南村 私廚‧小酒棧 》忠孝敦化捷運站眷村菜美食 | 44 SV Bistro

Last Updated on 2023-05-15 by Foodelicious

南村 私廚‧小酒棧屬於台北忠孝敦化捷運站美食, 也是少數公認台北東區眷村菜餐廳代表之一, 這次有這個榮幸可品嚐到餐廳雙人套餐 (NTD $1200/人).
44 SV Bistro is one of the Taipei Zhongxiao Dunhua MRT station restaurants. It is also one of the Military Kindred Villages Food restaurants at Taipei East District. Now, I have the opportunity to try out their two people set (NTD $1200/per person)

南村 私廚‧小酒棧跟另一家南村小吃 (小凱悅) 並沒有直接關係, 只是同樣都是賣眷村菜料理, 南村私廚採預約制, 大部分的客人是選擇套餐, 也就是將眷村菜作成西式套餐般, 可以兩人或四人小家庭享用, 店家也提到可以單點, 但需事先討論, 店內也有娃娃椅, 並不需要跟傳統桌菜一樣需要湊到一桌十人.
You would need to call to reserve seats. There isn’t an official menu stating the price of each dish. The menu only stated the set price. However, if you need to order separately (without the set), you can always consult with the restaurant staffs. The set is suitable for 2 people or 4 people. You do not need 10 people to dine together around the table like the traditional Chinese cuisine.

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


從店外落地窗可看到店內裝潢亮麗, 與印象中的眷村餐廳 (例如”村子口”和陸光小館) 懷舊風格截然不同, 店內曾經舉辦過許多品酒會, 有中式餐廳不常見的醒酒器和葡萄酒杯, 餐廳也出現在許多知名媒體, 例如 VOGUE時尚雜誌. 南村私廚從此成為宴客的最佳選擇. 由於當天品嚐許多菜餚, 我會從我最愛的料理開始寫.
The indoor design is different from the traditional and old-time design Military Kindred Villages Food restaurants (such as “Tsun-Zhi-Co”) .They hosted many Wine Tasting Events, therefore it has various wine glasses and decanters. This restaurant has many media exposures, such as Taiwan Vogue. Since my friend and I tried many dishes, I would start with the dish that I prefer most.




價格: NTD $1200 (+10%) /人
備註: 若要改變菜色, 請事先直接與店員溝通
English Name: 44 SV Dining Set
Price: NTD $1200 (+10%) /per person
Remark: If you would like to change the dish, please consult with the staff prior.




English Name: Mao Style Braised Pork with Buns
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

毛氏紅燒肉顧名思議是毛澤東最愛的紅燒肉料理, 主廚採用台灣深坑黑毛豬肉, 比一般豬肉多油脂和肉質紮實. 毛氏紅燒肉並沒有放醬油, 亮褐紅色是用糖來上色.夾起油脂豐潤的紅燒肉放進印有南村LOGO手掌大的刈包, 紅燒肉口感比東坡肉更為Q 彈, 且風味甜多於鹹, 整體並不會膩, 我相信即使口頭上說害怕吃肥肉, 也是會停不下來把一整個刈包吃完.
Mao Style Braised Pork is basically the formal Chinese leader Mao Zedong’s favorite dish. The chef uses Taiwan ShenKeng Iberico, which has more fats and dense meat texture. The red brown color is from the sugar instead of soy sauce. The flavor is sweet instead of salty. The correct way is to put the braised pork into the Bun and grab a bite. I truly believe that even you said you don’t like to eat the fat, you would never stop eating this dish.




English Name: He-Nan Steamed Noodle
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

人不可貌相, 食物更不可以用外表來定義美味.原本以為“蒸麵”是白,軟與清淡, 這道菜餚給我的第一印象像粵菜系的雙面黃, 主廚一邊解釋這道料理是豫菜系, 麵體是細生陽春麵, 與預炒細切五花, 豆芽與長豆配料一起在鍋裡燜熟, 在這 40 分鐘過程, 廚師也需要確認麵不能到燒焦程度, 是一道費時費功的菜餚. 這道河南蒸麵上色均勻, 以醬油香氣為主導, 麵口感比雙面黃再軟一些, 豬肉並沒有在蒸的過程中變乾, 帶有應有的嫩度, 可惜的是麵份量並沒有預期中地多, 我自己應該可以吃完一整鍋, 我相當推薦這一道料理.
Honestly, I thought steamed noodle is supposed to be white and soft without any flavor. However, my first impression is this dish looks a lot like Pan-Fried Noodle in Cantonese Cuisine. Instead, the chef uses regular noodle instead of egg noodle to steam with pork , bean sprout and beans. With total 40 minutes of cooking, the chef would need to check the noodle is crispy instead of burned. The flavor is dominated by the soy sauce. The taste is softer than the traditional pan-fried noodle. The port is still tender as expected. This is a traditional dish from He-Nan province. I strongly recommend this dish.



