品鮨日本料理 》台北石牌捷運站美食 | Japanese Food

Last Updated on 2017-08-03 by Foodelicious

台北榮總附近的石牌捷運站美食名單不能少了品鮨日本料理, 除了知名的握壽司外和海鮮丼飯, 也有季節性料理.
Pin Chi Japanese Restaurant is located near Shipai MRT station at Beitou District. Besides “nigiri” and “don” (rice), they also have seasonal limited edition menu.


*菜單放文末 Menu is at the end of Article *



English Name: Seafood Nigiri
單點 Price: NTD $290
套餐 Set Price: NTD $370
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這是一道熟客來都會點的料理, 除了七貫握壽司外, 主廚更加碼地把玉子燒和甜蝦頭放置在握壽司兩旁. 最值得一提的是甜蝦頭, 主廚將少許醋飯放入有豐富蝦精華的蝦頭裡, 炙燒後讓醋飯有著鍋吧口感, 蝦頭也更為酥脆. 主廚更是不吝嗇地將日本松葉蟹膏佐在甜蝦握壽司上, 兩種食材相輔增加更多鮮甜風味.
This is a dish that most customers would order. Besides 7 different kinds of Negiri, the chef also has shrimp head and tamagoyaki (Japanese omelette). The chef torches the shrimp head into crispy texture, which is fulfilled with rice. As for the raw shrimp, they also place fair amount of crab paste in order to taste different delicious flavors.


除了握壽司的海鮮要新鮮外, 也很注重刀工, 厚切鮭魚肚的刀工紋路視覺效果十足, 油脂讓生魚片更加滑順與鮮美. 主廚更講究表面微炙燒, 更能凸顯生魚片的鮮度.
Besides the seafoods on the Nigiri are fresh, the chef’s professional knife skill is also the key point. The chef only grilled a thin layers of fish on the negiri, which would emphasize the freshness of the fish.




English Name: Set Salad & Panna Cotta
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

沙拉則是採用當季蔬果, 新鮮脆度搭配和風醬非常適合春夏天沙拉. 網路上Google後才知道奶酪是店家自己製作, 綿密程度極高且美味.
The chef uses seasonal fruits and vegetable as for salad ingredients. The taste is crisp and fresh. Google mentions that Panna Cotta is made by their chef. Therefore, the Pann Cotta is creamy and delicious as well.



English Name: Grilled Nigiri
Price: Price May Vary 時價
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

我朋友豪邁地點了三種, 炙燒比目魚鰭邊握壽司微薄, 但整體還是有飽足感, 炙燒鮭魚的美味程度跟生鮭魚相似, 炙燒牛肉部分我並沒有品嚐,
My friend orders 3 different grilled nigiri – Halibut, Salmon, and Beef. The most delicious would be the grilled Halibut.



English Name: Lobster Salad Nigiri
Price: NTD $60 / 2 units
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

這是我朋友點的, 並沒有品嚐到.
My friend orders this dish, so, I didn’t taste it.





Restaurant Name 店名: 品鮨日式料理 Pin Chi Japanese Restaurant
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pinchi0306/
Address: No. 138, 2nd Section, Donghua Street, Taipei City 台北市北投區東華街二段138號 (MAP)
Nearby MRT station: Shipai MRT station 石牌捷運站
營業時間: 11am ~ 2pm ; 5pm ~ 9pm



