【 Stone Mocha IPA 】美國Stone摩卡加強版印度淺色苦味愛爾啤酒 | USA Beer | 美國啤酒

Last Updated on 2017-10-09 by Foodelicious

在美國已成立20多年, “Stone Brand” 的Logo很明顯地展現出男人味, 如果”Leffe Brand”是鄰家女孩 (Emma Stone), “Stone Brand” 就是騎著哈雷的壞男孩 (Hugh Jackman – Wolverine).
Stone Brewing , which is located at USA, is established for about 20 years. By looking at its logo, the brand image is no doubt muscular. If “Leffe Brand” is the girl next door, “Stone Brand” would be the bad boy in a biker club. “Stone Brewing



Product Name 產品名稱:  Stone Mocha IPA  美國Stone摩卡IPA啤酒
Country of Origin 原產地: USA 美國
Foodelicious 美味程度 : 🎉🎉🎉

Channel 購買地點: Trial Taste Event 品酒會
Price: N/A  Trial Taste Event 品酒會
Total ml 總容量: 355 ml
ABV 酒精濃度: 9 %
Bottle Bar Code:  N/A
進口商: 臺虎精釀股份有限公司
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酒體顏色如淡水河畔夕陽的橘黃色, 泡沫單薄且較快揮發, 嗅覺感受到強烈的咖啡香, 味蕾很明顯地察覺到帶有適量甜度的咖啡口味, 由於酒體較為滑順, 並無帶給舌尖過多的強烈衝擊. 在反覆品嚐這款啤酒時, 中段才會出現微甜黑巧克的口味, 兩種口味混合成為所謂的摩卡口味, 釀酒廠加入咖啡與可可一起釀造, 但並不像星巴克摩卡以巧克力為主導, 而是以咖啡為主導. 這款啤酒是由兩種美國啤酒花釀造- Amarillo 啤酒花特色是辛香料與明顯柑橘風味, Citra啤酒花則是柑橘與其他果香風味, 但是由於摩卡風味太過濃烈導致覆蓋微弱果香, 微酸口味則是在最後階段才會察覺到.這款啤酒不一定只適合男生, 女生也可以品嚐此款啤酒的精華- 摩卡口味, 但是記得要注意酒精濃度高達9%!

The beer body color is as orange as the sunset at Cuba. However, the foam is a bit thin and evaporate fast. The nose immediately senses the strong coffee aroma. Its primary flavor is quite obvious – Strong Coffee Flavor with fair amount of sweetness. It isn’t a strong impact since the beer itself is full-bodied and smooth.  The mild dark chocolate flavor only appears when the cup is half empty. Stone Brewing invented this particular mocha flavor by brewing with coffee bean and chocolate. Stone Brewing uses two kinds of American hops. Amarillo Hops brings spicy and distinct orange flavor to the beer. Citra Hops brings citrus and fruity flavor to the beer. However, the primary mocha flavor completed block the fruity flavor. It isn’t easy to catch the hint of bitterness unless you focus on the last drop.Overall, this beer is not necessary for guys only. Girls can also enjoy the best out of this beer- mocha essence. However, be aware of the 9% ABV!!


警語: 飲酒過量,有害 (礙) 健康  <- 菸酒管理法規定要寫的!
