creammm.t 》三溫糖蝴蝶酥 VWI 咖啡聯名禮盒與檸檬塔

Last Updated on 2024-11-25 by Foodelicious

(2024.11 更新) creammm.t 品牌近期推出 三溫糖蝴蝶酥 VWI by CHADWANG 咖啡聯名禮盒. 甜點饕客對 creammm.t 不陌生, 因為目前也正在販售受歡迎的玫瑰花形檸檬塔禮盒.
(2024.11 Update) creammm.t brand recently promotes new Palmier Pastry x VWI by CHADWANG Coffee Gift Box. Dessert Foodies are familiar with creammm.t because they also offer popular Rose Floral Shape Lemon Tart Gift Box.


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關於 creammm.t 品牌

About creammm.t Brand

Cream Tea 品牌在甜點饕客圈裡頗有名 , 2021 年時更換全新品牌名稱為 creammm.t , 也推出新的 Logo. creammm.t 品牌除了最受歡迎的花形檸檬塔外, 也有販售司康果醬組合, 手工奶油抹醬 , 三溫糖蝴蝶酥 栗子千層派與生巧克力塔-日曬 , 近期也推出 三溫糖蝴蝶酥 VWI 咖啡聯名禮盒 ,皆可在 creammm.t 官網: 購買.
Cream Tea brand is quite popular among Dessert Foodies. They change their brand name to creammm.t at the year of 2021. . Besides the popular floral shape lemon tart, creammm.t also offers scone & jam set, custom-made butter, palmier, chestnut mille-feuille and chocolate tart. creammm.t brand recently promotes new Palmier Pastry x VWI Coffee Gift Box. You can purchase at creammm.t website .


creammm.t 店面

creammm.t Store

creammm.t 店面的地址是台中市西區美村路一段189號 . 請注意這是店面取貨地點, 也是內用地點 . 圖片為 creammm.t 提供
creammm.t Store address is No. 189, Sec. 1, Meicun Rd., West Dist., Taichung City 403015, Taiwan (R.O.C.). The store can be a pickup place and also  dine-in place.


creammm.t 網站下單 SOP

How to Order at Creammm.t Website

creammm.t 官網為 , 想要的產品直接到官網訂購即可, creammm.t 網站下單 SOP 都有寫在網站 ( )

Step 1: 到網頁右上角按人像 – 會員專區
Step 2: 再按左邊橘色區塊: 點選填寫加入會員
Step 3: 會員註冊成功後, 可直接點選想買的產品
Step 4: 點選購物車後, 會顯示預估出貨日期
Step 5: 產品出貨方式有店面自取與宅配

creammm.t website is . You can order the products at the website. How to Order at creammm.t Website SOP are all written at this link ( )

Step 1: Go to the website right hand upper corner to click the profile icon- Membership Section
Step 2: Click the left side orange section and register as member
Step 3: When the membership is registered successfully, you can choose the products that you like
Step 4: Click the shopping cart icon, the expected delivery date will be shown at the monitor.
Step 5: Delivery methods have Store Pickup or Home Delivery


creammm.t 產品

creammm.t Products

三溫糖蝴蝶酥 VWI 咖啡聯名禮盒

creammm.t Palmier X VWI Coffee Gift Box
Price: NTD $490
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍


Co-Brand Gift Box Package

creammm.t 與知名咖啡品牌 VWI by CHADWANG 合作, 產品不會輕易移動, 也會附手提袋 最特別的設計是禮盒紙條 (圖三) , 上面印著 VWI by CHADWANG.
creammm.t co-brands with famous coffee brand – VWI by CHADWANG. The products are not easy to move around. It also comes with the gift box bag. The most special design would be the paper slip, which is printed with “VWI by CHADWANG” (Pic 3).



