Yong Shin Milk Tea 》永心鳳茶奶茶專門所訂位不容易 (內有菜單)
Last Updated on 2021-05-20 by Foodelicious
2021 新開幕 永心鳳茶奶茶專門所 位於微風南山 2 樓 , 無疑是近期最受歡迎的 台北信義區下午茶, 網路上都提到茗璐邸特調奶茶是必點.
2021 newly-opened Yong Shin Milk Tea Store is located at Breeze Nanshan Mall 2F. It is the most popular afternoon tea place at Taipei XInyi District.
永心鳳茶奶茶專門所 菜單 在文末 》Yong Shin Milk Tea Menu is at the end of Article
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永心鳳茶奶茶專門所 訂位
Yong Shin Milk Tea Reservation
2021 新開幕的永心鳳茶奶茶專門所位於微風南山二樓, 最靠近台北 101 捷運站與象山站. 暖色調的奶茶色裝潢在百貨裡十分顯眼, 這裡的座位區比預期地多, 有靠近百貨內走道的多人座位, 也有像溫室裝潢的座位區, 也有吧台高腳椅座位, 這裡也有沙發區, 訂位無法選擇座位區. 目前永心鳳茶奶茶專門所訂位有兩種方式 – 電話訂位 ( 02-27220876 ) , 第二種方式是Facebook 粉絲頁私訊 ( https://www.facebook.com/永心鳳茶奶茶專門所-105184058303399/ ) . 我會建議用 Facebook 私訊比較方便, 這裡的用餐時間限制是 90 分鐘.
Yong Shin Milk Tea store is located at Breeze Nanshan Mall 2F. It is in between Taipei 101 and Elephant Mountain MRT station. The milk tea warm color is quite outstanding at the mall. There are more seats than expected. They also have counter high chair seats as well. You cannot choose which area to eat. Now, there are two ways to make reservations. One is to call ( 02-27220876 ). The 2nd way is to private message their facebook ( https://www.facebook.com/永心鳳茶奶茶專門所-105184058303399/ ) . I would suggest to use Facebook. The limited dining time is 90 minutes.
♛ 信義區百貨美食餐廳 Xinyi District Mall Restaurant Guide
連結 (Link)👉 微風南山美食 》Breeze Nanshan Restaurant Guide
連結 (Link) 👉 信義新光三越美食 》Xinyi Shinkong Mitsukoshi Restaurant
連結 (Link) 👉 統一時代百貨美食 》Uni-Ustyle Restaurant Guide
連結 (Link) 👉 微風信義餐廳美食懶人包 》Breeze Xinyi Restaurants
永心鳳茶奶茶專門所 低消
Yong Shin Milk Tea Minimum Charge
永心鳳茶奶茶專門所 低消是一份主餐/人 或 一杯飲料/人. 除了主餐外, 冷藏櫃裡也有甜點與外帶瓶裝茶飲.
The minimum charge is one main course/ person or one drink/person. Besides main courses, they also have dessert and to-go bottle.
延伸閱讀: 永心鳳茶 》 台北信義微風下午茶 | Taipei Tea House
延伸閱讀: 十間茶屋 》SHIJIAN Tea House
Yong Shin Milk Tea Drinks
茗璐邸特調奶茶 (熱)
Limited Edition Milk Tea (Hot)
Price: NTD $220
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
永心鳳茶奶茶專門所 與 中山站 ”瑪黑家居選物“ 的招牌飲料皆是鍋煮奶茶, 一樣都需要 15 ~ 20 分鐘煮. 我不太確定茗璐邸特調奶茶的名稱來源, 永心鳳茶則是採用三種茶葉浸製, 哪三種則是商業機密. 溫熱讓奶香比茶香更香醇, 茶濃度也如預期地高, 但是並不會苦澀, 如果平常有在喝“熱”奶茶的人, 應該會覺得不錯.
Yong Shin Milk Tea Shop’s signature drink is milk tea cooked in a pot, similar with “Marais Taipei” near Zhongshan MRT station. It takes about 15 ~ 20 minutes to cook. There are three types of tea leafs that are mixed in this limited edition milk tea. The warm temperature enhances the milk aroma. The tea flavor is obvious as expected, but not bitter at all. If you drink hot milk tea regularly, you probably would like this drink.
