【麻荖】台北迪化街 | Fried Maltose Cookies | Taipei Dihua Street
Last Updated on 2017-10-09 by Foodelicious
Taipei Dihua Street is extremely packed during Chinese New Year.
Food Stand Name店名: Fried Maltose Cookies 麻荖
NTD $200 per Bag (Peanuts x 4 ; Black Sesame x 4 ;White Sesame x 4)
Foodelcious 美味程度: 🍘🍘🍘
MRT station 捷運站:Shuanglian MRT Station 雙連捷運站
Address: Candy Shop at DiHua Street, Taipei, Taiwan 台灣台北市迪化街糖果店皆有販售
逛迪化街的時候嘴饞買了麻荖. 之前的習俗是買來在過農曆新年買來拜神明, 現在則是迪化街常看到的一種零食. 有人問$200是便宜還是貴? 價格應該是算中等價格. 店家手工將糯米做成長型類似米果, 再油炸讓整體篷鬆, 放室溫降溫後再裹上黏稠糖衣(混合麥芽糖和白糖), 最後再裹上佐料, 最受歡迎的是花生和芝麻.咬下第一口則是有很酥脆的口感, 堅果香味參雜著麥芽香味, 當你一口接一口品嚐的時候, 則是開始有黏牙的感覺, 雖然麻荖是中空, 但是其實吃2 ~ 3 個也會有滿足感! 白芝麻 ,黑芝麻 ,花生其實都不錯吃, 但是若要硬選一個 , 我應該會選花生吧.
Is NTD $200 per bag too expensive? A bit, but worth it during Chinese New Year. There are several reasons.The vendor handmade the cookie by using Glutinous rice. Then, they fried those cookies to make their size bigger but hallow. After it cooled down, the vendor will sugar coat with the mixed of maltose and sugar. Then immediately wrapped with nuts by choice. The most usual options are sesames and peanuts. It it not easy to replicate the recipe to make it at home. When you have the first bite, the crispy sound is loud enough to have other people turning around to look at you. But, when you try to eat the rest of the cookies, you can feel your tooth are starting to taste the sticky texture mixed with sweet flavor and nuts flavors. I am satisfied with this kind of tasty sweet. Please note that this cookie is hallow inside without any filling. I always like peanuts flavor. So, if you ask me which nuts to choose. I would say peanuts instead of sesame. When I was visiting DiHua Street, I discovered this interesting treat – Fried Maltose Cookies. It has been a traditional treats during Chinese New Year. But nowadays, it is a regular item in DiHua street.