東門站永康街美食推薦懶人包 》 Dongmen Station & Yongkang Restaurants Guide

Last Updated on 2024-02-10 by Foodelicious

這篇文章是關於 2021 東門站美食推薦 ,也包括台北永康街美食推薦 , 文章會分類別 – 中式, 下午茶, 西式餐廳, 台北東門市場美食. 打 “ 🔥” 就是我推薦的餐廳.
This article is regarding 2021 Restaurant Recommendation near Dongmen station. It also includes the Yongkang Food as well. The one with “ star mark ** ” are the ones that I recommend.The article will be categorized into Chinese, Afternoon Tea & Dessert, Western , and Dongmen Market Food.

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前言 Preface

這篇東門站永康街美食推薦懶人包, 上至仁愛路二段, 下至和平東路一段, 右至大安森林公園, 左至金山南路二段. 東門市場美食與 和合青田 & 青田七六系列也包括在這篇文章裡.

台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide

延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount



東門站美食 – 和合青田 & 青田七六系列⭐


和合青田其實稱作台北市茶藝館反而較適合, 特色是用傳統燒炭火泡茶, 非常值得一去的地方, 這是一家預約制的台北茶館包廂.
HeHe QingTian is one of the Taipei Tea Houses. The most special part would be they offer traditional method to brew tea, which is burning the charcoal. This Tea House is on my Taipei Tea House recommendation list. However, you would need to reserve.
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餐廳: 和合青田
地址: 台北市大安區青田街8巷10號 (MAP)
捷運: 東門捷運站皆可
電話: 02-2321-0055
Restaurant: HeHe QingTian Tea House
Address: No. 10, 8th Lane, Qingtian Street, Da’an District, Taipei City (MAP)
Nearby MRT station: Dongmen MRT station
Tel: 02-2321-0055



青田七六在和合青田附近. 青田七六用餐環境有榻榻米, 白天用餐更有 Feel! 基本上是有中式菜餚與日式菜餚可選擇. 我跟朋友分別點檸檬鹽烤雞套餐與紅麴味噌松阪豬.


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東門站美食 – 中式餐廳

東門市場 Dongmen Market 🔥

台北東門市場美食推薦 , 有東門利隆餅店, 東門黃媽媽米粉湯, 江記東門豆花, 與東門城滷肉飯. 菜單細節皆在文章連結裡.
There are Dongmen Lilong Pastry Shop, Mama Huang’s Rice Noodle Soup, Dongmen Braised Pork Rice and Dongmen Jiang Ji Douhua. More details are at the article link.
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地址: 台北市中正區信義路二段87號 (Map)
Dongmen Market
Address: No. 87, 2nd Section, Xinyi Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City (Map)


好公道金雞園 Hao Gong Dao Jin Ji Yuan 🔥

好公道金雞園是台北米其林必比登推薦之一, 價格很合理, 除了金雞園小籠包外, 看我跟朋友都點了哪些菜餚
Hao Gong Dao Jin Ji Yuan ( Golden Chicken Ranch Restaurant ) is one of the restaurants on Taipei BIB GOURMAND GUIDE. Click the article to find out what I ordered.
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餐廳: 好公道金雞園
地址: 台北市大安區永康街28-1號 (Map)
捷運站: 東門捷運站
電話: 02-2341-6980
Restaurant: Golden Chicken Ranch Restaurant (Hao Gong Dao Jin Ji Yuan Restaurant )
Address: No. 28-1, Yongkang Street, Da’an District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Dongmen MRT station
Tel: 02-2341-6980


御牛殿 Yu Niu Dian Beef Noodle 🔥

御牛殿牛肉麵 ( 也名為鈜景牛肉麵 ) 在我的台北東門捷運站美食推薦名單上, 最著名料理為刺身牛肉麵系列, 我認為台北最好吃的清燉牛肉麵就在御牛殿, 前提是你要能接受牛肉片可能只有八分熟.
Yu Niu Dian Beef Noodle is on my Taipei Yongkang yummy list. The most famous cuisine would be raw beef noodle. I personally think Yu Niu Dian is the best clear broth Beef Noodle in Taipei. However, you might need to accept the beef slice only in medium to well-done level.
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店名: 御牛殿牛肉麵
地址: 台北市中正區臨沂街70號 (Map)
捷運: 東門捷運站
Restaurant Name: Yu Niu Dian Beef Noodle
Address: No. 70, Linyi Street , Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT station: Dongmen MRT Station
Tel: 02-2356-3468


五燈獎 台北店  Wu Den Jiang



永康刀削麵 Yongkang Noodle

湯頭表現平平, 我個人只喜歡刀削麵體, 有白蘿蔔的紅燒牛肉麵不常見.
The broth is average. I only like the thick noodle. It is quite interesting to eat a braised beef noodle with radish.


