Vin Jolie 酒類專賣 》多款精挑細選單杯葡萄酒搭配甜點是新趨勢

Last Updated on 2024-01-04 by Foodelicious

Vin Jolie 酒類專賣店 ( Vin Jolie Wine Shop ) 是台北信義區葡萄酒專賣店, 也有販售香檳與氣泡酒, Vin Jolie 老闆以單杯酒為主題, 搭配獨家限定款甜點, 讓品酒不再是搭配鹹餐點.
Vin Jolie Wine Shop is a Xinyi District Wine Shop at Taipei City. It also offers Champagnes and Sparkling Wines. With single glass wine as the main concept, both owner and pastry chefs create the dessert to pair with the wine.

Vin Jolie 酒類專賣 菜單 在文末 》Vin Jolie Wine Menu is at the end of article

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關於 Vin Jolie 酒類專賣

About Vin Jolie Information

2020 年新開幕的 Vin Jolie 酒類專賣店靠近世貿 101 捷運站 2 號出口, 往基隆路方向走轉進嘉興街, 位於巷弄裡的Vin Jolie 酒類專賣店有兩層樓高, 店面外側與內部歐美風格的設計感皆非常適合照相, 一樓 跟 “慢慢弄乳酪坊”一樣皆有長桌, 有時也會不定期舉辦活動. 最令人期待的是八款單杯酒的鮮飲機, 酒款會不定期更換, Vin Jolie 酒單上大部分是法國酒. 順著樓梯往上走到 2 樓, 2 樓包廂沙發區大約可坐 8 ~ 10 人. Vin Jolie 酒類專賣店的營業時間比較特別- 下午4pm ~ 晚上11 pm. 我個人對 Vin Jolie 酒類專賣店的第一印象不錯, 並不會有店員商業強力推銷的感覺, 那天天氣太熱, 要不然我應該會到店面外的桌椅照相.
2020 newly-opened Vin Jolie Wine shop is near Exit 2 of 101 MRT station toward Keelung Road. The shop is at Jiaxing Street. Vin Jolie Wine Shop has two floors. The shop appearance and inner design fits the European Casual Style. The shop has a long table, similar with “Man Mano Cheese Lab”. There are 8 different wines at the wine dispenser, which might change overtime. Most wines at the wine list are from France. Walking stairs to the 2nd floor, 6 ~ 8 people can fit in the private room sofa area. The operation hour is quite unique, which is 4 pm~ 11 pm. My first impression of Vin Jolie Wine Shop is pretty good since there won’t be any annoyed sales person. I would definitely take pictures outside of the shop if the weather wasn’t so humid and hot.

台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide

延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


關於 Vin Jolie 消費

About Vin Jolie Price

不僅有單杯酒, Vin Jolie 酒類專賣店也有賣整瓶酒. Vin Jolie 酒類專賣店可用 American Express 信用卡.
Not only single glass wine, Vin Jolie wine shop also offers bottle wines. They also accept American Express credit card.

1 樓內用低消 $500/人
2 樓 包廂區 (沙發區6位,單椅4張,8~10位剛好舒適座)
備註: 使用3小時,全額折抵酒款、食物,喝不完可以折瓶帶回,恕無法寄存酒款
週五至週日, 低消滿 NTD $12,000
周二至周四, 低消費滿 NTD $ 8,000

1.平日 16:00-18:00 單杯100ml搭配任一甜點享88折
2. 週末全天 單杯100ml 搭配任一甜點享88折


1st Floor Dine-In Min. Charge NTD $500/person
2nd Floor Private Room (Sofa area: 6 people, Single Chair : 4 people)
Remark: Max. Time: 3 Hours. The minimum charge can include wine and food. However, you cannot reserve the wine at the shop
Friday – Sunday Min. Charge is NTD $12,000
Tuesday – Thursday Min. Charge is NTD $8,000

Afternoon Wine Pairing Promotion
1.Weekday 4pm ~ 6pm: 100ml Single Glass pairs with one dessert ( 12% off)
2.Weekend All Day 100ml Single Glass Pairs with One Dessert (12 % off)


單杯酒 x 甜點

Glass of Wine x Dessert

Vin Jolie 酒類專賣店不定期有八款單杯酒, 與兩位甜點主廚研發出 “搭配100ml單杯酒”的甜點, 第一位甜點主廚 是 “Mademoiselle HO” , 畢業於法國 FERRANDI Paris 廚藝學校, 曾在米其林 2 星 巴黎麗池酒店 與 Pierre Herme 馬卡龍 工作過. 另一位甜點主廚則是 Miss P, 是 “Facebook 甜點師酗酒主婦 “的甜點主廚.
Vin Jolie Wine Shop has 8 different wines at the wine dispenser. The owner and two pastry chefs creates desserts that can pair with 100ml single glass wines. The first pastry chef is “Mademoiselle HO”, who is graduated from FERRANDI Paris school. She worked at Paris Ritz Carlton and Pierre Herme Macaron before. The other pastry chef is Miss P, which is the Facebook Fan Page “Drunken House Wife”.


