamed eggs with great amount of salmon roes. Every bite is juicy with seafood flavor.
♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.
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地址: 台北市萬華區成都路27巷10號3樓之1 (Map)
捷運站: 西門站
電話: 0966-170-009
營業時間: 打電話確認
Restaurant: AFTERWORK by ACME
Address: 3F-1, Chengdu Road, Wanhuan District, Taipei City (Ximending) (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Ximen MRT station
Tel: 0966-170-009
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm
Link: http://