Sugar Miss Taipei Dessert 》Sugar Miss 千層蛋糕 vs 大理石蛋糕哪個優?

Last Updated on 2020-03-24 by Foodelicious

Sugar Miss 甜點店起初是以大理石豆腐岩和室內裝潢而出名, 近期開始推出不同口味的千層蛋糕, Sugar Miss 成為台北賣千層蛋糕的甜點店.
Sugar Miss Taipei is famous for its marble cake and indoor design. Recently, they started promoting their Mille Crêpes. Therefore, Sugar Miss becomes one of the dessert shops that sells Mille Crêpes.

Sugar Miss 菜單 2020 在文末 》Sugar Miss Menu 2020 is at the end of article


首先, “Sugar Pea” 和 Sugar Miss 沒有任何關聯. Sugar Miss 甜點店位於國父紀念館站 2 號出口附近, 與 “Lady M” 在同一個捷運站出口. 剛開始 Sugar Miss 以如同藝術品的大理石豆腐岩而深受女孩們喜愛, 至今到 2020 年依舊有限時 90分鐘的規定, 低消是 NTD $200, 倒是比 Lady M NTD $350 合理許多, 由於 Sugar Miss 甜點店和 “春美冰菓室” 一樣經常出現在日本媒體, 因此日本人也常來這家甜點店, Sugar Miss 也將日文放進菜單內. 近年推出台灣人喜愛的千層蛋糕系列, 這次與朋友兩個人點了四款蛋糕來品嚐.
First of all, “Sugar Pea Restaurant” and Sugar Miss Dessert Shop are not related. Sugar Miss is located near Exit 2 of SYS Memorial Hall MRT station, which is also at the same lane as “Lady M”. Now at the year of 2020, Sugar Miss still have 90 minutes limited time policy and minimum charge of NTD $200. The minimum charge is lower and more reasonable than Lady M’s NTD $350 minim charge. Similar with “Chun Mei Ice Shop”, Sugar Miss has lots of Japanese customers. Therefore, their menu has three languages – Chinese, English and Japanese. My friend and I ordered 4 different cakes to try out.

延伸閱讀: Lady M Taiwan 》國父紀念館捷運站千層蛋糕店

延伸閱讀: Sugar Pea Taipei 》別低估這間優雅純白裝潢的信義安和站美食

延伸閱讀: Chun Mei Ice Shop 春美冰菓室 》招牌手打杏仁豆腐讓主廚江振誠驚豔

延伸閱讀: 其他國父紀念館餐廳 》Other Restaurants near SYS Memorial Hall MRT station



Original Vanilla Mille Crêpes
Price: NTD $180
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

許多甜點控都知道其實好吃的千層蛋糕都不是在這種千層蛋糕甜點專賣店, 例如在 “OZ Bistro“ 和 ”花滔廚房“餐廳賣的千層蛋糕才是讓台北甜點控為之瘋狂. 此文章的千層蛋糕是與 Lady M 的千層蛋糕做比較. 端上桌與 “Lady M” 外觀最大的不同在於 – Sugar Miss 沒有用透明切片蛋糕圍邊. Sugar Miss 的香草千層蛋糕意外地綿密與濕潤, 並不會像 Lady M 吃起來層層分明. 兩家甜點店都運用馬達加斯加香草莢, 我倒是比較喜歡 Sugar Miss 千層蛋糕的奶油內餡因為有濃郁奶香味. 整體價格和美味跟 LADY M 相比, 我個人比較推 Sugar Miss 的原味香草生乳千層蛋糕.
Many dessert-addicted people know that delicious Mille Crêpes are not selling in the dessert shops. Instead, several famous and delicious Mille Crêpes appeared at “OZ Bistro” and “La Cucina di Flora”. This article is basically comparing Sugar Miss with Lady M. The most difference on cake appearance between Lady M and Sugar Miss Mille Crêpes is the transparent cake wrapper. However, Sugar Miss Mille Crêpes tastes more moist and creamy. Both desserts use vanilla from Madagascar. I would prefer Sugar Miss Crêpes filling since it has thick milky flavor. Comparing price and delicious level with Lady M, I would prefer Original Vanilla Mille Crêpes from Sugar Miss.