金沙裹大蝦 (1人1尾)

English Name: Pawn with Salty Egg flavor
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

之前在 “Gumgum Beer & Wings” 餐酒館有吃過金沙蛋黃風味雞翅, 這次在南村 私廚‧小酒棧吃金沙裹大蝦. 外觀看似椒鹽蝦, 不同的是主廚事先將蝦剖背處理, 間接讓露出的每一吋蝦肉皆有均勻風味, 但這風味並不是只有單一鹹味, 而是來自高粱與米酒醃製的鹹蛋黃, 沙沙口感加上鹹香風味是最好的形容.
I tasted chicken wing with salty egg flavor at “Gumgum Beer & Wings” . This time, I tastes pawn with salty egg flavor at 44 SV Bistro. The appearance looks similar with the salt and pepper shrimp. The difference would be the chef pre-cut and clean the shrimp. Each inch of the pawn meat is coated with the salty egg mixed with rice wine flavor. The taste is mainly salty along with other flavors.



黃金炸餃子 (1人兩顆)

English Name: Fried Dumplings (2 pcs/per person)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

外觀類似炸餛飩, 酥脆程度高, 咬下去時會有ㄎㄠˇ的聲響, 外層厚實不至於會碎片滿桌或是肉汁噴出, 有點像在吃餡餅的感覺. 主廚說每天的內餡都不固定, 那天的炸餃內餡是韭菜豬肉, 韭菜風味與肉香平衡, 並不會有很多人在意的過重韭菜氣味.
The appearance is more like fried wonton. This dish is extremely crispy. Eating this dish is more like eating the Chinese pastry. The filling is different each day. The one that I tried was leek mixed with pork. Both flavors are balanced, which is preferred by most people.




English Name: SV Braised Chicken, Beef Tripe & Tendon
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

南村大滷拼走的是精緻風格, 而非像桃園 “巧合珍牛肉麵”像小山丘般的特製滷味. 圖左是成本較高的台東富貴白斬雞, 除了嫩與入味之外, 雞肉與骨頭相當容易分離,對我來說這已經是最高境界. 圖右牛腱與牛肚滷得相當入味, 並沒有討人厭的嚼勁, 而是軟嫩度高, 是一道相當不錯的下酒菜.
44 SV Bistro Braised dish is more like upscale edition among others. The chicken, which is from Taitung, is extremely tender and braised well. The most surprising part would be it is easy to separate the chicken meat and the bones. As for the beef tripe and tendon, both are braised well and tender.




English Name: SV Side Dishes
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

南村三味包括衝菜, 南村煎饅頭腐乳醬, 醋溜土豆絲. 衝 (ㄔㄨㄥˋ) 菜是用芥菜花, 炒後像韓國泡菜一樣放進罐中蓋好, 南村 私廚‧小酒棧的衝菜口感類似雪裡紅, 風味比哇沙米更嗆, 無止盡地刺激味蕾. 醋溜土豆絲是經典的眷村菜, 與市面上較不同的是馬鈴薯絲是雪白色, 並沒有上色, 冰鎮土豆絲相當脆且醋辣味都不會過重, 相當涮嘴. 香煎山東饅頭外型像大蒜麵包, 一旁的腐乳磚則是像奶油抹醬, 建議用西式的吃法, 也就是腐乳醬抹在饅頭後入口,會有意想不到的鹹香風味.
SV Side dishes include pickled mustard green, Chinese steamed bun with fermented tofu, and sliced potato with vinegar. The pickled mustard green has strong aroma and wasabi-like flavor. The cold sliced potato is crisp and with fair amount of acidity. As for the Chinese steamed bun, it looks like garlic bread. The fermented tofu brick shape looks like butter. The correct way to eat is to spread the fermented tofu on the steamed bun. The taste is interesting since it is salty.



