Tutto Bello 》菜單單點推薦哪些義大利料理?
Last Updated on 2023-05-14 by Foodelicious
Tutto Bello 酒庫餐廳 是台北義式餐廳, 也是台北米其林餐盤餐廳之一 , Tutto Bello 菜單 裡的奶油松露麵也在 500 盤名單裡.
Tutto Bello Italian restaurant is a Taipei Michelin Plate restaurant. The most famous dish would be the truffle cream pasta at Tutto Bello menu.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
Tutto Bello 停車與訂位
Tutto Bello Parking and Reservation
Tutto Bello 義大利餐廳地址為台北市中山區雙城街25巷15號1樓, 離中山國小捷運站 1號出口約 10 分鐘路程. 附近停車位頗多, 我直接截圖給你們看 (圖一). 餐廳招牌頗為低調, 餐廳裝潢具有懷舊老派的燭光浪漫風格, 很適合約會. 靠近窗邊的六人座位區, 適合朋友聚餐, Tutto Bello 訂位可以直接打電話 ( 02-2592-3355 ) 或是用 inline ( Link: https://reurl.cc/jgnOdn ).
Tutto Bello Italian Restaurant address is 1F, No. 15, 25th Lane, Shuangcheng Street, Zhongshan District, Taipei City. It is about 10 minutes walking distance from Zhongshan Elementary School MRT station Exit 1. There are quite a lot of parking lots around the area (pic 1). The restaurant sign is quite low profile. The dining environment has dim light and suitable for dating environment. The seating area next to the window is suitable for friends’ gathering. You can call to reserve ( 02-2592-3355 ) or use inline ( Link: https://reurl.cc/jgnOdn ).
ღ 台北約會餐廳 Taipei Restaurant for Dating
連結 (Link) : 台北約會餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Restaurant for Dating
連結 (Link) : 台北牛排餐廳推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Steak Recommendation
娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount
延伸閱讀: 其他中山國小站餐廳 》 Other Restaurants near Zhongshan Elementary School
Tutto Bello 中午套餐
Tutto Bello Lunch Set
雖然我跟朋友是吃中午時段, 我們不是吃午間套餐, 而是吃單點.
My friend and I dined during lunch time. We didn’t eat the set. We ordered single dishes.
♛ 2023 米其林餐廳列表 2023 Michelin Restaurant List
延伸閱讀👉 臺灣米其林指南 2023 》2023 Taiwan Michelin Guide ( Google Map)
Tutto Bello 麵包與奶油
Tutto Bello Bread & Butter
即使沒有點套餐, 也是有餐前麵包與奶油. Tutto Bello 的歐式麵包與奶油很受歡迎, 麵包會不定期更換. 麵包搭配兩款奶油的搭配方式與 “歐洲風味餐坊 ( Saveur Taipei ) “ 有點相似. 松露奶油是 Tutto Bello 招牌. 我個人是比較喜歡 Tutto Bello 的原味奶油.
Even though we didn’t order the set, we still have the bread and butter. The breads might change over time. The pairing method with two butters is similar with “ Saveur Taipei “. Truffle Butter is Tutto Bello’s signature. I personally prefer their original butter.
延伸閱讀: Saveur 歐洲風味餐坊 》隱藏在台北巷弄內的法式家常餐廳
Tutto Bello 單點菜餚
Tutto Bello Single Order Dish
Salad with Truffle Egg
Price: NTD $850
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
價格 NTD $850 是兩人份,圖片是店家幫我分好的一人份, 我必須說, 份量比預期地多, 芝麻葉新鮮不會苦, 品嚐沙拉時有適量芝麻油醋的輔佐, 不至於過於單調, 溫熱黑松露炒蛋有著滑順口感與蛋香, 搭配檸檬辣椒烘菌菇, 整體吃起來很不錯, 我低估這道沙拉, 難怪很多客人單點這道. 我個人推薦 2 ~ 4 人就可以點這一道來分享.
