Two Months Per Year 》計畫 N 訪具有藝術美感的台北甜點蛋糕推薦

Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious

(Closed Down ) Two Months Per Year 菜單 不固定, 藝術甜點卻深得許多饕客的心, 尤其是 Two Months Per Year 鶴擬真水果造型蛋糕美感最為特殊.
Two Months Per Year menu is seasonal. Many foodies love their dessert art design, especially Two Months Per Year Crane and Fruit Style cakes.

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Two Months Per Year 捷運與相關資訊

Two Months Per Year MRT and Information

Two Months Per Year 甜點店離善導寺站一號出口大約 15 ~ 20 分鐘路程. 甜點店在巷弄內很低調, 隱密感十足. 走進甜點店裡, 並沒有常見的甜點冰櫃, 而是兩張大長桌與一個長櫃檯, 採光較好的地方則是在後方沙發區. 與 “HUGH LAB” 最大的不同是 – Two Months Per Year 準備蛋糕則是在廚房, 而不是在櫃檯.
Two Months Per Year is closed to 15 ~ 20 minutes walking distance from Shandao Temple MRT station exit 1. The dessert shop is quite low profile. It doesn’t have the dessert refrigerator near the counter. It also has two large tables and sofa area. The most difference would be “HUGH LAB” chef prepares their dessert at the counter. Two Months Per Year chef prepares their dessert at the counter.

延伸閱讀: HUGH LAB 》台北預約制甜點私廚也許是未來的飲食新潮流

延伸閱讀: 台北華山文創園區與週邊美食 》Huashan Creative Park Restaurants and Cafes


Two Months Per Year 訂位與低消

About Approprié Reservation & Minimum Charge

Two Months Per Year 與 “時飴 approprié” 一樣不能訂位,, 而是採用甜點預留制度, 如果沒有預留, 你想吃的甜點可能會售完. 每個星期一注意 FB 或 IG 粉絲頁公佈當週甜點與營業時間, 再填寫他們列出的表格填寫後傳私訊給 Two Months Per Year, 步驟很簡單, 請注意他們的營業時間通常是星期五, 星期六與星期日. 低消則是每人一份蛋糕甜點. 這裡也開放預留外帶. 近期他們呈現蛋糕食材是用培養皿 (圖一來源 👉 這裡沒有美食部落格文章: ), 圖二則是之前的呈現方式.
You cannot reserve seats at Two Months Per Year. Instead, if you decide to visit there, it would be better to reserve desserts . Two Months Per Year would announces their cakes items and operation hours. You would need to follow their SOP to private message them. No worries, it is very easy. Please note that their operation hour is most likely Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The minimum charge is one piece of cake per person. They also allow customers to reserve for to-go.  Recently, they represent their cake ingredients in petri dish (Picture 1 from: ). The previous presentation is at Picture 2.

延伸閱讀: 時飴 approprié 》會想再訪的台北千層蛋糕推薦

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


Two Months Per Year 蛋糕 & 甜點

Two Months Per Year Cake & Dessert



Price: NTD $250
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

鶴³ 右上角的 ”3”是第三版的意思. Facebook 敘述這款蛋糕由牛肝菌菇榛果脆片, 西洋梨杜松子凝凍 ,牛肝菌菇甘納許與薰衣草白巧克力組成. 這道甜點一端上桌時, 造型如同藝術品般驚豔, 在欣賞的同時, 店員提到 “鶴造型”是可以吃. 朋友協助切開, 內餡分為三層, 最上方是看似透明荔枝果肉的西洋梨凝凍, 單獨吃起來有梨子清爽風味. 若搭配其他兩層 – 榛果碎片與巧克力鮮奶油, 時不時會被蓋過水果風味, 基本上不違和, 美味程度頗高. 我會推薦這款有鶴造型的蛋糕.
Facebook mentioned that ᴄʀᴀɴᴇ³ is made with Porcini Hazelnut Crisps, Pear Juniper Gel, Porcini Ganache, and Lavender White Chocolate. The cake appearance and design is impressive. The staff mentioned that the crane on the top is edible. The pear gel has fair amount of refreshing pear flavor. If pairing with hazelnut and chocolate, it would cover the fruit flavor though. But, overall, this dessert is delicious. I would definitely recommend this cake.

