【 信義安和捷運站 | Taipei Food 】利長春 | Li- Zhang-Chun | 中式料理 | 仁愛國小
Last Updated on 2018-02-11 by Foodelicious
街頭巷弄其實有很多傳統但是美味的餐聽, 但是因為用餐很方便, 人們容易忘記他們的料理是所謂的巷口美味, 利長春就是台北東區CP值極高的一家餐聽.
There are quite a few traditional yet delicious restaurants in between lanes. Because it is too convenient to dine in these restaurants, you tend to forget how wonderful their cuisines are. Li-Zhang-Chun is one of the cost- effective restaurants in Taipei East District.
Li-Zhang-Chun is famous for its Chinese cuisine- From Stir-friend rice to steamed dumpling.
English Name: Steamed Beef Dumpling
Price: NTD $70
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍
蒸餃的外皮比水餃較厚硬, 水餃大部分是用滾水烹煮, 蒸餃則是用放在蒸籠裡的 烘烤紙上, 內餡較常見的有牛肉或豬肉, 利長春的蒸餃形狀為飽滿如元寶, 咬下第一口是出乎意料的多汁, 嘴裡會充滿濃郁的韭菜味和肉的香味, 外皮厚實但不過乾是此道成功料理的原因之一.
Regular dumplings are boiled and cooked in the water. Steamed dumplings are put in the steam basket with baking paper. The appearance tends to be thicker than the regular one. The filling options are mostly beef and pork. When eating the first bite, fair amount of ground beef filling is succulent with mixed strong chive and meaty flavors. This is a great dish considering the appearance is not dry and its shape is full like YuanBo.
English Name: Wonton Soup (Large)
Price: NTD $45
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
餛飩的外皮通常比蒸餃與水餃薄, 若餛飩沒有折好, 外皮很容意破裂. 菜單上大部分都是餛飩湯或餛飩麵, 只有紅油炒手是無湯. 利長春的餛飩外皮雖然薄但結實, 建議將少許胡椒粉在湯裡, 享受連同餛飩一起品嚐.
Wonton appearance is usually thinner than steamed dumpling and regular dumpling. If it doesn’t folded properly, the appearance might get broken and the filling might fall out. Most Wontons are served in soup or noodle, however red oil wonton is served in dry with spices and hot oil. Li-Zhang-Chun’s Wonton appearance is quite firm but thin. Best suggestion is to put some peppers into the soup and enjoy both soup and wontons at the same time.
English Name: Pig’s Ear
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍
小菜豬耳朵可以品嚐熱或是涼, 跟其他餐廳不一樣, 利長春把豬耳朵切得較厚且外Q彈內脆.
Pig’s Ear is considered as one of the Chinese appetizers. It can be served in cold or hot. Unlike other restaurants, Li-Zhang-Chun chef cuts the pig ear’s in thick slices. The most delicious pig’s ear would be chewy and moist but the central is crisp with meaty flavor. Li-Zhang-Chun’s pig’s ear fits the profile.
English Name: Stir-fried Shrimp Rice
Price: NTD $85
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
通常中式料理炒飯的飯都是隔夜飯, 由於隔夜飯是有脫水作用而形成粒粒分明. 以$85元的價格,利長春放進適量的蝦仁, 雖然沒有海鮮風味, 但是有大量的飯和青菜可以滿足食慾.
Most rice in stir-fried dish is leftover rice from prior day. This kind of rice is usually dryer and easy to absorb sauce and oil. With NTD $85, the chef puts fair amount of small shrimps. Even though there isn’t any seafood flavor, but there are other vegetables and large amount of rice to fulfill your craving.
Restaurant Name店名: Li- Zhang-Chun Restaurant 利長春
Address: No. 8, Lan 112, AnHo Road, Taipei, Taiwan 台北市大安區安和路一段112巷8號 (Map)
MRT station 捷運站: XingYi AnHo MRT Station 信義安和站
Tel:02 2706 2072
營業時間: 11am~3pm ; 4:30pm ~ 8:30pm