Smith & Wollensky Taipei 》噶瑪蘭威士忌紐約客牛排不再是隱藏菜單
Last Updated on 2020-08-28 by Foodelicious
Smith & Wollensky 牛排館是台北微風南山餐廳之一, 也在饕客們的台北牛排餐廳推薦名單裡, 這次我很榮幸可以品嚐到 Smith & Wollensky 新菜單.
Smith & Wollensky Taipei Steakhouse is one of the restaurants at Nanshan Breeze Mall. it is also at the list of Taipei Steakhouse recommendation list for many foodies.
2019 Smith & Wollensky 菜單 在文末 2019 Smith & Wollensky Taipei Menu is at the end of article
目錄 / Table of Contents
Smith & Wollensky 交通 & Happy Hour
Smith & Wollensky Taipei Traffic & Happy Hour
Smith & Wollensky 牛排館是台北微風南山 47 F 景觀餐廳之一, 同一層樓有 “和牛 47” 和 “MiraWan”. 搭獨立星空電梯即可抵達 47 樓 , 沿著牛排館的經典綠色與白色走道轉個彎即可看到餐廳. 走進 Smith & Wollensky 餐廳後, 右側設計與 “INGE’S Bar & Grill”有些相似, 皆是酒吧與沙發區, 目前週三至週六晚上有爵士現場演奏. 唯獨在吧台區有提供 4pm ~ 6:30pm 和 9:30 pm ~ 午夜12 點的雙時段 Happy Hour 菜單 (在文末). 此外, 餐廳並沒有將服務費加進帳單, 而是與美國一樣皆是自主性給小費.
Smith & Wollensky Taipei is one of the Nanshan Breeze Mall 47F restaurants. There are “MiraWan” and “Wagyu 47” at the same floor. After exiting the elevator, you could just follow the green and white color path to the restaurant. The restaurant’s right hand side is bar and sofa area, similar with “INGE’S Bar & Grill”. The live jazz show is scheduled Wednesday to Saturday night. There is exclusive Happy Hour Menu during 4pm ~ 6:30pm and 9pm ~ midnight at the bar area (Happy Hour menu is at the end of the article). Also, the restaurant didn’t add the service charge into the bill. The restaurant would encourage customers to offer tips by preference.
延伸閱讀: 台北和牛 47 》 Wagyu 47 | 品嚐和牛美食欣賞台北101高空景觀
Smith & Wollensky 訂位和餐廳包廂
Smith & Wollensky Reservation and Private Dining Rooms
Smith & Wollensky 餐廳佔地是L型 , 入口左側是適合約會的兩人窗邊座位, 由於剛抵達用餐很多情侶都已入座, 不太方便拍照. 目前四人以下是採用網路訂位 ( 訂位連結: ) , 五位以上則是打電話洽詢. 餐廳是先抵達先帶位到窗邊座位, 往餐廳更內部觀賞時, 座位以四人至六人為主, 與 “Ukai Taipei” 一樣可看到山景.
Smith & Wollensky Taipei indoor design is L Shape. The left hand side is mostly 2-people seating area, perfect for dating or romantic dining. If under 4 people, the customer would need to reserve online (Reservation Link: ). If over 5 people or private dining rooms, you could call to reserve. Walking toward another side of the restaurant, the seating seats are suitable for 4 ~ 6 people. The view is similar with “Ukai Taipei”, which is the mountain view.
延伸閱讀: 台北約會餐廳 》Taipei Dating Restaurants
Smith & Wollensky Taipei 共有四個包廂, 只有一個八人包廂可以看到台北 101, 也有一個包廂是圓桌, 非常適合家庭聚會. 另一個包廂則是可以互通擺放長桌適合商業聚會, 包廂景觀與設計皆在以下短片內.
There are four private dining rooms at Smith & Wollensky Taipei. There is only one private dining room for 8 people to see Taipei 101. There is another room with a round table, which is suitable for family gathering. The other two private dining rooms can be connected together and is placed with long table. All the private room views and details are at the following video.
包廂資訊連結 Private Dining Room Info Link :
Bread (Brioche)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
每桌皆有一份佐餐麵包, 這次用餐是布里歐麵包 (Brioche) 搭配奶油, 柔軟口感搭配濃郁且單純的奶香風味入口, 吃的時候需要警惕自己需要留些空間吃牛排.
Each table has bread as a starter. This time, we have brioche pairs with butter. The soft texture from the brioche pairs great with the simply buttery flavor.
乾式熟成噶瑪蘭威士忌紐約客帶骨牛排 21oz
Dry-Aged Kavalan Whisky Aged USDA Prime Bone-in New York 21oz
Price: NTD $4280
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
不同於 “A Cut Steak House” , Smith & Wollensky 餐廳並沒有熟成展示櫃讓客人觀賞, 由於供應牛排數量多, 餐廳選擇在廚房內與在外租貸空間自己建立溫濕控的熟成室. 之前的限量隱藏版菜單是噶瑪蘭威士忌帶骨肋眼牛排, 這次新菜單則是噶瑪蘭威士忌紐約客帶骨牛排 21oz, 客人不用再為“限量”和“隱藏” 而煩腦. Smith & Wollensky 牛排餐廳主推乾式熟成系列. 這道紐約客帶骨牛排則是用知名台灣噶瑪蘭威士忌醃製熟成28天,而非像市面上是用威士忌來做成醬或是用威士忌嗆燒牛排.
