A CUT STEAKHOUSE 》再訪品嚐台北米其林一星餐廳推薦
Last Updated on 2023-09-04 by Foodelicious
再訪 2023 台北米其林一星餐廳推薦 – A CUT 牛排館 , 品嚐 A CUT 菜單上的商業午餐, 餐廳搬新家後, 依然在我的台北牛排推薦名單!
I revisited A Cut Steakhouse, which is a 2023 Taipei Michelin One Star Restaurant. My friend and I choose Business Lunch Set on A Cut menu.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
A CUT 訂位與停車
A CUT Reservation and Parking
A CUT 牛排館的新地址在 台北市中山區遼寧街177號2樓 , 大樓位於南京復興捷運站一號出口旁邊,若是要停車, 可停在大樓地下停車場 – 嘟嘟房, 用餐享用免費三小時停車優惠. 走進門口再搭手扶梯至二樓, 即可看到熟悉的吧台裝潢與酒櫃. 台北 A CUT牛排館線上訂位 Link: https://reurl.cc/x0MbqN . 當天跟朋友吃商業午餐, 餐廳幾乎全滿.
A CUT Steakhouse’s new address is at 2F, No. 177 Liaoning Street, Zhongshan District, Taipei City. The building is located next to the Nanjing Fuxing MRT Station Exit 1. You can park in the building’s underground parking lot and enjoy a complimentary three-hour parking discount with your A Cut Steakhouse meal. After entering the building door, you can take the escalator to the second floor. You will find the familiar bar setup and wine cellar. Taipei A CUT Steakhouse’s reservation link is: https://reurl.cc/x0MbqN . The restaurant is almost full when my friend and I dine in the restaurant.
延伸閱讀: 南京復興站美食推薦 》Nanjing Fuxing Restaurant Recommendation
A CUT 用餐環境
A CUT Dining Environment
開放式廚房與牛排展示櫃與以前餐廳設計是一樣. 之前的台北 A CUT 餐廳是在國賓飯店地下室. 即使是白天, 也給用餐者夜晚的氛圍. 搬家後的台北 A CUT 餐廳位於二樓, 陽光將白天的 A CUT 用餐環境展現出截然不同的時尚感. 多數窗邊座位是兩人座位, 沙發區也可併桌成為多人座位, 適合朋友與家人聚餐.
The open kitchen and the steak showcase at Taipei A CUT Steakhouse are just like the previous restaurant’s design. The former Taipei A CUT restaurant was located in the basement of The Ambassador Hotel. Even during the day, it provides an evening atmosphere for diners. The new Taipei A CUT restaurant, now on the second floor, is bathed in sunlight, giving it a completely different and stylish feel for daytime dining. Most of the window-side seats are for two people. There is also a sofa area that can be combined for larger group, making it suitable for gatherings with friends and family.
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
延伸閱讀: 台北約會餐廳懶人包 2023 》Taipei Dating Restaurants Guide
A CUT 包廂
A CUT Private Dining Room
A Cut 包廂照片是餐廳提供, 價格與細節部分請自行打電話詢問 02-2571-0389.
A Cut private dining room pictures are provided by the restaurant. You can call 02-2571-0389 for its price and details.
A CUT 商業午餐菜單
A CUT Business Lunch Menu
A CUT 午間套餐有分兩種價位, 只有主餐份量不一樣, 其他菜餚皆相同
✅ 雙人套餐 ( NTD $2400/人 ): 150g 美國頂級紐約克牛排與爐烤春雞
✅ 單人套餐 ( NTD $2200/人 ): 200g 美國頂級紐約克牛排
There are two types of A CUT Business Lunch Set prices. Only the main dishes are different. Other dishes are the same.
✅ Set for Two People ( NTD $2400/person ): 150g USDA Prime Striploin Steak and Spring Chicken
✅ Set for One Person ( NTD $2200/person ): 200g USDA Prime Striploin Steak
A CUT Steakhouse Business Lunch Set Menu Link: https://www.ambassador-hotels.com/images/files/taipei/dining/a-cut/2023-08-平日午間商業套餐/202308A-CUT商業午餐菜單_官網電子版.jpg
A CUT 菜餚 Review
A CUT Dishes Review
Bread & Butter
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
每人兩款麵包, 吃完可續. 這次提供的麵包是可頌與核桃歐式麵包. A CUT 可頌的細緻度極高, 熱騰騰地吃有著酥脆感, 非常美味. 另一款歐式核桃麵包適合抹總統牌奶油, 不錯吃.
