東咖啡 Dong Coffee Bar 》麟光捷運站咖啡店 | Taipei Gluten-Free Cake

Last Updated on 2018-02-10 by Foodelicious

東咖啡台北無麩質甜點咖啡店之一, 位於麟光捷運站附近, 是少數台北市不限時咖啡店.
Dong Coffee Bar is one of the Gluten-Free Dessert & Coffee Shop. It is located near Taipei Linguang MRT station. It is also one of the coffee shops with unlimited time policy.

菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article

娜姐 Foodelicious 粉絲頁: https://www.facebook.com/globalfoodelicious/

咖啡店外觀相當古色古香, 會讓人誤會是賣茶葉的店鋪, 一推進大門, 即看到在外婆家才看得到的檜木色矮桌椅, 桌上除了茶具外, 也放著少許旺旺仙貝, 挑高吧台上方的櫥櫃跟 “台北東旅 Hotel East Taipei”類似都是中藥櫃設計. 在吧台旁, 老闆親自用中國書法寫下關於甜點逗趣字句, 例如 “胖死也要吃甜”. 店家將當日甜點的照片掛在櫃台旁, 每日甜點固定大概 3 ~ 4 款.
The appearance of the store, which might be mistaken with the Tea shop, is designed with Chinese Traditional Theme. The wooden furnitures is exactly the same as the ones in my grandmother’s house. Above the counter, the shelf looks like the Chinese medicine shelf, which is similar with “Hotel East Taipei”. The owner, also the Barista, write down several interesting sentences regarding dessert with Chinese calligraphy. Also, 3 ~ 4 pcs Today desserts’ pictures are hang near the counter.




Chocolate Gluten-Free Rice Cake
Price: N/A (並無紀錄到多少錢 I forgot to write down the price)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

甜美時光為巧克力無麩質蛋糕, 麩質是麥類中的一種穀蛋白, 歐美地區非常多人對麩質過敏, 因此在國外相當常看到無麩質甜點, 東咖啡則是採用蓬萊米粉來取代麵粉製作, 讓吃習慣國外進口麵粉的消費者有種摸不著頭緒的感覺.
Gluten is a general name for the proteins found in wheat. Many people at Europe/US are allegoric to gluten. Therefore, Gluten-Free food/desserts are mostly seemed in Europe/US. Dong Coffee Bar substituted wheat with Taiwanese rice to make dessert.



擺盤簡單, 將米製蛋糕放置在仿青花瓷盤上, 除了撒上少許堅果, 也將巧克力醬當筆墨來回灑脫地裝飾. “硬”會是我第一印象, 不僅看似硬, 切的時候也是感覺類似巧克力棒的感覺, 夾層奶油裡有蔓越梅果粒, 酸甜風味與巧克力風味不違和. 我會建議喜歡嘗試新口感的人品嚐, 但若鍾愛戚風蛋糕或是磅蛋糕的人, 可選擇東咖非的其他甜點- 例如起司三重奏或是布丁.
Displaying the rice cake on the blue-and-white porcelain plate. Besides the nuts, they also use Chocolate syrup like Chinese calligraphy for decoration. “Hard Texture” would be my first impression of this rice cake. The texture is more like Chocolate bar instead of Chocolate cake. In between the cream filling, there are actual raspberry. The acidity combines with the chocolate flavor matches. I would recommend this rice cake to people who like to try out new items. However, if you only like Chiffon or Pound cake, I would suggest you to try their Cheese cake or Pudding.



手作黑糖拿鐵 (熱)

Dark Brown Sugar Latte (Hot)
Price: $140
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

較為特別的是東咖啡用無杯把杯, 用的咖啡豆是混合中深培, 品酌時並沒有想像中地甜, 黑糖香氣並沒有像 “貝拉卡咖啡“濃郁, 我會建議點他們精品咖啡, 而不是常見的拿鐵.
The most interesting part would be they use tea cup (no handle) instead of coffee cup. The brow sugar aroma is not as thick as “Beraka Coffee”. But it is not overly sweet. However, I would suggest people to order their single-origin coffee instead of the usual Latte.




延伸閱讀: 2017 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2017 Taipei New Restaurants & Cafes Guide






Restaurant Name 店名: 東咖啡 Dong Coffee Bar
Address: No.8, 8th Alley, 391th Lane, Hoping East Road, Taipei City 台北市信義區和平東路三段391巷8弄8號1樓 (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dongcoffeebars/
Nearby MRT station: Linguang MRT station 麟光捷運站
電話:02- 8732-2212
營業時間: 10am ~ 8pm