延伸閱讀: OZ Cafe & Bistro 》台北信義區美食推薦 | 巷弄內餐點與甜點出乎意料地精采

延伸閱讀: 花滔廚房 La Cucina di Flora 》南京東路巷弄美食餐廳推薦



Hojicha Roasted Green Tea Mix Maple Sugar Mille Crêpes
Price: NTD $220
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

目前市面上相當多伯爵紅茶蛋糕, 有些是紅茶風味淡, 要不然就是店家想增加紅茶風味而過多茶葉碎末. Sugar Miss 有伯爵紅茶千層蛋糕, 但是我選擇了不常見的楓糖焙茶千層蛋糕. 我個人喜歡日本焙茶多過於日本抹茶, 這款千層蛋糕即使淋上加拿大楓糖, 依舊茶香濃郁十足, 聽店員說如果買 6” or 9” 圓型蛋糕會另外附糖漿, 不會事先淋上去. 我個人蠻喜歡這款楓糖焙茶千層蛋糕.
There are many types of Earl Grey Black Tea cakes. Some only has light black tea flavor. Some actually put too many actual black tea mini leafs at the cake. Sugar Miss also has Earl Grey Black Tea Cakes. But, I still selected Hojicha Roasted Green Tea with Maple Sugar Mille Crêpes. I prefer Roasted Green Tea than Matcha. Even though the Mille Crêpes is spread with Canada Maple Syrup, the tastebuds can still sense the roasted tea flavor. The staff mentioned that if purchase 6” or 9” cake, the syrup will be packed aside instead of spreading prior. I personally like this Roasted Green Tea mixed with Maple Syrup Mille Crêpes.

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Matcha Milk Mille Crêpes
Price: NTD $220
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

其實抹茶系列甜點和飲料問我不是很準, 我通常只吃一口或是喝一口. 所以只好給了個 N/A (Not Available )
I don’t usually eat or drink Matcha. I would only eat one bite or drink one sip. So, I gave a N/A (Not Available)


Black Marble Cheese Cake
Price: NTD $190
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

Sugar Miss 大理石豆腐岩蛋糕與大理石乳酪蛋糕是不一樣的蛋糕. Sugar Miss 的乳酪蛋糕外型與 “Coffee Essential 民生工寓”的圓型重乳酪蛋糕長得不一樣, Sugar Miss 蛋糕的黑色大理石紋路來自竹炭粉, 若是只吃上層白色部份, 會有適量檸檬風味, 若是與中間重乳酪一起吃, 味蕾會感受到經典起司蛋糕風味, 就蛋糕外觀而言是非常討喜, 論好吃程度就只有中等.
The Sugar Miss cheese cake appearance is different from “Coffee Essential” round shape Cheese Cake. The marble picture is from bamboo powder. If eat only the white part, there will be fair amount of lemon flavor. If tasting with the cheese cake in the middle, the tastebuds will sense the classic cheese cake flavor. The cake appearance is very attractive. However, the delicious level is just average.

延伸閱讀: Coffee Essential 民生工寓 》黑糖拿鐵與重乳酪蛋糕令人難忘

台北約會餐廳 Taipei Restaurant for Dating

連結 (Link) : 台北約會餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Restaurant for Dating

連結 (Link) : 台北牛排餐廳推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Steak Recommendation

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount




店名: Sugar Miss 甜點店
地址: 台北市大安區光復南路290巷4號1 樓 (Map)
捷運站: 國父紀念館捷運站
電話: 02-2771-5320
營業時間: Call to Confirm
Restaurant: Sugar Miss Dessert
Address: No. 4, 290th Lane, GuongFu South Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: SYS Memorial Hall MRT station
Tel: 02-2771-5320
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm

Sugar Miss 菜單 2020 》Sugar Miss Menu 2020