Co-Brand Gift Box Content

✅ 3 盒蝴蝶酥, 一盒有五片蝴蝶酥, 共 15 片
✅ 3 包 VWI by CHADWANG 精品咖啡濾泡包
✅ 防油紙袋

✅ 3 Boxes Palmiers, One Box has 5 pcs Palmiers. Total 15 pcs.
✅ 3 Bags VWI by CHADWANG Coffee Bag
✅ Greaseproof paper bag



很少人知道 creammm.t 有賣蝴蝶酥 ( Palmier ), 其實蝴蝶酥是法國甜點, 香港把蝴蝶酥發揚光大. creammm.t 則是選擇販售傳統法式蝴蝶酥, 不僅用的是法國麵粉與法國伊思尼 ( ISIGNY ) 奶油, 糖是用日本特產三溫糖, 主廚提到三溫糖的甜度與乾淨度比白砂糖更能呈現這款 creammm.t 蝴蝶酥. 咬第一口時, 多層次與酥脆口感就如預期,我會一直想吃停不下來, 這次與台北知名咖啡店 VWI 品牌合作聯名禮盒, 禮盒裡有適合搭配蝴蝶酥的 VWI 精品咖啡濾泡包, 也清楚標註咖啡款式, 而且介紹冷泡方式. 推薦送禮或是自己在家喝下午茶.
Not many people know that creammm.t offers Palmier pastry. Palmier is originated from France. And it gets popular at Hong Kong. creammm.t brand chooses to make French style Palmier. The chef uses French flour and French ISIGNY butter. The most special part would be that they use Japan yellow soft sugar. The chef mentions that this type of sugar is better than white granular sugar. The palmier texture is crispy as expected along with layers. It is delicious and I would like to keep eating. creammm.t cooperates with famous VWI Coffee to promote this special gift box. There are three types of coffee bag to pair with the Palmier. I would recommend for gift option or just enjoy afternoon tea at home.

購買連結 Purchase Link:


creammm.t 15入三溫糖蝴蝶酥

creammm.t Palmier Gift Box (15 units)
Price: NTD $360
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

如果你不喝咖啡, 或是想要自己搭配茶吃蝴蝶酥, Creammm.t 也有販售只有三溫糖蝴蝶酥的15 入禮盒, 我個人會推薦買來與公司部門分享, 或是新屋入住 Party 朋友一起吃, 當然也可以自己獨享一整盒.
If you don’t drink coffee or wish to pair with tea, creammm.t also offers 15 units Palmier gift box. I would recommend to purchase for sharing with co-workers at the office or friends at house warming party. And of course, you can just eat the whole box by yourself.

購買連結 Purchase Link:


creammm.t 家常檸檬塔 (9 入)

creammm.t Signature Lemon Tart (9 units)
Price: NTD $570
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

甜點 Lover 都知道這一款花朵造型的 creammm.t 家常檸檬塔, 許多雜誌與媒體皆有報導. 店家並沒有單賣, 而是以 9 入禮盒為單位, 宅配則是冷凍宅配. 拿到禮盒時, 就可以感受到禮盒頗厚實, 可保護檸檬塔的花朵造型. creammm.t 甜點主廚採用有產銷履歷的四季檸檬, 比一般檸檬有更多自然檸檬香氣, 品嚐的同時可以聞到誘人的清新檸檬香氣, 味蕾如預期有著適量酸度, 不會過於刺激, 這款檸檬塔成分有進口法國奶油與蜂蜜, 有中和酸度卻不失檸檬原本的風味與香氣, 整體不錯吃. 我個人推薦買來吃或送禮. 而且不用再等半年, 主要原因是產量增加, 產期比較短, 造福愛吃檸檬塔的人.
Dessert lovers should know about this floral shape lemon tart. Many magazines and medias interviewed their brand. They do not offer single lemon tart. Instead, they offer 9 units lemon tart gift box. The home delivery type is frozen delivery. The gift box is thick enough to protect the floral shape. Creammm.t chef uses Taiwan fresh and high cost “four season lemon”, which has more natural lemon aroma. While tasting, you can smell the charming and refreshing lemon aroma. The tastebuds only sense mild acidity. This particular lemon tart ingredients include imported French butter and honey. It can neutralize a bit of acidity but still keep the lemon flavor and aroma. Overall, this lemon tart is tasty and worth ordering online and deliver. And you don’t need to wait half year like before. The main reason is that they increase their productivity.

購買連結 Purchase Link:


♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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creammm.t 資訊

creammm.t Information

店名: creammm.t
地址: 台中市西區美村路一段189號 (Map)
電話: 04-2301-9808
Restaurant: Creammm.t
Address:No. 189, Sec. 1, Meicun Rd., West Dist., Taichung City 403015, Taiwan  (Map)
Tel: 04-2301-9808




