Taipei Leofoo Residences 》選擇六福居的五個理由與優缺點 (自費非業配)

Last Updated on 2020-09-06 by Foodelicious

台北房屋裝潢時, 我搜尋 台北酒店式公寓推薦, 台北短租公寓推薦台北 airbnb 推薦, 最後台北六福居公寓式酒店勝出, 這篇文章是關於住兩個月後的感想, 以下也會提到六福居優缺點.
During my Taipei Home Remodel time, I searched for Taipei Apartment Hotel Recommendation, Taipei Short-Term Rent Apartment and Taipei Airbnb Recommendation. I chose Taipei Leofoo Residences as my final decision. This article is regarding my review of two months of living in Leofoo Residences.

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六福居- 地理位置佳 Leofoo Residences – Good Location

六福居鄰近中山捷運站, 大約15 分鐘步行距離, 中山站美食眾多, 附近也有全聯超市, 生活機能佳.每個住戶都有一個地下車位, 將車停在大門旁的車道, 請飯店員工代客泊車即可.


1.大眾運輸很方便, 有捷運也有公車
2.美食餐廳眾多, 也有電影院
延伸閱讀: 中山站美食 》Restaurants near Zhongshan MRT station
3. 靠近全聯超市與新光三越百貨超市
4. 每戶皆有一個地下停車位
5. 附近有公園可散步
6. 下午三點在 Lobby 有免費小點心與飲料




Leofoo Residences is closed to Zhongshan MRT station with 15 minutes of walking. There are various restaurants near Zhongshan MRT station. There is a PX Mart nearby. The convenient life function around the area is great! Each household would have one free parking spot underground. You can part the driveway near the hotel side door. The hotel staff would park the car for you.

Sell Points

1.Public transportation (MRT & Bus) is convenient.
2.Lots of restaurants nearby. And there is a movie theater nearby
Guide Link: Restaurants near Zhongshan MRT station Guide
3. Near PX Mart and Department Store Supermarket
4. Each household has a parking space underground
5. You can walk/exercise at the park nearby
6. Free snack & Drink at 3pm at the lobby


Depends on your daily work office location


六福居- 每間公寓有廚房 Leofoo Residences – Each Apartment has a Kitchen

家裡裝潢已經花一大筆錢, 總不能每餐外食, 所以有一個廚房可以節省外食費用. 簡單廚房皆有餐具,鍋具, 碗與盤子, 不僅有電磁爐也有抽油煙機, 基本上簡單料理皆可完成. 讓我驚訝的是也有開瓶器. 每戶皆有微波爐與咖啡機, 冰箱比想像中地大, 有冷藏與冷凍.






I already spent a lot of money at home remodel. I cannot spend more on dining outside. So, having a kitchen to cook would save more money. Each household has one simple kitchen with utensil, cooking equipment, plate, and bowl.The kitchen also have Induction cooker and kitchen ventilator. The most interesting part would be the kitchen has corkscrew. Each household has microwave and coffee machine. The large refrigerator has both freezing and refrigerate functions.


Selling Points

1.The kitchen has microwave/coffee machine/Induction cooker and kitchen ventilator
2.The kitchen has utensil, cooking equipment, plate, and bowl.
3. The large refrigerator has both freezing and refrigerate functions.
4. Large Closet


1. You would need to bring your own dishwashing detergent and scouring pad


六福居- 租金包括水電費 Leofoo Residences – Rent includes Water and Electronic Fee

我入住時間是夏天, 租金包括水電費是一個好消息, 我是將 24 小時中央空調控制在 26 度, 每戶皆有兩支冷氣遙控器, 可分開控制客廳與臥房. 浴室是乾濕分離且有浴缸. 我選六福居最主要的原因是每戶浴室皆有洗衣機, 而不是在公共空間的洗衣機.


1. 每戶的浴室皆有洗衣機
2. 可請飯店提供洗衣粉
3. 多人居住不用擔心水電費
4. 空調不吵雜


1. 電視畫面不清晰且頻道少
2. 需要帶自己的潤髮乳與牙刷


I live at Leofoo Residences during summer. It is great news that the rent includes water fee and electronic fees. You can control living room and bedroom A/C separately. However, I keep the A/C on all the time and keep the temperature at 26 degree. There are showering room and bath tub. The main reason that I choose Leofoo Residences is the cloth washing machine at the restroom instead of public.

Selling Points

1. Each household has cloth washing machine
2. You can ask the counter for free washing powder
3. You dont need to worry about the water and electronic fee if there are more than 2 residents.


