網路上有很多關於歐美啤酒的資訊, 但是除了Asahi, Stout和虎牌啤酒, 較少有關亞洲啤酒, 就如日本當地品牌輕井澤高原啤酒. When you research beers on the internet or app, there are usually lots of informations about USA and European beers. There isn't much...
最近這十年, 台灣消費者因為NY Bagels Cafe 餐廳才開始熟悉貝果(Bagels)這項產品, 美國好市多(Costco)在台灣開分店後, 也開始販售貝果, 以便消費者在家裡就可以享受不同的早餐. Back in the days, most Taiwanese weren't familiar with bagels. Before Costco chain stores, N.Y. ...