Each person is served with two types of breads. The customer can ask for more afterwards. A Cut steakhouse offers croissants and walnut bread. The croissant is exceptionally delicate and has a delightful crispiness when served hot. The walnut bread is quite tasty after spreading with butter on it.
前菜- 三款前菜
Appetizer – Three Appetizers
考慮到顧客的中午用餐時間有限, A CUT 菜單設計是將三款前菜一起 serve , 節省用餐時間.
Considering that customers have limited time for lunch, A CUT’s menu is designed to serve three appetizers together to save dining time.
Red Prawn Tartare
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
我原本以為會像 “Fogant 餐廳” 的生蝦塔塔 , 沒想到端上桌是極為優雅法式料理風格. 第一口即可感受到墨魚汁米餅的脆度, 柚子油醋的酸香與果香襯托出宜蘭胭脂蝦的鮮美. 酪梨與佛手瓜絲則是展現出胭脂蝦的新鮮脆度. 整體有不同口感與風味層次 , 非常不錯吃.
I originally thought that it would be like “Fogant Restaurant’s” shrimp tartare. However, what was served was an elegant French-style dish. The first bite reveals the crispness of the squid ink rice cake. Yuzu oil and vinegar bring out the freshness of the prawn. Avocado and Buddha’s hand melon shreds showcase the freshness and crispness of the prawn. Overall, it has different textures and flavor layers. It is delicious as expected.
延伸閱讀: Fogant 法式餐廳 》關於這家內湖美食餐廳的五個重點
Tuna Tataki
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
炙燒鮪魚與雞尾酒蝦放在同一盤一起 serve. 我選擇先品嚐厚切炙燒鮪魚中腹, 嫩與鮮皆有到位. 搭配日本土佐醋, 讓原始的海鮮風味更為平衡與柔和. 而醋漬珍珠洋蔥與日本大蔥增添了香氣和微脆口感.
The seared tuna belly and cocktail shrimp are served together on the same plate. I choose to taste the thick-cut seared tuna belly first, and it was tender and fresh at point. Paired with Japanese Tosa vinegar, it balanced and softened the original strong seafood flavor. The pickled pearl onions and Japanese scallions add aroma and a slight crunch.
Shrimp Cocktail
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
這時才注意到全部前菜皆是海鮮, 海鮮與牛排搭配組合類似 Surf & Turf 的概念. 花蓮矽藻蝦口感彈牙, 並沒有多餘的鮮味, 雞尾酒醬汁以伍斯特調醬為基底, 主導了醬汁的酸甜辛香風味.
I noticed all the appetizers are seafood. The combination of seafood and steak is reminiscent of the concept of Surf & Turf. The Hualien shrimps have pleasantly firm texture and weren’t overly too much seafood flavor. The cocktail sauce, based on Worcestershire sauce, dominates with its sweet, tangy, and spicy flavors.
Mushroom Soup “Cappuccino”
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍
之前一訪 A CUT Steakhouse 後 , 讓我最想念的除了牛排外, 就是蘑菇卡布奇諾濃湯. 這次再訪依舊是廣口湯盤 Display, 視覺上有一些不同的地方, 乳白色奶泡結構挺立, 維持了滑順質感. 蘑菇濃湯濃稠度與蕈菇香氣提升, 蘑菇濃湯的口感更為細緻, 費時費工的程度讓此道蘑菇卡布奇諾濃湯深受饕客喜愛.
After my previous visit to A CUT Steakhouse, what I missed the most, besides the steak, was the Mushroom Cappuccino Soup. It was still served in a wide and flat soup bowl, with a visually distinct presentation. The frothy foam stood tall, maintaining its smooth and creamy texture. The mushroom soup was richer and more aromatic. The soup texture had become even finer. The meticulous effort put into this mushroom cappuccino soup has made it a favorite among foodies.
