(結束營業) 台北 RADICI 餐廳 是 迪化街美食 之一, 也是 台北義式餐酒館, 中庭花園與洋樓建築頗有特色, RADICI 與 Anima Taipei 是同一位義籍主廚老闆. (Closed Down) RADICI restaurant is one of the Taipei Dadaocheng restaurants. It is also a Taipei Italian Bi...
在許多人眼裡, COFE Bar 喫茶咖啡是大稻埕迪化街老宅下午茶美食之一 , 我則是專程為了台灣茶磚巧克力與台灣精品咖啡巧克力到 COFE 喫茶咖啡. Many people consider COFE Taipei store is a Dadaocheng Afternoon Tea place. I only visit there for their special COTE Choco...
大橋頭捷運站美食之一的“大橋頭筒仔米糕”是許多觀光客的大稻埕美食餐廳之一. “DQT Steamed Sticky Rice Restaurant” is one of the restaurants that most travelers visited at Taipei Dadaocheng area.