【 原萃錫蘭無糖紅茶 】阿部寬 | Ceylon Tea | Yuan-Cui Brand

Last Updated on 2017-04-27 by Foodelicious

這不是新聞稿! 我只是昨天剛好逛小七時發現原萃錫蘭無糖紅茶 (新產品), 後來才知道太古可口可樂公司請日本藝人阿部寬當旗下品牌原萃的代言人.

This is not a promotional article! I purchased this Yuan-Cui Ceylon Tea product  before the new product launch conference.  Coke company hires the Japanese celebrity “Abe Hiroshi” as “Yuan-Cui” brand representative.


Product Name: 原萃錫蘭無糖紅茶  Yuan-Cui Ceylon Tea with No Sugar

💰  Price: 特價 NTD $25

⚖ Total ml 總容量: 580ml

UPC Code: 4710018175107

Foodelicious 美味程度 : 🎉🎉


倒出橘紅色的茶體, 錫蘭紅茶的強烈花香味並無出現, 品嚐第一口時, 風味並無手泡熱錫蘭來得明顯, 為了跟大眾市場做區隔, 這款產品並無加糖, 但後韻也不會澀.  整體上來說表現平平.個人覺得還是原萃烏龍茶(褐色包裝) 較為順口, 但是如果你喜歡進口紅茶, 你應該會很喜歡這款產品.

After pouring out orange red color tea, the Ceylon Tea aroma doesn’t appear. Gulping down this Ceylon tea, there isn’t any strong floral aroma as the hand-brewed tea. This product doesn’t add any sugar, surprisingly the aftertaste is not  astringent. I would still prefer the Oolong Tea (the brown package). But, if you like imported Sir Lanka tea, you might like to drink this product.