Passion Fruit Slush
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
之前一訪 A CUT 商業午餐菜單並沒有這一道冰沙, 冰沙的冰涼感可讓味蕾休息, 在許多高檔西式餐廳都會 serve.
My first visit A Cut Business Lunch Set does not include this flush. The icing taste can let the tastebuds refresh and settle down between dishes. You can see this slush dish in many high-end restaurants.
Main Dish – USDA Prime Striploin Steak & Spring Chicken
A CUT Steakhouse 店員端上四款鹽 – 從右至左分別為夏威夷竹葉鹽, 喜馬拉雅山玫瑰鹽,英國煙燻鹽和法國鹽之花, 我建議先嘗試夏威夷竹葉鹽, 竹筒飯般的香氣很特別. 牛排也可佐紅酒醬汁品嚐, 我比較喜歡英國煙燻鹽搭配牛排.
✅ 雙人套餐 ( NTD $2400/人 ): 150g 美國頂級紐約克牛排與爐烤春雞
✅ 單人套餐 ( NTD $2200/人 ): 200g 美國頂級紐約克牛排
A CUT Steakhouse staff brings out four types of salt, from right to left: Hawaiian Bamboo Leaf Salt, Himalayan Pink Salt, British Smoked Salt, and French Fleur de Sel. I would recommend trying the Hawaiian Bamboo Leaf Salt first. Its bamboo fragrance is quite unique. You can also enjoy the steak with red wine sauce. But personally, I prefer to pair the steak with British Smoked Salt.
✅ Set for Two People ( NTD $2400/person ): 150g USDA Prime Striploin Steak and Spring Chicken
✅ Set for One Person ( NTD $2200/person ): 200g USDA Prime Striploin Steak
USDA Prime Striploin Steak
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍
我與朋友是吃雙人套餐. 美國頂級紐約克牛排與爐烤春雞皆置放於鐵盤. 每人各品嚐 150 g 牛排 (5.29 oz) . 餐廳建議牛排 3 ~ 5 分熟. 使用專屬 A Cut 頂級牛排刀輕鬆切下一小塊單吃. 鐵板煎烤賦予外層焦香, 與鮮嫩口感並存 . 美國牛排是我喜歡的濃郁肉香牛排類型. 令人意外的是,它的嚼勁口感並不會過多,整體味道不錯,依然是我在台北的牛排推薦之一.
My friend and I had “Set for two people”. The top-quality USDA Prime Striploin Steak and the oven-roasted spring chicken are both served on a sizzling hot iron plate. Each of us can taste a 150g (5.29 oz) steak. The restaurant recommended the steak to be cooked to a medium-rare. Using the exclusive A CUT premium steak knife, it was easy to cut a small piece for individual enjoyment. The iron grilling gave the steak a delightful sear on the outside while maintaining a tender texture inside. The American steak had the rich, meaty flavor that I enjoy in steaks. Surprisingly, it wasn’t overly chewy. Overall, it was a tasty dish. It remains one of my recommended steak options in Taipei.
延伸閱讀: 台北牛排推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Steak House Recommendation (By District)
Spring Chicken
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
之前在 “非瓶 Bottless ” 吃到的是35天大的春雞, 這次在 A CUT 享用到的是僅 28 天大的美國穀飼春雞. 切雞肉時有迷人酥脆聲響, 伴隨著嫩香的雞肉入口, 因為與牛排一起 serve , 偶而也會感受到牛排肉香.
Previously at “Bottless,” I had the opportunity to try a 35-days-old spring chicken. This time at A CUT, I enjoyed a 28-days-old American grain-fed spring chicken. When cutting the chicken, it made a charming crispy sound. The spring chicken meat was tender and flavorful. Occasionally, you could also sense hints of the steak meaty flavor since the steak and chicken are served together.
延伸閱讀: Bottless 非瓶餐酒館 》南京復興餐酒館推薦 (內有菜單)
Butter Whipped Potato
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
A CUT 招牌奶油馬鈴薯泥份量遠比 ”歐華酒店地中海牛排館“ 多且綿密美味 .
