Wood Ranch BBQ & Grill》Irvine Spectrum Restaurant | 南加州燒烤餐廳

Last Updated on 2018-06-05 by Foodelicious

Wood Ranch RestaurantIrvine Spectrum 裡的餐廳之一, 在南加州是知名連鎖BBQ 燒烤餐廳.
Wood Ranch BBQ & Grill is one of the restaurants in Irvine Spectrum. It is a famous chainstore at Southern California.


菜單連結在文末 Menu Link is at the end of article.

餐廳位置在 Irvine Spectrum 電影院旁邊, 不僅附近上班族中午會來用餐, 年輕人在夜晚時也會在這裡小酌看播放的比賽. 與台北” ABV Bar & Kitchen ” 一樣皆有戶外座位區, 餐廳一側也有明亮的靠窗座位, ㄇ字型吧台有少許啤酒頭, 牆上的兩台螢幕綽綽有餘.Wood Ranch 也有分較平價的午間套餐與晚餐兩種價格, 當天與家人是在中午時間用餐.
The restaurant is located right next to the Spectrum Theater. Not only the office workers dine during lunch time, there are many young generation dine here prior or after watching the movie. Wood Ranch BBQ & Grill has outdoor seats like “ABV Bar & Kitchen” at Taipei City. There are seats near the window as well. It also has the typical bar design with several draft beer. As for the menu, there are lunch menu and dinner menu. My family and I dine there during the lunch time.



Price: Free
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

溫熱的麵包但相當地軟, 但並沒有像一般歐美餐廳有巴薩米克醋與橄欖油.
The bread is warm with fluffy texture. However, it doesn’t have a dip dish with balsamic sauce and olive oil.


BBQ 組合: 牛肋排與後腰肉

Wood Ranch BBQ Combo: Beef Ribs & Tri Tip
Side Dish: Idaho Baked Potato
Price: USD 21.50
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

後腰肉其實是牛腰肉(Sirloin) 的底部, 也可稱作 “三小型下腰肉”, 在台灣超市較少看見, 在美國超市則是經常在特價的產品, 因為屬於瘦肉, 較適合做成 BBQ 的肉品, 而非類似 “ A CUT Steakhouse”的高級牛排. 廚師團隊不吝嗇地將一層層厚實鹹甜的亮褐色烤肉醬塗抹在牛肋排, 這就是所謂的正統美國BBQ. 吃起來雖然甜度不高, 但是滿口都是烤肉醬風味, 反而蓋住牛肉最初的肉香, 唯一的優點則是後腰肉的肉質因為醬汁而吃起來較嫩且不乾柴. 點愛達荷烘烤馬鈴薯 (Idaho Potato) 只是因為在台灣較少吃到.
Tri Tip is a triangular cut of beef from the bottom sirloin sub primal cut. It is mostly seen in US supermarket instead of supermarket in Taiwan. This particular section of meat is suitable for BBQ instead of fine-dining steak, such as “A CUT Steakhouse”. Chef team spreads a large amount of BBQ sauce on the meat. The meat tastes more salty than sweet. However, I personally think the sauce is a bit too much. It covers the meaty aroma of the original beef flavor. But, the up side would be the sauce makes the meat texture more moist and tender. Also, I order Idaho Potato because I simply just miss it.


Wood Ranch BBQ Combo: Beef Brisket & Tri Tip

Side Dish: Fries & Mashed Potato
Price: USD 21.50
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

家人分別點了牛腩搭配後腰肉. 他們較喜歡後腰肉, 切片牛腩吃起來較乾.
My family order Beef Brisket and Tri Tip. They prefer the trip tip because the briskets are quite dry.


Wood Ranch Tri Tip

Side Dish: Cole Saw
Price: USD 16.95
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

我弟選了後腰肉搭配高麗菜沙拉, 因為他是單點, 而非兩項肉品, 後腰肉的份量較大, 相當厚實, 變得切下去有些難度.
My brother order only Tri Tip. Since he only ordered one item, the quantity is a bit larger than expected. Since it is thick, it is a bit difficult to cut.





店名: Wood Ranch BBQ & Grill
地址: 501 Spectrum Center Dr, Irvine, CA 92618 (Map)
營業時間: 打電話確認
Website: https://www.woodranch.com
Restaurant Name: Wood Ranch BBQ & Grill
Address: 501 Spectrum Center Dr, Irvine, CA 92618 (Map)
Tel: 949-337-4850
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm

MENU LINK: https://www.woodranch.com/menus/?location-selection=14



