The Normal Coffee 》國父紀念館附近有插座咖啡店 | Taipei Coffee

Last Updated on 2020-02-03 by Foodelicious

(2020.1 N訪 ) 有著藍色裝潢的 The Normal 咖啡店座落於台北仁愛路四段上, 是少數國父紀念館捷運站週邊有插座不限時的咖啡店.
Newly-opened The Normal Coffee Shop is located at 4th section Ren-Ai Road in Taipei City. It is one of the coffee shops without limited time policy near SYS Memorial Hall MRT station.


我重新另一篇文章因為老闆答應給娜姐讀者專屬折扣優惠, 連結:
I start another new article because the owner agreed to offer special discount for my readers. Link:


UPDATED: 2020.1.13


店面裝潢顏色比 “Chou Chou 法式餐廳“ 更偏丹寧藍, 在綠意盎然的仁愛路四段上相當亮眼, 有著 IG-Friendly 的店面, 店員穿著一身類似 松菸 ”十間茶屋“ 的日本元素制服, 一走進咖啡店, 左邊可看到店內販售的精品咖啡豆. 藍白相間的牆邊有可讓客人坐的高腳椅, 桌子底下也有插座.跟 “Fika Fika 咖啡店” 一樣, 店後方有烘咖啡豆機器, 也許可幸運地隔著玻璃看機器運作.
The store design color is more like denim color comparing with the navy blue at “Chou Chou French Restaurant”. The color is definitely IG-friendly. The staffs wear the working cloth similar with “SHIJIAN Tea House”. It also sell coffee bean. The high chairs and wall sockets are both near the blue and white wall. The coffee bean roaster is at the back of the store. If lucky enough, you can see the machine operate with only transparent glass in between.



較吸引目光的則是櫃台上有四個全自動手沖機器, 代替手沖咖啡壺, 可以精準沖泡時間維持品質, 相當新穎且有效率, 外帶客人不用等待許久即可享用到迷人的手沖咖啡.
The most interesting part would be the four auto pour-over coffee machine to substitute the regular coffee percolator. The machine can keep the quality attach and effective. The customer can order to-go pour-over coffee without waiting too long.



濃縮 + 牛奶 (熱)

English Name: Expresso + Milk
Price: $120
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

The Normal 咖啡店的外帶咖啡是 8oz, 比星巴克的中杯 (12oz) 小, 跟 Barista 閒聊, 也許因為外帶咖啡杯視覺上較小, 曾經被批評價格偏高. 但是這家咖啡店用的咖啡豆是 “NINETY PLUS”, 也就是冠軍咖啡豆, 若再加上自己烘豆, 一杯 $120 其實利潤抓得很低. 由於這杯咖啡採用的是中淺培咖啡豆, 並不會有過濃咖啡因, 以輕盈的咖啡風味為主導,酸度並不會過強, 是大眾可接受的咖啡風味, 並不會像 “Olivia Coffe Roaster” 一樣有濃郁烘烤堅果香氣, 我會建議咖啡初學者或是嚮往喝冠軍咖啡豆的愛好者來品酌.
The to-go coffee cup is 8oz, which is smaller than the Starbucks Tall size (12oz). After chatting with the Barista, the customers mentioned that the price is too high since the cup looks extremely small. However, I personally think that their margin is already lower than expected. They use “NINETY PLUS” brand coffee bean, which won many international awards. This particular light-medium roast coffee doesn’t have thick roasted nuts almond aroma, like “Olivia Coffee Roaster”. However, the acidity and bitterness is not overly obvious. I would recommend the coffee learner or coffee addict to come here to try out.




Espresso with oat milk
Price: NTD $150
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

我只要在附近有空閒時, 我幾乎都會到 The Normal 來喝咖啡, 但是我都不是喝單品, 這次看到台灣少見的燕麥咖啡, 當然要點來喝, 燕麥咖啡在歐美地區相當受到歡迎, 例如Blue Bottle 則是採用 Oatly 燕麥奶. 視覺上與經典拿鐵一樣, 剛開始喝時, 堅果穀物風味相當特別, 之後則是溫醇咖啡風味, 相當不錯, 若是追求不同風味, 我會推薦燕麥咖啡. 下次來 The Normal 應該也是會點燕麥咖啡.
When I have time near the SYS Memorial Hall, I would come to The Normal to drink coffee. However, I am not into single origin these days. The Normal now has expresso with oat milk, which is popular at the US and Europe area. For example, The Blue Bottle uses Oatly brand oat milk. When start drinking, the nutty wheat flavor is quite special. The coffee aroma comes afterwards. If you like different flavor, I would suggest expresso with oat milk.


延伸閱讀: 2019 台北咖啡推薦 (分區) 》 Taipei Coffee Recommendation


延伸閱讀: 2017 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2017 Taipei New Restaurants & Cafes Guide



Black Coffee
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

那天去的時候, 濃縮咖啡機器故障正在修理, 只能點美式黑咖啡. 相較於其它咖啡店的黑咖啡, The Normal Coffee 黑咖啡風格很明顯, 咖啡豆不定期更換, 而且味蕾會因為咖啡豆的不同而輕易察覺, 只是價格相較比較高 (我價格忘記照相).
They were fixing their expresso machine when I arrive. So, I can only order Black Coffee. Comparing with other black coffee, The Normal Coffee has more style, which means the flavor is determined by the coffee bean. It is easy to detect the difference. However, the price is higher as well (I forgot to take the picture).





Restaurant Name 店名: The Normal Coffee
Address: No. 413, 4th section, Ren-Ai Road, Taipei City 台北市大安區仁愛路四段413號 (MAP)
Nearby MRT station: SYS Memorial Hall MRT station 國父紀念館捷運站
電話:02- 2775-4066
營業時間: Monday ~ Friday 8am ~ 5pm
Saturday~ Sunday 10am ~ 7pm