The price NTD $850 is for 2 people portion. The restaurant staff assists separating the salad into one person portion (Pic 2). I have to say that the salad quantity is more than expected. The sesame vinaigrette pairs great with fresh arugula. The chili and lemon sautéed mushrooms gives a bit of stimulation to the tastebuds.The warm hot truffle is flavorful with smooth texture. Overall, it is quite delicious. I definitely underestimated this dish. I would recommend 2 ~ 4 people to share this dish.
♛ 台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List
連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)
連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康 No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health
Hand-made Pasta with Steamed Lobster
Price: NTD $2200
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
Tutto Bello 主廚採用波士頓龍蝦, 而不是像 “Will’s Teppanyaki “ 的澳洲水姑娘龍蝦. 上一次在 “侯布雄 L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon ” 也有吃到龍蝦義大利麵, Tutto Bello 龍蝦義大利麵份量蠻多, 可以兩人分享, 淋上的是燉煮濃郁龍蝦醬汁, 醬汁裡的辛辣風味稍微蓋住龍蝦與紅蝦的鮮味, 整體吃起來比台北101 的 “大東尼義大利餐廳“的龍蝦麵好吃, 只是這一道價格是 NTD $2200, 請自行斟酌.
Tutto Bello restaurant uses Boston Lobster instead of high-end Austrlian Spiny Lobster. I also tasted lobster pasta at “L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon Taipei”. The quantity of Tutto Bello pasta is quite large. The sauce on the pasta is lobster jus. Small amount of spicy flavor covers the seafood flavor from the lobster and shrimp. Overall, it tastes better than “Da Antonio Restaurant”. However, please note that the price is NTD $2200.
延伸閱讀: Will’s Teppanyaki 》高檔卻價格合理的新開幕台北鐵板燒
延伸閱讀: Da Antonio Restaurant 》台北 101 大安東尼義大利餐廳
延伸閱讀: L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon Taipei 》侯布雄菜單 2021 幾乎全都點
香煎鴨肝 & 餛飩
Seared Duck Liver & Tortellini
Price: NTD $1250
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
我上次吃鴨肝是在 “Lou Lou Dining Express “ 的羅西尼牛排 , 這次在 Tutto Bello 餐廳吃單純的香煎鴨肝與鴨肝餛飩. 鴨肝份量頗多, 表層的無花果醬賦予鴨肝微甜風味, 搭配厚實波特酒醬汁, 比較沒有鴨肝的濃郁風味, 餛飩外層頗厚, 讓鴨肝內餡也不會過於明顯, 這道反而比較適合 “鴨肝初試者”. 建議四人以上再點這一道餐點.
I had the duck liver at “Lou Lou Dining Express” Rossini Steak. This time at Tutto Bello, I have the simple seared duck liver and tortellini with duck liver filling. The quantity is quite large. The figs jam on the appearance brings mild sweetness to the tastebuds. The porter sauce also covers most classic duck flavor. As for the thick Tortellini, the duck liver filling flavor aren’t too obvious as well. This dish is more suitable for people who try Duck Liver for the first time. I would suggest four people to share this dish though.
延伸閱讀: Loulou Dining Express 》台北餐酒館推薦 (內有菜單連結)
牛排 & 藍乳酪肉汁
Steak & Blue Cheese Sauce
Price: NTD $2200
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
菜單上標註是美國特級菲力, 因為缺貨, 改成澳洲和牛牛排. 份量可以兩人分享, 我們先將牛排切開, 是討喜的五分熟, 朋友將藍乳酪肉汁淋在牛排上, 除了增加鹹度外, 也讓澳洲和牛吃起來像濃郁肉香的美國牛肉, 可以搭配水牛乳酪一起入口, 以一家義大利餐廳的標準, 這道牛排算不錯吃.
USDA steak is in shortage. So, the chef offers Australian Wagyu steak. The quantity is suitable for 2 people to share. The steak is medium. Pouring in blue cheese sauce increases the meaty flavor, which makes it taste more like USA steak. It pairs great with the Burrata Cheese on the side. In Italian restaurant standard, this steak dish is quite above average.