English Name: Scrambled Egg Soup with Sesame Oil
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這其實是第一道菜, 如同西式的餐前湯品一人一碗. 湯頭並不濃郁, 麻油香氣十足蓋過蛋與蔥花香氣, 確實有開頭暖胃與暖味蕾的效果.
This is actually the first dish, just like in Western cuisine. The broth is not thick. But the sesame oil flavor covers the eggs and green onion aroma. But, it warms up the stomach and wakes up the tastebuds.




English Name: SV Stewed Grind Pork Ball Shape
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這道獅子頭擺盤並不是盤子上, 而是在湯鍋中, 內餡明顯地比 “忠南飯館”的紅燒獅子頭細緻, 鍋中的金華火腿與白菜比預期地脆, 而非軟爛.
This grind pork is not displayed on the plate, instead, it is placed inside the pot. The filling is grinded throughly than the one at “Chungnam Restaurant”. The ham and Chinese cabbage is crispy instead of mushy.




English Name: Spicy Chicken with peppers
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

脆度高與辣度高的雞肉, 相當適合喜歡吃辣的饕客嘗試.
The high crispy and strong spicy chicken is suitable for foodie who like spicy food.




English Name: Stir-Fried Mixed Vegetables
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

長輩們點菜時一定會點青菜, 這道清炒田園時蔬並不會過油, 且每一樣食材都是脆的口感.
There must be at least one vegetable dish in every table. This dish is not overly too oily. Each ingredient is crisp and fresh.


季節水果 & 甜點 (Sweet Chen)

English Name: Fruits & Dessert (Sweet Chen)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

當我聽到 Sweet Chen的名稱時, 我以為是像幸運籤餅 (Fortune Cookie) 一樣是來自美國中國城, Sweet Chen 其實台灣甜點品牌, 知名甜點為棉花糖布朗尼. 當天的甜點是覆盆子口味棉花糖, 上下層布朗尼的巧克力風味不會被中間的覆盆子蓋住, 棉花糖口感更是讓人驚豔. 至於水果, 份量相當多, 也相當甜.
When I hear the name “Sweet Chen”, I thought it is from USA, just like the fortune cookie. Sweet Chen is Taiwan dessert brand, which its famous item would be marshmallow brownie. The chocolate brownie flavor is not covered by the raspberry flavor. The taste of the marshmallow is surprising. As for the fruits, there are lots of quantity and also sweet.




English Name: SV Honey Lemon Juice
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這ㄧ款飲料有包括在套餐裡, 蜂蜜香氣濃郁, 檸檬風味是入口後才感受得到, 甜多過於酸, 不論搭配哪一道菜都很適合.
This honey lemon juice is included in the set. The honey aroma is thick, however, the lemon flavor appears while drinking. There are more sweet than acidity. It is good pairing with any food.



Domaines Barons de Rothschild Corbieres Chateau d’Aussieres

ABV: 14%
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這一瓶來自法國的紅酒是老闆招待, 並無包括在套餐內. 奧希耶酒莊 ( Aussieres ) 被五大酒莊集團之一的拉菲堡集團 (Chateau Lafite-Rothschile)收購, 釀出來的葡萄酒理所當然讓人期待. 這款酒是多種葡萄釀造混調而成, 主導為 Syrah (60%) , 其他三種葡萄則是 Grenache, Mataro, Carinena. 暗紅酒體飽滿, 酒標上寫著 40% 的原酒放置橡木桶醇化 12 ~ 16 個月, 但是這款酒的辛香料與李子風味明顯蓋過煙燻味, 整體單寧細緻順口.
This bottle is from France, and not included in the set. Aussieres is purchased by Chateau Lafite-Rothschile. This wine has Syrah (60%),Grenache, Mataro and Carinena. The dark red wine body texture is full-bodied. The spice flavor and plum flavor covers most of the smoked flavor. It pairs well with most dishes, especially the He-Nan Steamed Noodle.

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警語: 警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

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♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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Restaurant Name 店名: 南村 私廚‧小酒棧 44 SV Bistro
Address: No. 10 , 33rd Alley, 216th Lane, 4th section, Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei City 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段216巷33弄10號 (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/44svbistro/
Nearby MRT station: Zhongxiao Dunhua MRT station 忠孝敦化捷運站
電話:02- 2711-7272
營業時間: Check Facebook



