台麵魂 Book Review 》Taiwan Noodle Introduction

Last Updated on 2017-10-21 by Foodelicious

關於麵的書籍很多, 但大部分都是教如何從麵粉開始製作. “台麵魂”則是屬於較為專業領域書籍, 而非食譜.
There are many books regarding noodles. However, most books are recipes. “Taiwan Noodle Introduction” offers knowledge regarding noodles.

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Book Name 書籍名稱: 台麵魂 Taiwan Noodle Introduction
Author 作家: 李佳芳 Miss Lee
ISBN: 978- 986-90456-4-3
** This book only has Chinese version.
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大致上整理出細讀後這本書的的特色和重點 There are a few selling points about this book!


一日製麵生活 Daily Noodle Making Procedure

每家製麵廠都有一套 SOP, 作者李佳芳就跟米通信作者一樣深入產地/工廠, 帶著攝影師紀錄著每家製麵製麵的一天, 以前看書只能憑想像, 這本書裡有著美感十足的照片與生動文筆敘述, 而且每家製麵廠都不ㄧ樣, 書裏大部分都是手工麵, 而非像五木拉麵是全自動機器製作
Every noodle factory has their own SOP. The author and the photographer visited each famous factory to document their daily noodle making procedure. Before I bought this book, i can only imagine the making procedure. With its beautiful pictures and great wording, those images become vivid. Most factories in this book is hand-made instead of machine-made.



台灣職人麵店 Special Noodle Shop

這本書介紹的麵店幾乎都是店家自己做的麵條, 或是跟麵廠合作研發配方, 通常這種麵店都不太會接受採訪, 例如“四鄉五島馬祖麵店”, 如果這本書沒提到, 我不會知道原來他們的手工傳統魚麵需要克服重重難關, 比較可惜的是書裡的台北麵店只有“四鄉五島馬祖麵店”, ”麗珠什錦麵“和 ”四平街番茄牛肉麵“, 中南部的麵店居多.
This book also introduces noodle shops/restaurants that are hand-made or cooperate with factories to develop unique recipes. This type of stores usually don’t do interviews. However, most noodle shops are at southern Taiwan instead of Taipei City though.



這本書基本上我會推薦給在食品業的人看, 我當初也是因為工作關係才買這本書.
I would recommend this book to professionals in Food industry.


延伸閱讀: 關於飲食書籍評論- 食  Book Review – Food

延伸閱讀: 台北牛肉麵餐廳懶人包 》TAIPEI BEEF NOODLE GUIDE

延伸閱讀: 台北日本拉麵懶人包 》TAIPEI RAMEN GUIDE