台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide

延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount



Price: NTD $230
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

擬真水果造型是 Two Months Per Year 另一個招牌, Facebook 敘述這款蛋糕原料有萊姆, 小黃瓜 , 手指檸檬 , 薄荷 , 綠紫蘇 , 香之森琴酒​. 我個人認為比之前 “法國甜點名師Cédric Grolet” 更像真檸檬, 因為琴酒加持,小黃瓜與薄荷風味比例頗重, 檸檬酸香比較沒有感覺到, 所以並沒有像 “OZ Bistro” 檸檬塔有微酸甜的討喜風味. 我個人還是推薦點擬真水果造型甜點.
Fruit style cake is also one of Two Months Per Year signature dessert. Facebook stated that this cake is made with lime, cucumber, finger lime, mint , green shiso, and Kanomori Gin. Honestly, Two Months Per Year lime looks much more similar than the real lime (Even better than “Cedric Grolet” ). Due to the Gin, the cucumber and mint flavor are much more obvious. I couldn’t sense much of the acidity from the lime. Therefore, it doesn’t taste like the lime tart at “OZ Bistro” with sour and sweet flavor. I would still recommend the fruit style cake.

延伸閱讀: OZ Cafe & Bistro 》台北信義區美食推薦 | 巷弄內餐點與甜點出乎意料地精采



Two Months Per Year – Laphroaig
Price: NTD $250
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

Facebook 敘述這款蛋糕原料有拉弗格三桶單一麥芽威士忌, Madong 75% 巧克力, 榛果, 可可粒. 跟 “小後苑 Backyard Jr” 一樣是用威士忌做成微醺甜點, 威士忌與巧克力則是經典不敗的搭配. 當我吃第一口時, 醇厚煙燻威士忌風味與微苦巧克力風味 在口裡直球般散開, 這是ㄧ款名符其實的微醺甜點, 這道比較適合平常可接受酒精的饕客.
Facebook stated that this cake has Laphroaig Triplewood, Madong 75% Chocolate, Hazelnut, and Cocoa Nibs. Same as “Backyard Jr.”, Two Months Per Year uses Whiskey as one of their ingredients. Whiskey and chocolate are classic combination. The first taste has strong smoky whisky flavor and bitter dark chocolate flavor. It is definitely a so-called tipsy dessert. This dessert is more suitable for people that can accept alcohol.

延伸閱讀: 微醺甜點懶人包 》Tipsy Dessert Guide

延伸閱讀: Backyard Jr. Taipei 》小後苑成為全方位的台北威士忌酒吧



Price: NTD $240
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

Two Months Per Year 蛋糕選項也少不了咖啡系列的蛋糕, 這款蛋糕原料有番紅花, 阿拉比卡, 肉桂與巧克力. 這款蛋糕以咖啡與巧克力風味為主, 番紅花倒是沒有很明顯.
Two Months Per Year also has coffee series dessert. The facebook mentioned that this cake has saffron, arabica, cinnamon and chocolate. The cake flavor is mainly coffee and chocolate. It doesn’t have obvious saffron flavor though.


Two Months Per Year 飲料

Two Months Per Year Drink



Longan Flower Black Tea
Price: NTD $200
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

Two Months Per Year 有提供開水. 當這一壺龍眼花紅茶端上桌的瞬間, 紅茶香與花香撲鼻而來, 迷人且驚艷. 重點是不會蓋過蛋糕風味, 我非常推薦這款來自台灣南投的龍眼花紅茶.
Two Months Per Year offer water. This longan flower black tea has amazing and pleasant black tea aroma and floral aroma. The most important that the black tea won’t cover the cake flavor. I definitely recommend this black tea.



Hot Brewed Coffee
Price: NTD $200
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

I prefer the Longan Flower Black Tea.




原本以爲 Two Months Per Year 蛋糕單價比天高, 孰不知ㄧ款蛋糕均價才 $230 ~ $250. HUGH LAB 是甜點套餐, Two Months Per Year 是單點, 而且單價不貴. 兩家都值得去吃.
I thought that Two Months Per Year is super expensive. But, it turns out that the unit price is NTD $230 ~ NTD $250. HUGH LAB is dessert set , and Two Months Per Year is single-order. Two stores are worth visiting.



Two Months Per Year 資訊

Two Months Per Year Information

餐廳: Two Months Per Year
地址: 台北市中山區林森北路67巷76號 (Map)
捷運站: 善導寺捷運站
電話: 02-2571-8986
Restaurant: Two Months Per Year
Address: No.76, 67th Lane, Linsen North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Shandao Temple MRT station
Tel: 02-2571-8986



