【 Italy Ceretto Moscato d’Asti DOCG 2015】Costco 好市多 | 義大利傑樂托酒莊慕司卡多微甜白酒 | DOCG
Last Updated on 2019-02-02 by Foodelicious
通常Costco的葡萄酒都在NTD$500上下, 但是這款久的價格$689對某些人來說也有點偏貴, 但是我覺得義大利傑樂托酒莊慕司卡多微甜白酒價格跟品質是對等, 換句話說就是算值得花錢去買.
Costco wines are usually around NTD $500. You probably think that Italy Ceretto Moscato d’Asti DOCG 2015 ’s price ($NTD 689) is higher. But the wine is worth it due to two reasons.
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Product Name 產品名稱: Italy Ceretto Moscato d’Asti DOCG 2015 [ 義大利傑樂托酒莊慕司卡多微甜白酒]
Wine Type種類: Aromatic White Wine 芳香型白酒
Country of Origin 原產地: Italy 義大利
Area 產區: Piedmont, North of Italy 義大利北邊的皮蒙區
Recommended Temperature 建議酌飲溫度: 12C ~ 18C
Foodelicious 美味程度 :👍👍👍
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1. Channel 購買地點: Costco
2. Price 原價: NTD $ 799
3. Total ml 總容量: 750 ml
4. ABV 酒精濃度: 5.5%
5. Bottle Bar Code: x710944620030
6. 進口商: 長榮桂冠葡萄酒坊
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擁有義大利最高等級的DOCG認證 It has DOCG certification
義大利有四種等級的認證 There are 4 levels of Italy wine certification
a. VDT:被視為日常餐酒,生產的規定較不嚴格,不能標示產地,品種,年份等, 此為最基層的認證.It is recognized as regular wine. It doesn’t have strict manufacture SOP to follow. However, this kind of wine cannot mark the origin, type of grape and year.
b. IGT: 被視為地區餐酒,通常來自於一個較大範圍的產區. This is the region wine. Its origin is from the large region of the Italy. However, it doesn’t have strict policy about manufacture SOP.
c. DOC: 持有此證明必須是在法定產區,有制式的生產控管、品種及產區. Only grapes from certain area that recognized by law can have this certification. It has strict policy about region, manufacture SOP even the grape type.
d. DOCG: 此為Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita, 生產與品種都是在保證法定產區, 控管義大利等級最高的葡萄酒,對於生產條件嚴格規定,必須成為DOC 5年以上才能成為DOCG. You must have DOC certificate for 5 years. It has the most strict policy in order to be the highest level of the wine.
當倒出韓國梨顏色的白酒時, 你可以看到和聽到如香檳氣泡般的聲音, 味道則是微甜的果香, 第一口即可感受到強烈的混合水蜜桃和荔枝香味, 由於此款酒較甜, 建議用低溫12C~ 18C來降低甜度, 若超過20度, 過甜會破壞酒原本的品質, 此款酒較適合餐前酒或宴客酒, 原因是通常台灣人吃完中國料理都會吃水果 若再喝Moscato, 恐怕會蓋過水果原本的香味. 此款酒的氣泡並不會馬上消失, 因此很適合兩個人甚至一個人喝囉. 由台灣人普遍較喜歡的甜白酒, 我會建議帶去較為輕鬆的派對.
While pouring out the pear-color wine, you can see and hear the sparkling just like Champagne.The aroma is fruity with sweet note. With suggested 12C ~ 18C temerpature, the wine already tasted quite sweet as mixed of peach and lychee flavor. The aftertaste is not bitter at all. But, if it is over 18C, it would be way too sweet. afterwards. It would be best paring with appetizer or before dining. The reason is that Taiwanese usually eat fruits after Chinese cuisine. The sweet note of this wine might cover the original flavor of the fruits.The interesting fact is that this wine sparkling doesn’t disappear after 3 hours. It is perfect for party of 2 or even 1. Because Taiwanese preferred sweet wine, I recommend this wine for party.
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警語: 警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康 No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health