【101捷運站 | Taipei City 】一幻拉麵 | Ebisoba Ichigen Ramen | 象山捷運站

Last Updated on 2019-01-26 by Foodelicious

一幻拉麵是日本知名拉麵的海外分店, 其實早在2015年於台北信義區開幕的時候造成轟動, 最近被告知這家拉麵本店是位於北海道且拉麵湯頭跟市面上見到的不一樣.
Ebisoba Ichigen Ramen, which is another Japanese Ramen oversea branch, is located at Neo 19. This restaurant is opened since 2015. But only until recently, I was told that Ebisoba Ichigen Ramen is from Hokkaido and its soup base is absolutely different from the market.

由於已過上班族用餐時間, 馬上就入座, 室內的木質感裝潢相似其他家日本餐廳, 桌上放置了一款鮮紅色粉的香料罐, 詢問之後才知道是辣椒粉,由於湯頭比較特別, 若用了七味粉, 會破壞原本鮮醇的拉麵湯頭.
When entering the restaurant, the wooden design is similar with most Japanese restaurants. After ordering, I noticed that there is a can of red powder instead of Shichimi on the table. The waitress explained that the red powder is solely hot pepper. Shichimi might ruin their delicate soup base due to different kinds of spices.

延伸閱讀: Neo 19 餐廳美食懶人包 》Neo 19 Restaurant Guide



English Name: Shrimp and Miso Ramen
Price: NTD$250
Foodelicious 美味程度:  🍜🍜🍜🍜

日本拉麵湯頭有很多種- 包括豚骨, 雞湯, 魚介和蝦. 一幻拉麵的湯頭跟五之神製作所拉麵的湯頭是採用鮮蝦頭熬煮, 原因為蝦頭有許多精華, 熬煮出來當然會比整隻剝殼後的蝦一起煮來得濃厚. 當我在拍第一張照時, 就已聞到類似海鮮湯頭的味道, 就像在舊金山灣吃著海鮮飯的感覺, 蝦味噌湯頭本身較為濃厚 (當然沒豚骨濃厚), 帶有足夠的鹹味, 拉麵上紅色裝飾其實叫做麵酥, 是用天婦羅麵衣去炸再跟蝦粉結合, 將麵酥攪拌至湯裡後會增加湯頭的鮮醇度和微甜度, 一幻的蝦湯頭成為我心目中僅次於雞湯頭的第二排名! 至於麵跟叉燒肉的部份則是平平.
There are different types of ramen soup bases – Pork, Chicken, Fish/Clam, and Shrimp!  Similar with GONOKAMI RAMEN, this restaurant’s soup base is cooked with sweet shrimp heads. Why shrimp head? The reason is that it is the essence of juicy shrimp.  While taking the first picture of the Ramen dish, the heavy seafood aroma was spreading into the air. The aroma would make you feel like you are at San Fransisco Bay enjoying Paella. The soup base was thick with fair amount of the salts because of the miso. The red garnish is actually a tempura paste mixing with shrimp powder. With this paste, it can add a hint of sweetness and thicken the shrimp flavor. The soup broth is definitely delicious. The noodle was cooked a bit too soft and the sliced porks are cooked above average.



當我詢問一幻店員使用味噌是哪種時, 他們不確定, 所以我也不知道他們用的是赤味噌(仙台味噌) 還是米味噌 (信州味噌),不同特區的特色和文化造就不同的醃製技術和與大豆之間的比例調配, 故能發酵出不同的風味, 基本上如果你已吃膩豚骨湯底, 可以試一下一幻拉麵的蝦湯頭. 或是妳在一蘭拉麵排到不想排時, 也可到此家餐廳試試.
Sadly, when I asked the staff which type of Miso that they use, they don’t know the answer. So, I have no idea if they use dark-brown miso or rice miso. Each region of Japan has their unique miso type due to their culture and recipe. If you are tired of pork broth, you can try the shrimp broth. If you are tired of lining up at ICHIRAN RAMEN, you can walk to this restaurant to try.


延伸閱讀 : 台北日本拉麵懶人包/Taipei Ramen Guide


Restaurant Name店名: Ebisoba Ichigen Ramen 一幻拉麵
Address: No. 30 , Song-Shou Road, Taipei City 台北市信義區松壽路30號 (Neo 19) (Map)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ebisobaichigen/
MRT station 捷運站: 101 MRT Station 101捷運站
Tel: 02 2723 5578
Operation Hour: 11am ~ 3:30pm ; 5pm ~ 10:30pm