A CUT signature butter whipped potato quantity is larger and more creamy than the one in “Mediterranean Steak House” at The Riviera Hotel.
延伸閱讀: Taipei Steakhouse 》歐華酒店地中海牛排館可安排再訪
Milk Caramel Soufflé
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
台北沒有很多餐廳在販售舒芙蕾, 因為製作舒芙蕾有一定的難度. A CUT 舒芙蕾 Size 比市面上販售的舒芙蕾大. 這次用餐是搭配牛奶糖舒芙蕾, 蓬鬆且不會過於濕潤. 再加上香草冰淇淋的搭配, 可緩衝焦糖與奶香賦予的偏甜風味, 套餐皆是一人一份舒芙蕾 , 胃口小的饕客也許會感到份量較多.
Taipei doesn’t have many restaurants that offer soufflés, likely because making soufflés can be challenging. A CUT’s soufflé is larger in size compared to those available in the market. During this meal, I had the opportunity to try the milk caramel soufflé, which was fluffy and not overly moist. Paired with vanilla ice cream, it balanced the sweetness imparted by the caramel and the creaminess. Each person can taste individual serving of soufflé. People with smaller appetites might find the portion size quite generous.
精選小點 & 咖啡/茶
Petit Four & Coffee/Tea
精選小點不定期更換,這次我是選熱唐寧茶, 朋友選冰美式咖啡作為結尾.
Petit Four may be vary. This time, I select Hot Twinning Tea. My friend chooses Ice Americano as the set drink.
酒 Wine Selection
開瓶費是 NTD $2000/瓶, 當天發現 A CUT 優質酒類選擇很多, 我個人是建議在餐廳內點酒即可.
The corkage fee is NTD $2000/bottle. A CUT wine selection is quite above average. I will suggest to order wines from the restaurant.
警語: 禁止酒駕, 未滿十八歲, 禁止飲酒, 飲酒過量, 有害健康 No Drink and Drive. People under 18 years old are prohibited to drink alcohols. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health
結論 Conclusion ⭐
✅ 這次二訪台北米其林一星A Cut 牛排餐廳, 跟朋友吃「平日雙人午間套餐 」 , 價格為 NTD $2400/人, 主餐有美國頂級紐約克牛排 150g 與爐烤春雞.
✅ 如果“只”想吃牛排, 可直接點單人午間套餐 (NTD $2200/人) , 主餐是美國頂級紐約克牛排份量是 200g, 套餐份量可以吃得飽且超值 , 單人可訂位.
✅ 套餐裡的三款海鮮前菜一起 serve, 縮短上班族中午用餐時間.
✅ 招牌蘑菇卡布奇諾濃湯, 牛排與馬鈴薯泥依舊維持美味水準, 我會推薦來用餐.
✅ A Cut Steakhouse is a Taipei Michelin One Star Restaurant. My friend and I choose the “Business Lunch Set for Two”. The price is NTD $2400/person. The main dish is USDA Prime Striploin Steak 150g and Spring Chicken
✅ If you “only” want to eat the steak, you can order the “Business Lunch Set for One” (NTD $2200/person). The main dish is USDA Prime Striploin Steak 200g. The quantity is large and can easily fulfill the appetite. One person can reserve the seat as well.
✅ Considering that customers have limited time for lunch, A CUT’s menu is designed to serve three appetizers together to save dining time.
✅ Singature Mushroom Soup, Steak and Butter whipped potato remain delicious as usual. I would definitely recommend.
♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.
♛ About Me | Front Page
A CUT 牛排館資訊
A CUT Steakhouse Information
店名: A CUT 牛排館
地址: 台北市中山區遼寧街177號2樓 (Map)
捷運站: 南京復興捷運站((R04)
電話: 02-2571-0389
Facebook: https://www.ambassador-hotels.com/tc/taipei/dining/a-cut-steakhouse#story
線上訂位連結 Reservation Link:https://reurl.cc/x0MbqN
Restaurant: A CUT Steakhouse
Address: 2F, No. 177, Liaoning Street, Zhongshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby Metro Station: Nanjing Fuxing Metro Station (BR11 & G16 )
Tel: 02-2571-0389