AJ Grill 是 2023 新開幕的台北牛排餐廳之一, 以威士忌燒炙牛排的桌邊 Show 令人印象深刻, 文章裡有 AJ Grill 菜單 , 低消, 評價與訂位等重點. AJ Grill restaurant is a 2023 newly-opened Taipei Steak restaurant. Its grilled steak with whisky table side sho...
台北喜來登安東廳 近期成為饕客們的台北牛排餐廳推薦 , 這次品嚐安東廳菜單的牛排套餐, 沒想到龍蝦湯也成為我的安東廳推薦菜餚之一. Antoine Room in Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel becomes one of the Taipei Steakhouse recommendation among foodies. This time, we tried the...
再訪 2023 台北米其林一星餐廳推薦 - A CUT 牛排館 , 品嚐 A CUT 菜單上的商業午餐, 餐廳搬新家後, 依然在我的台北牛排推薦名單! I revisited A Cut Steakhouse, which is a 2023 Taipei Michelin One Star Restaurant. My friend and I choose Business Lunch Set...
(2025.2 更新) 這篇文章有 平價台北牛排館, 也有適合約會的高級牛排餐廳. 有標 “ Fire.jpg🔥” 是我的台北牛排推薦. (2025.2 Update) This article includes both average price and high-end Taipei Steak House.The ones with “ Fire.jpg🔥” is my Taipei St...
近期 很牛炭燒牛排外帶 很有名, 這次到 很牛炭燒牛排餐廳台北小巨蛋店內用, 發現這裡也是附近台北上班族聚餐餐廳的選擇之一. TGB is the initial of The God Beef. TGB Steak Restaurant’s to-go menu is quite famous these days. I went to Taipei Arena branch restauran...
(結束營業) 棧直火廚房 C-Kitchen by FUK 2020年搬家新開幕後成為台北東區餐酒館之一, 棧直火廚房菜單上的直火煙燻美國牛排搭配精釀啤酒與紅酒完全就是夢幻組合. (Closed Down) C-Kitchen by FUK restaurant moves its location and becomes one of the Taipei Bistros at Taipei E...