延伸閱讀: 瑪黑家居選物 》台北中山捷運站下午茶 | Marais Taipei
茗璐邸特調奶茶 (冰)
Limited Edition Milk Tea (Ice)
Price: NTD $160
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
目前珍珠(粉圓) 是免費加. 冰奶茶價格比較便宜因為份量比熱奶茶少, 可要求少冰. 這是我朋友點的, 我有喝一口, 老實說, 比熱奶茶好喝許多,茶香成為主導, 以輕柔奶香為輔, 與 “FU Milk Tea” 的招牌福奶茶好喝程度不相上下, 如果你覺得你只會來嚐鮮一次, 我會推薦這一款茗璐邸特調奶茶 (冰).
The boba is free to add. The price is lower because the quantity is less. You can also ask for less ice. My friend ordered this drink. I tasted one sip. Honestly, I prefer this one apart from the hot milk tea. The tea aroma and flavor dominates this drink. The delightful milky flavor is the 2nd layer of flavor. It is just as good as “FU Milk Tea”. If you are only here for one-time trial taste, I would recommend this Limited Edition Ice Milk Tea.
延伸閱讀: FU MilkTea 福奶茶 》 中山國中捷運站預約制奶茶店 | Taipei Milk Tea
紅玉紅茶燕麥奶 (冰)
Oat Milk Tea (Ice)
Price: NTD $150
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
我都是喝 “The Normal” 的濃縮咖啡與燕麥奶, 永心鳳茶奶茶專門所恰巧也是用通一款高單價瑞典 Oatly 燕麥奶. 可惜燕麥奶的穀物味道有點偏重, 可能紅玉紅茶的特性過於細緻?! 許多人都不知道燕麥乳是全植物性, 因此純素者是可以品嚐.
I always drink “The Normal” Espresso with Oat Milk. Yong Shin Milk Tea shop also uses Oatly oat milk. Sadly, the oat grainy flavor covers partial of the black tea flavor.
延伸閱讀: The Normal Coffee 》台北咖啡店推薦首選 -文末有獨家折扣優惠
Oolong Milk Tea with Milk Foam Top
Price: NTD $130
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A
奶蓋奶茶是近年最受歡迎的飲料之一, 我沒喝我朋友的, 因為份量似乎有點少.
The Milk Foam Milk Tea is one of the popular drinks recently. I didn’t try my friend’s drink since the quantity is not as much as expected.
Yong Shin Milk Tea Dessert
Caramel and Sea Salt Cake Roll With Oolong Milk Tea Cream
Price: NTD $150
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
這並不是生乳捲, 只是蛋糕捲, 雖然名字是 “焦糖海鹽紅烏龍奶茶捲”, 實際上最明顯的風味來自烏龍奶茶奶油內餡, 焦糖甜味與海鹽鹹度並不是很明顯, 蛋糕體有點偏乾, 畢竟永心鳳茶奶茶專門所並不是甜點店, 所以這款蛋糕表現平平, 建議兩人分享一個甜點即可.
結論 Conclusion
我去了兩次, 兩次都有訂位, 第一次是去嚐鮮, 喝得有點趕, 因為熱茗璐邸特調奶茶煮得有點久, 第二次是帶外縣市朋友去品嚐這家最夯的奶茶店, 順便逛台北信義區. 這裡比較適合喜歡拍照與嚐鮮的人. 我會建議點茗璐邸特調奶茶 (冰).
I have been there twice, both with reservation. First time is for trial-taste. But there isn’t much time to chat and drink at the same time. The main reason would be the tea cooking time is a bit long.Second time is to bring friends from outside of Taipei City to this new and famous milk tea shop. After drinking the milk tea, I also took her to walk around Taipei Xinyi District. This place is more suitable for people who like taking picture and try new restaurant.I would suggest you to order the limited edition milk tea (ice).
短秒影片 Short Video
永心鳳茶奶茶專門所 資訊
Yong Shin Milk Tea Information
餐廳: 永心鳳茶奶茶專門所
地址: 微風南山百貨二樓 (Map)
捷運站: 台北101 捷運站 or 象山站
電話: 02-2722-0876
FB: https://www.facebook.com/永心鳳茶奶茶專門所-105184058303399/
Restaurant: Yong Shin Milk Tea
Address: Breeze Nanshan 2F (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Taipei 101 MRT station or Elephant Mountain
Tel: 02-2722-0876
永心鳳茶奶茶專門所 菜單
Yong Shin Milk Tea Menu