【雙囍冰淇淋系列 】TWice Ice Cream Series | 團購宅配 | 輔大校友 | Online Shopping

Last Updated on 2017-04-27 by Foodelicious

之前去輔大校慶, 發現雙囍品牌冰淇淋, 上網google後此品牌廣受好評, 除了使用在地食材跟不使用色素與香料外, 他們也做到了減少糖份, 吃起來就不會像美國31冰淇淋如此甜滋滋!

I went to Fu Jen Catholic University Anniversary Festival. I always love free events! You can always discover interesting brand of food products and TWice ice cream sure is one of them. Despite all other competitors, TWice brand works hard to fulfill every consumer’s need, such as reduce sweetness, use local ingredients, and no added coloring or flavoring!


Product Name:TWice Ice Cream Series 雙囍冰淇淋系列

📍 Online Purchase ->    http://www.rakuten.com.tw/shop/twicecream/


1. Salted Egg with Almond Ice Cream 鹹蛋超仁冰淇淋


Foodelcious 美味程度: 🍦🍦🍦🍦

欽佩店家混合食材創造新口味的能力, 新口味需要花很多時間研發和行銷來說服消費者, 嘗一口後, 鹹蛋因為溫度降低相對也降低鹹度, 再加上少許杏仁, 跟奶香味相襯之下, 成為了一款有雙重感受且美味的口味!

I absolutely admire their creativity and hard work. It is time consuming to develop this kind of ice cream, let along doing marketing to persuade consumers accepting the new flavor. When tasting the first bite, the hint of salty flavor appears at your tongue tip. Eventually, you will feel the milk aroma covered all your mouth. It becomes a great interesting combination since they discovers the salty egg reduces its saltness! Once in a while, you will get almond and salty egg pieces just to complete this great ice cream.


2. Taiwanese Milk Tea Ice Cream 正港奶茶冰淇淋


Foodelcious 美味程度: 🍦🍦🍦

茶冰淇淋在台灣很常見 尤其是抹茶冰淇淋  就如名稱所述, 吃起來雖然很單純, 但奶茶味濃厚, 會讓你一口接一口吃停不下來!

There are many kinds of tea flavor ice creams in the market, especially green tea. Comparing with other ice creams, this flavor is pretty straight forward instead of complex flavors. If you like strong Taiwanese Milk Tea flavor, this ice cream will be your no. 1 choice.



3. Sesame Caramel-Pistachio Ice Cream 焦糖芝麻開心果冰淇淋


Foodelcious 美味程度: 🍦🍦🍦🍦

還記得泰式拉麵店推出芝麻冰淇淋的時候, 黑到像沼泥面膜, 會令人卻步. 此款冰淇淋有著細微芝麻顆粒 很特別的是竟然有很濃厚芝麻味, 雖然焦糖跟開心果是配角, 但是缺一不可!

It makes you wonder how all three ingredients coordinate with each other. The appearance of this ice cream is not as black as Thai Noodle Restaurant sesame ice cream. On the contrary, the natural sesame flavor is stronger than other brands that I came across.  Caramel flavor is hidden inside the sesame flavor and not easy to detect. As for Pistachio, it is another nuts that we consumers called it extra benefit!



我吃過很多國際知名品牌的冰淇淋, 但雙囍冰淇淋給我很深刻的印象!

I have tried many international brand ice creams. But this Taiwanese brand left a great impression!