祿培伯爵夫人夏多內 2018 x 達克瓦茲 (榛果)

Lupé Cholet Bourgogne Chardonnay 2018 x Dacquoise (Hazelnut)
Price: NTD $260 + NTD $90 = NTD $350
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這款來自法國勃根地的夏多內是不甜款,酒體是中等類型,桃子果香頗為明顯, 味蕾會感受到微量的礦石風味, 我推薦點這款夏多內白葡萄酒 30ml (NTD $80) 來喝. 我蠻高興當天用餐是榛果口味的達克瓦茲, 而不是覆盆子風味. 第一口外酥內軟, 奶油內餡裡有意想不到的焦糖醬, 整體並不會過甜, 反倒是榛果的堅果風味較為明顯. 這道酒搭配甜點是我當天最滿意的組合, 真心希望這款組合成為Vin Jolie 酒類專賣的招牌組合.
This Chardonnay has medium wine body. The peach fruity aroma is quite obvious. The tastebuds would sense the hints of mineral flavors. I would suggest to order 30ml (NTD $80) to try out. I am glad to have the hazelnut flavor instead of the raspberry Dacquoise. The appearance is crispy and soft at the filling. The caramel paste in between the creamy filling is a surprise. The overall is not sweet. I also like the nutty flavor from the Hazelnut. This wine pairs with the wine is my favorite set. I truly hope that this set would become the signature set at Vin Jolie.


法國超級波爾多高森花酒堡2011紅葡萄酒 x 東加乳酪蛋糕

Chateau Fleur Haut Gaussens Bordeaux Supérieur 2011 x Cheese Cake
Price: NTD $ 260 + NTD $ 210 = $470
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這款法國紅酒是 90% Merlot & 10 % Cabernet Franc, 李子果實香氣充沛, 喝一口時, 酸度意外地柔和, 菸草味道不明顯, 單寧適中, 很適合搭配餐或是甜點. 我原本以為這款東加乳酪蛋糕吃起來會像紐約起司蛋糕, 硬且單純起司味道, 孰不知這款乳酪蛋糕多了一個較少見的食材 – 東加豆, 帶給蛋糕適量杏仁風味, 我個人蠻喜歡, 只是有點搶走超級波爾多紅葡萄酒的風采.
The red wine has 90% Merlot and 10 % Cabernet Franc. The plum has fair amount of aroma. The acidity is surprisingly soft along with small amount of smoky flavor. The tannin is also average, which is quite suitable for pairing. Unlike New York Cheese, this cheese cake added a mysterious ingredient – Tonga. It adds fair amount of almond flavors, which I definitely prefer.


IMAJYNE 藍酒 x 萊姆羅勒馬卡龍

IMAJYNE Blue Wine x Lime Macaron
Price: : NTD $ 450 + NTD $120 = NTD $570
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

法國科西嘉島 IMAJYNE 藍酒單杯酒 100ml 與 萊姆羅勒法國馬卡龍 的配色獨特, 先喝一口 IMAJYNE 藍酒, 先是嗅到花香, 柑橘風味只是一瞬間, 味蕾品嚐到適量礦物質鹹味. 萊姆羅勒馬卡龍內餡並沒有預期地甜, 萊姆內餡帶給味蕾的清香, 減少鹹度.
This blue is from Corse, France. The floral aroma is easy to detect at first sip. The citrus flavor is just small amount. The tastebuds can sense fair amount of salty flavor from the minerals. The Macaron lime filling brings the refreshment to the tastebuds, which lower the salty level.


只想喝酒 – 單杯酒

Only Want to Drink Wine – Single Glass Wine



Chateau Monlot Saint-Emillion Grand Cru 2008
100ml 單杯酒: NTD $360
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

Vin Jolie 酒類專賣的單杯酒有 30 ml 與 100ml , 如圖一, 左邊為30ml, 右邊為 100ml. 這款法國聖愛美濃蒙洛酒堡2008紅酒是 82% Merlot與18% Carbernet Franc混釀而成, 菸草與黑李風味明顯, 有經典陳年紅酒風味.
There are 30ml and 100ml single glass sizes. In Picture one, the left one is 30ml, the right hand side is 100ml. Chateau Monlot Saint-Emillion Grand Cru 2008 is blended with 82% Merlot and 18% Carbernet Franc. The tobacco aroma and plum flavor is obvious. The overall taste has aged red wine character.


只想喝酒 – 瓶裝酒

Only Want to Drink Wine – Bottle Wine

法國勃根地 亞伯‧畢修家族 白中白氣泡葡萄酒

Crémant De Bourgogne Blanc De Blancs Pure
Price: $1500/ 一瓶
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

Blanc de Blancs 都是以100% Chardonnay 單一品種為主,這款酒的原料葡萄是採用自然動力有機農法栽種, 氣泡細緻, 搭配經典夏多內礦石氣息與白花香氣, 我個人蠻推薦這款氣泡葡萄酒.
Crémant De Bourgogne Blanc De Blancs Pure is 100% Chardonnay. The grape is planted with Biodynamic method. The overall bubbles are delicate and smooth, which comes with classic chardonnay character – mineral and white flower aroma. I would recommend this Blanc De Blancs.

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount

♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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餐廳: Vin Jolie 酒類專賣
地址: 台北市信義區嘉興街26號 (Map)
捷運站: 101 世貿 捷運站
電話: 02-2720-8633
Restaurant: Vin Jolie Wine Shop
Address: No. 26, Jiaxing Street, Xinyi District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: 101 MRT station
Tel: 02-2720-8633


Vin Jolie 酒類專賣 菜單 》Vin Jolie Wine Menu