延伸閱讀: 台北牛排推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Steak House Recommendation (By District)
Porcini Mushroom and Truffle Cappuccino
Price: NTD $450
Foodelicious: N/A
朋友點的熱湯, 我沒有喝, 朋友說松露風味微重.
My friend ordered the hot soup. My friend mentioned that the truffle flavor are a bit heavy.
Tutto Bello 甜點
Tutto Bello Dessert
Warmed Fresh Crepe with Custard Cream and Pistachio Ice Cream
Price: NTD $550
可能我最近吃太多厲害的甜點, 反倒覺得這一道甜點並沒有預期地美味, 開心果系列甜點可以考慮其他家, 例如 “ Pai Pai Cannoli”.
Maybe I tasted many delicious dessert. This dessert dish is not quite as tasty as expected. If you prefer pistachio, you can consider other places, such as “Pai Pai Cannoli”.
延伸閱讀: PAI PAI Cannoli 2021 》二訪重新開幕的 Pai Pai Cannoli 菜單推薦排行榜
Tutto Bello 單杯酒
Tutto Bellow Single Order Wine
Tutto Bello 店經理是侍酒師 ( sommelier ) , 所以我點了單杯酒, 而且是甜點酒. 2018 Les Premiers Grives, Domaine Du Tariquet (Cote De Gascogne, France) , 我其實可以“只喝”這杯甜點酒, 不用吃 Tutto Bello 甜點.
Tutto Bello manager is also sommelier. So, I order single order glass – 2018 Les Premiers Grives, Domaine Du Tariquet (Cote De Gascogne, France). Honestly, I can just drink this dessert wine instead of Tutto Bello dessert.
結論 Conclusion ⭐
如果你常去台北義式餐廳, Tutto Bello 是個不錯的選擇, Tutto Bello 餐廳的價格確實比較高, 請自行斟酌, 份量與美味程度有 Match 價格. 專業服務程度也相對比較好, 例如隨時注意換餐盤餐具, 換上的餐盤也是溫熱. 這次我們”沒有”點台灣 500 盤推薦 – 例如奶油松露義大利麵
我會建議 2 -4 人用餐, 最佳用餐時間是週末中午時段或是平日中午時段, 因為有午間套餐. 你們可以點套餐吃, 再加點單點分享, 我會建議的菜餚如下:
✅ 黑松露炒蛋沙拉
✅ 龍蝦義大利麵
✅ 兩人點一份 Tutto Bello 套餐, 若是四人就點兩份套餐
If you always visit Taipei Italian Restaurants, Tutto Bello restaurant is a good choice. Tutto Bello price is higher than other Italian restaurant. The quantity and delicious level matches the price. The professional service is better, including change the plates in exchange of warm plate. However, this time, we didn’t order truffle pasta.
I would suggest 2 ~ 4 people to dine. The best dining time would be weekend lunch or weekday lunch. They have lunch set. You can order in set and order extra single dish. I would suggest the following:
✅ Truffle Salad
✅ Lobster Pasta
✅ Two people order one set. If there are four people, you can order 2 sets.
延伸閱讀: 台北義式餐廳推薦名單 (分區) 》 Taipei Italian Restaurant Recommendation
Tutto Bello 短秒影片
Tutto Bello Video
Tutto Bello 資訊
Tutto Bello Information
店名:Tutto Bello
地址: 台北市中山區雙城街25巷15號1樓 (Map)
捷運站: 中山國小捷運站
電話: 02-2592-3355
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tuttobelloresto
Restaurant: Tutto Bello
Address: 1F, No. 15, 25th Lane, Shuangcheng Street, Zhongshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongshan Elementary School MRT station
Tel: 02-2592-3355
Tutto Bello 菜單
Tutto Bello Menu
Tutto Bello Dessert Menu
Tutto Bello Wine Menu