Google Analytics Certification 》關於 Google Analytics 認證的五個問題

Last Updated on 2022-05-10 by Foodelicious

這篇文章內有 Google Analytics 認證 考古題 , 也有另一個 Google 數位行銷基礎知識考試的資訊.
This article includes Google Analytics Mock Test (Chinese version). I also put information about Google Digital Marketing Test information as well.

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關於 GA 認證的五個問題

Google Analytics 是什麼?

What is Google Analytics?

簡單來說 , Google Analytics 是一個網站分析工具, 我指的網站是 http 開頭 (例如我的網站: ) , 而不是像 Momo 電商. 畢竟網站需要是自己的, 才能安裝GA的追蹤代碼 (Tracking Code). 基本上 GA 會提供使用者去哪些頁面, 流量來源 …. 等重要資訊. 我個人認為 GA 對”自營” 購物網站最有用!
Google Analytics is a digital tool to analyze the website. My website definition starts with http (For example, my website: ) instead of Amazon. The website has to be yours in order to install tracking code. Google Analytics provide several important informations, such as where do viewers come from, which pages are the most popular ..etc. I personally think that GA is a perfect tool for self-operated shopping website.


Google Analytics 認證對求職有用嗎?

Will the future company consider Google Analytics Certification as a plus for getting a job?

你如果剛大學畢業, 也有 GA 認證, 有專屬 HR 部門的大公司會考慮約你去面試, 面試之前會比其他人有機會面試. 至於已在社會工作兩年以上, 老闆們比較在意的是工作經驗, 畢竟 Google Analytics 認證考的是“概念”, 實際操作需要有自己的網站.
If you only graduate university and have a GA Certification, you might have a better chance to attend the interview than others in a large corporation with HR department. However, if you already worked in the field over 2 years, the bosses only care about operating the actual GA tool. The certification only focus on concepts.


Google Analytics 認證在哪裡考? 多少錢?

Where do I take GA test? How much is it?

考 Google Analytics 認證是免費!! 而且是在網路上考. 步驟如下

1. 建議先到
2. 按照網站上的步驟註冊 Gmail 帳號 , 我個人是考中文版, 但是名字是用英文. 你們還是用中文名字吧.
3. 我個人會建議先在網站上Google Analytics (分析) 的基礎知識與 Google Analytics (分析) 的進階概念, 再考試會比較容易過.

Taking the online test is FREE!! The steps are the following:

1. Please go to
2.Follow the step to register Gmail account. I take Chinese version test but use English name. You should use Chinese name though.
3.I would suggest to take GA basic and advanced class before taking the test.


考 Google Analytics 認證需要注意的事項?

What do I need to notice for taking the GA test?

考 Google Analytics 認證是 Open Book , 也就是如果不知道答案可以 google 答案, 所以許多人都有拿到認證.

1.一頁有一個選擇題, 不能回去 double check 答案.
2.如果分數低於80分就是不及格, 需要 24 小時後才能再考一次 我只考了 88 分.
3. Google Analytics 認證有效期限只有一年.

GA test is Open Book. If you don’t know the answer, you can google it while taking the test. Therefore, lots of people have the GA certification.

Please note three things:
1.Each page has one multiple choice question. You cannot go back to double check the questions.
2.If the test result is under 80, you fail. You would need to wait 24 hours to re-take the test. My test result is 88.
3. Google Analytics Certification will expire after one year.

Google Analytics 認證考古題 在哪裡?

Where is the Google Analytics Mock Test?

我選出近期的 GA 考古題 (中文版), 祝考試成功!!


I selected the recent GA mock test (chinese version) for you.



Bonus – Google 數位行銷基礎知識考試

Bonus – Google Basic Digital Marketing Test

Google 數位行銷基礎知識 與 Google Analytics 認證沒有直接的關係, Google 數位行銷基礎知識也是免費網路課程與考試, 只是課程有 40 小時 , 知名度也沒有 Google Analytics 認證 , 我也有去考.


You don’t need to take Google Basic Digital Marketing Test in order to take GA. It is also online class but with 40 hours. The google basic digital marketing test is not as famous as GA test. However, I still take the test.

Mock Test :數位行銷基礎知識完整版-考試攻略-71e2f763edf9