1. TV is not HD and less TV channels than expected
2. You would need to bring your own toothbrush and hair conditioner


六福居- 可在家工作 Leofoo Residences – Able to Work From Home

六福居深受駐台日本商務人士的喜愛, 因為我是 Freelancer, 我需要在家工作, 除了穩定 wifi, 一張大書桌與舒適椅子是必要的, 每戶有一台 Canon 印表機, 若需要印資料, 可打電話至服務台請他們裝墨粉, 也可以直接Email 給服務台, 請他們印. 此外, 每戶皆有移動玻璃門可隔離臥房與客廳.


1. 每戶有一台 Canon 印表機
2. 每戶皆有移動玻璃門可隔離臥房與客廳
3.每次打掃房間後, 可請他們補免費的礦泉水




Leofoo Residences is quite famous among Japanese Business Class. Since I am a freelancer, so, I would need to work from home. Besides steady wifi, I would need a large table and comfortable chair. Each household has a Canon printer. If you need to print documents, you can ask the counter to install the ink at the printer. Or you can just email to the counter and ask them to print. Also, each household has a glass door to separate the bedroom and living room.

Selling Points

1. Each household has a Canon Printer
2. Each household has a glass door to separate the bedroom and living room.
3. After house cleaning, You can ask the counter to offer you free bottled water.


There isn’t enough light at the living


六福居- 安全 & 乾淨 Leofoo Residences – Safe

自己在外短期住, 安全很重要. 林森北路給人一種治安不好的刻板印象, 但是至少警察局就在六福居斜對面, 此外, 整棟大樓都是屬於六福居, 櫃檯都會注意進出的人, 連 Foodpanda 外送公司人員皆需要等櫃檯通知住戶才能上樓. 而不是像有些短租公寓是商辦合一, 進出人們複雜. 由於是公寓式酒店, 有 “可整理客房”的掛牌, 我跟六福居公司協議是一星期清潔兩次, 毛巾/床單/枕頭套皆可換, 也可以打內線至櫃檯請清潔人員收垃圾, 保持清潔很重要!


1. 附近有警察局與馬偕醫院
2. 六福居櫃檯皆會注意進出的人
3. 整棟樓皆是六福居住戶


1.陽台面積大, 樓上曾經有人在陽台抽煙
2.床看似雙人床, 其實是兩張單人床併在一起, 因此兩張床墊軟硬不太相同
3.毛巾頗為粗糙, 建議帶自己的擦臉毛巾

Since you are living outside of your comfort zone, safety is most important. The police station is across the road. The whole building belongs to Leofood Residences. The counter would monitor everyone walking in the hotel. Even food panda delivery staff would need to wait for counter to call the room to confirm. There is a “Please make up the room” sign. My agreement with Leofoo Residences is clean twice a week. All towels/bed sheet/pillow sheet can be changed. You can also call counter to take away the garbage as well.

Selling Points

1. There is police station & hospital nearby
2. Leofoo Residences counter would monitor everyone walking into the hotel.
3. The whole building belongs to Leofoo Residences


1.The balcony is large. I found out that there are people smoking at the balcony upstairs.
2.The bed size seemed to be king. However, it is actually two beds combined together. So, one bed mattresses texture is harder than the other.
3.The towel texture is rough. I would suggest to bring your own wash-face towel.


六福居價格 Leofoo Residences Price

六福居只有兩種房型, 一款是公園景觀套房 (25 坪), 顧名思義就是面對林森公園, 也就是面對南京東路一段. 另一款是我住的都會景觀套房 (18 坪)  ,   我入住的時候是 COVID-19 病毒時期, 六福居價格有優惠. 我以房屋裝潢可能隨時會有額外刷卡的理由, 與六福居協議是以兩星期刷卡一次為主, 而非一次付清, 當時我的酒店房間均價是 NTD $1500/日, 簽兩個月. 價格並不包括早餐, 因為米塔麵包店與麥當勞就在附近. 正式報價單與合約範本皆可用 Email 溝通.
There are two types of household/rooms. One is called Park View Suite (25 Ping), which faces the Linsen Park and Nangking East Road. I selected another household type – City View Suite (18 Ping).  I live at Leofoo Residences during COVID-19 period. They have promotion price. I would need extra cash flow during my house remodel time. So, my agreement with Leofoo Residences is NTD $1500/day for two months. The price does not include breakfast.  McDonald and Mita Bakery are nearby anyway. All quotation and contract sample can be communicated via email.


六福居聯絡資訊 Leofoo Residences Contact Information

Website (中文) :
Website (English):
Website (Japanese):


 台灣飯店餐廳酒吧 Taipei Hotel Restaurant and Bar

連結 (Link)👉 台北飯店餐廳酒吧懶人包 》Taipei Hotel Restaurant and Bar Guide

連結 (Link) 👉 台北飯店列表 》 Taipei Hotel List

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連結 (Link) 👉  金門飯店列表 》 Kinmen Hotel List

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