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東門赤肉羹 Dongmen Starch Coated Pork Stick Store

去東門赤肉羹完全就是一個吃早餐的概念, 因為中午用餐時間太多人, 我點了赤肉羹 NTD $50 銅板價, 再點一份魯肉飯 NTD $30, 男生大概就六分飽.
If would better to visit here during morning time since lunch time are packed. I ordered Starch Coated Pork Thick Soup (NTD $50) and Braised Pork Rice (NTD $30). Guys probably would only fulfill only 60% appetite.


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東門站美食 – 西式餐廳

A.B House 義式私房料理🔥

雖然 A.B House 商業午餐已取消, 單點聽說也很不錯, 重點是AB House 價位依舊合理.
Even though A.B. House Italian Restaurant business lunch is cancelled. But, I heard that single dish price is great. Its price is reasonable enough for me to put on the Dongmen MRT station restaurants recommendation.
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餐廳: A.B House 義式私房料理
地址: 台北市大安區潮州街188號 (Map)
捷運站: 東門捷運站
電話: 02-2392-2991
Restaurant: A.B House Italian Restaurant
Address: No. 188 Chaozhou Street, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Dongman MRT station or Guting MRT station
Tel: 02-2392-2991


長春藤法式餐廳 Long Wall Restaurant

Long Wall 長春藤法式餐廳是東門捷運站餐廳之一, 在台北永康商圈已經超過30年以上. 我是吃商業午餐.
Long Wall French Restaurant is one of the restaurants near Dongmen MRT station. It has been at Yongkang Street for over 30 years now. I has business lunch.
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餐廳: 長春藤法式餐廳
地址: 台北市大安區永康街2巷11號 (Map)
捷運站: 東門捷運站
電話: 02-2392-7533
Restaurant: Long Wall French Restaurant
Address: No. 11, 2nd Lane, Yongkang Street, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Dongmen MRT station
Tel: 02-2392-7533


Les Africot

北非摩洛哥殖民風格裝潢非常受到網美們的喜愛, 讓 新開幕 Les Africot 訂位 網站呈現滿座的狀態.
Les Africot Taipei is one of the IG Friendly restaurants at Yongkang Street. Its Morocco style indoor design is loved by many KOLs at Taipei City.
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餐廳: Les Africot
地址: 台北市大安區永康街61巷15號 (Map)
捷運站: 東門捷運站
電話: 02-2341-1777
Restaurant: Les Africot
Address: No. 15, 61th Lane, Yongkong Street, Da’an Street, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Dongmen MRT station
Tel: 02-2341-1777


東門站美食 – 下午茶

悄悄好食永康店 🔥

悄悄好食是眾所皆知的台北司康推薦, 在悄悄好食永康店 , 吃到了隱藏限定版千層司康與微醺司康, 只是無法訂位, 比較麻煩
Ciao Ciao Scones is the well-known Taipei Scone Recommendation. I went to Ciao Ciao Scone Shop Yongkang Store. tasted the tipsy scone and multi-layers scone. However, you cannot reserve seats.
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餐廳: 悄悄好食永康店
地址: 台北市大安區永康街31巷14-4號 (Map)
捷運站: 東門捷運站
電話: 02-2356-7206
Restaurant: Ciao Ciao Scone Yongkang Store
Address: No. 14-4, 31th Lane, Yongkang Street,Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Dongmen MRT station
Tel: 02-2356-7206


金雞母 Jingimoo – 東門店 🔥

金雞母是眾所皆知的冰店, 冬天也有販售熱甜食. 一人低消一款冰品或飲品, 這裡無法訂位.
Jingimoo is the famous shaved ice shop. They also offer hot sweet items during winter time. The minimum charge is one shaved ice or drink / per person. You cannot reserve seats here.

餐廳: 金雞母Jingimoo-東門店
地址: 台北市中正區杭州南路一段143巷36號 (Map)
捷運站: 東門捷運站
電話: 0908-232-108
Restaurant: Jingimoo- Dongmen Store
Address: No.36, 143 th Lane,1st Section, Hangzhou South Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Dongmen MRT station
Tel: 0908-232-108


8% Ice Bistro

2017 年 8% Ice Bistro的複合式咖啡店在2017年在永康街開幕, 我有在這裡喝過卡布奇諾 + 濃縮咖啡.
8% Ice Bistro is opened during 2017. I drank Cappuccino + Espresso there.
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餐廳: 8% Ice Bistro
地址: 台北市大安區永康街23巷6號 (Map)
捷運站: 東門捷運站
電話: 02-2394-5566
Restaurant: Ciao Ciao Scone Yongkang Store
Address: No. 14-4, 31th Lane, Yongkang Street,Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Dongmen MRT station
Tel: 02-2394-5566



