Fu Hang Soy Milk Taipei 》關於台北早餐阜杭豆漿菜單與外送

Last Updated on 2023-10-01 by Foodelicious

許多愛吃台北傳統早餐的饕客所關心的話題 – 阜杭豆漿菜單價格阜杭豆漿外送, 這家位於善導寺捷運站早餐更是台北米其林必比登推薦之一.
Many Taipei Local Breakfast lovers consider Fu Hang Soy Milk menu & price & delivery information important. This breakfast shop is also on the list of 2020 BIB GOURMAND GUIDE TAIPEI.

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About Fu Hang Soy Milk MRT

阜杭豆漿位於華山市場的二樓, 市場大門離只有樓梯的善導寺捷運站5 號出口只有1分鐘, 離有電扶梯的善導寺站四號出口只有2分鐘.
Fu Hang Soy Milk is located at Huashan Market 2nd floor. The market front door is about 1 minute from Exit 5 of Shandao Temple MRT station with only stairs. It is about 2 minutes walking from Exit 4 with escalator.

延伸閱讀: 其他善導寺站美食 》Other Restaurants at Shandao Temple MRT station



About Fu Hang Soy Milk Waiting Line & Operation Hour

阜杭豆漿營業時間是 5:30am ~ 12:30pm, 休息日為星期一. 請注阜杭豆漿排隊的隊伍是在側門, 並不是在大門, 大門是排 “合掌村壽司”.如果沒注意到走道上的標示, 最簡單的方式就是跟隨人潮排隊. 當天用餐我 10 am 去排隊, 大概 30 分鐘.
Fu Hang Soy Milk operation hour is 5:30am ~ 12:30pm. The off-day is Monday. Please note that people line up at the side door instead of front door of the market. The easiest way would be follow the people for the line. I went there around 10am with about 30 minutes.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Sushi 》台北華山合掌村壽司店依舊人潮不斷

延伸閱讀: 台北華山文創園區與週邊美食 》Huashan Creative Park Restaurants and Cafes



About Fu Hang Soy Milk Delivery

阜杭豆漿自己並沒有外送服務, 也沒有與 “Foodpanda” 或是 “Ubereat”合作. 目前我查到的阜杭豆漿外送有兩個網路平台, 規則皆不同, 請仔細閱讀. 附近的飯店 (例如 喜來登飯店)有時也會不定期與阜杭豆漿合作. 這裡也可外帶, 大部分的人都是內用.

卡個位 Cutaway Link: https://reurl.cc/av3EYX
客路 Klook Link: https://reurl.cc/Z7m83g

Fu Hang Soy Milk doesn’t have its own delivery service. It also doesn’t cooperate with “Foodpanda” or “Ubereat”. The only two online delivery for Fu Hang Soy Milk. The rules are different, so, please read carefully. The nearby hotel (for example Sheraton Hotel) sometimes cooperate with Fu Hang Soy Milk for special promotion. You can also order to-go, but most people choose to dine-in.

Cutaway Link: https://reurl.cc/av3EYX
Klook Link: https://reurl.cc/Z7m83g



About Fu Hang Soy Milk Menu

阜杭豆漿菜單上的燒餅有分薄餅與厚餅, 厚燒餅算是比較少見, 排隊內用的人幾乎都是點厚燒餅. 阜杭豆漿知名餐點為厚蛋夾油條, 米漿與焦糖甜餅. 在排隊的同時, 可透過窗戶看到店員正在手工擀皮, 用傳統炭火烤爐烘烤燒餅. 另一邊則是在炸油條. 基本上點菜我也跟著人潮, 這裡也有日文與英文菜單, 先到櫃檯點飲料, 再到燒餅區點其他早餐品項, 請記得這裡是以現金結帳. 因為 COVID-19, 內用區則是以隔板隔開, 非常貼心.
Fu Hang Soy Milk menu Chinese Clay Oven Roll has two types – Thick and flat bread..Almost everyone ordered the thick one since it is not common. Their famous dishes are “signature thick bread with egg and donut stick”, “rice milk” and “caramel bun”. While waiting in line, you can see the staffs making the dishes and baked the bread with oven. They are also frying the Chinese donut on site too. There is Japanese & English version menu as well. You would need to order drink first, than order other dishes. Please note that you would need to pay in cash. Due to COVID-19, they also put boards in between seats.

2023 米其林餐廳列表 2023 Michelin Restaurant List

延伸閱讀👉 臺灣米其林指南 2023 》2023 Taiwan Michelin Guide ( Google Map)

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


厚蛋夾油條 & 豆漿

Signature Thick Bread with Egg and Donut Stick & Soy Milk
Price: NTD $65 + NTD $30 = NTD $95
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

厚蛋夾油條編號是 No. 14, 豆漿編號是 No. 1. 厚蛋夾油條的全名是厚燒餅夾蛋與油條. Size 頗大, 咬下厚實燒餅時, 先是有酥脆口感, 接著就是有嚼勁, 並沒有想像中地乾. 燒餅烘烤香氣逼人, 外層有甜香風味, 搭配蔥蛋蠻特別. 其實我本身是喜歡 “中山站四海豆漿大王”的薄燒餅類型. 豆漿部分則是表現平平.下次如果有機會再訪應該會點薄燒餅與米漿.
Signature Thick Bread is basically clay oven roll. I ordered Signature thick Bread with Egg and Donut Stick (No. 14) & Soy Milk (No. 1). The size of the bread is large but crispy texture at the beginning. After bites, the bread becomes a bit chewy, in a good way since it is not dry. The overall taste is a bit sweet and pairs great with the green onion egg. Honestly speaking, I prefer “thin clay oven roll” over the thick type. The soy milk is just average. If I visit second time, i would order thin oven roll and rice milk.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Local Breakfast Place 》台北中山站四海豆漿大王傳統早餐不馬虎




阜杭豆漿本身就是一個美食景點 (?!), 適合帶外國旅客來訪, 感受一下台灣傳統早餐的文化. 如果是台北本地人, 我還是會建議點厚蛋夾油條來測試自己, 像我自從吃完阜杭豆漿的厚燒餅, 就知道其實薄燒餅才是我喜歡的燒餅類型.
Fu Hang Soy Milk is basically a must-visit spot for foreigners. They can experience the Taiwanese breakfast culture. However, if you are a Taipei local, i would suggest to order thick clay oven roll to test your preference. For example, after I tried Fu Hang Soy Milk breakfast, I realized that the thin/flat bread is my preference.



Fu Hang Soy Milk Information

餐廳: 阜杭豆漿
地址: 台北市中正區忠孝東路一段108號2樓 (Map)
捷運站: 善導寺捷運站
電話: 02-2392-2175
FB: https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=154088941341874
Restaurant: Fu Hang Soy Milk
Address: 2F, No. 108, 1st Section, Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei City  (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Shandao Temple MRT station
Tel: 02-2392-2175