Different from “A Cut Steak House” , Smith & Wollensky Taipei restaurant doesn’t have aged room as display. Instead, the restaurant spends money at its own aged room at the kitchen and other place. The previous hidden menu is Dry-Aged Kavalan Whisky Aged Bone-In Rib Eyes with limited quantity. Now, Smith & Wollensky Taipei restaurant puts Dry-Aged Kavalan Whisky Aged USDA Prime Bone-in New York 21oz at the new menu. The customers do not need to worry about the limited quantity nor hidden menu. Smith & Wollensky Restaurant is famous for its dry-aged method series. The Bone-in New York aged 28 days with Taiwan famous Kavalan Whiskey. Most restaurants in Taiwan only use whisky for sauce or just grilling enhancement.
♛ 台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List
連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)
連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康 No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health
餐廳推薦牛排三分熟, 21oz 油亮且深褐色牛排視覺相當豪邁, 用 Smith & Wollensky 與雙人牌合作的專業牛排刀切開時, 牛排的焦褐, 乳白與粉嫩紅漸層分明, 先切一小塊牛排品嚐, 味蕾先感受到一抹酒香與微香甜, 隨後是期待已久的濃郁肉香, 焦香也間接襯托出牛肉的嫩, 每一口皆是同樣與持續風味, 相當難得, 價位也與美味品質成正比, 因為 Smith & Wollensky 並沒有規定每人需低消一份牛排, 我會推薦這道牛排料理給 2 ~ 3 人分享.
The restaurant suggests medium-rare. 21 oz oily and dark brown steak appearance is amazing. After cutting, the image of brown, white and pink color layers appear. The tastebuds would sense small amounts of whisky flavor with hints of sweetness. The long lasting flavor would be the thick meaty flavor. Every bite is consistent, which is not easy to find. Since the policy doesn’t state each person need to order one steak dish, I would recommend this steak dish for 2 ~ 3 people to share.
濕式熟成菲力 8z + 烤牛骨髓
Wet-Aged Twin Filets 8oz + Roasted Bone-Marrow
Price: NTD $ 1580 + NTD $280 = NTD $1860
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
烤牛骨髓在菜單歸類為 “精選配料” 而非 “配菜”, Smith & Wollensky 餐廳則是想出烤牛骨髓搭配原味菲力的吃法. 這一道菜餚的牛骨比我想像中地更大很多, 相對地骨髓份量也較多, 若只是想試單純牛骨髓味道, 可挖起在底部細緻滑順的馬鈴薯泥, 再搭配一丁點骨髓入口即可. 但我個人還是推薦將牛骨髓挖起放置在濕式熟成菲力 8z (文末影片有更多細節)
The roasted bone-marrow is categorized as “steak enhancements” instead of side dishes. The restaurant suggest us to place the bone marrow on the top of the filet for pairing. This quantity of this dish is larger than expected. If desiring to taste solely at bone-marrow, you can pair with the mashed potato at the bottom. I personally recommend to put the bone marrow at the wet-aged filet. (There are more details at the video at the end of article.)
在品嚐之前, 餐廳員工提到 Smith & Wollensky 在美國華盛頓州 (Washington State) 有合作的牧場, 與之前與“美牛協會晚餐餐敘”時聊到的給牛充足活動空間會提升牛肉品質,提供給美國分店, 英國和亞洲唯一的台灣分店. 牧場將少許玉米飼料換成馬鈴薯, 增加肉香甜感. 烤牛骨髓視覺上如同黑松露醬靜置在牛排表層, 這道菲力也是三分熟, 即使油花沒有紐約客多, 單吃也是偏嫩, 搭配烤牛骨髓增加濕潤感與鹹香風味, 如同牛油淋在牛排上的感覺, 兩種食材互相襯托帶出最佳效果, 在品嚐的同時, 餐廳也提到他們並不是用木頭或是炭火去烤牛排, 而是用所謂的超級烤箱, 以便讓全球的 Smith & Wollensky 的美味品質皆統一.
Smith & Wollensky has cooperated USA ranch at Washington State. The ranch allows cows to have free spaces and areas, just like the matter that we chatted about at “US Meat Export Federation Media Dinner”. The ranch offers beef to US branches, London branch, and Taipei branch. The ranch also substitutes corn with potato as feeds. The image of the bone marrow is similar with black truffle sauce. This steak is also medium-rare. When tasting the fillet with bone marrow, the tastebuds senses the moist texture and strong meaty flavor. While eating, the restaurant also mentions that they use their own oven instead of grilling with wood or charcoal. The main reason would be to keep the same quality at each Smith & Wollensky Steakhouse.
延伸閱讀: 美國肉類出口協會 x 問鼎麻辣鍋媒體餐敘 》US Meat Export Federation Media Dinner
Dry-Aged Duck Breast
Price: NTD $1880
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
雖然台灣很多牛排餐廳, 但台灣人很多都不吃牛肉, 因此 Smith & Wollensky 這次新菜單推出10天乾式熟成鴨胸, 採用與 ”ULV Restaurant and Bar Taipei” 一樣的豪野鴨品牌櫻桃鴨, 這道菜餚一端上桌, 油脂份量讓人眼睛為之一亮, 肥瘦相間的誘惑讓我誤認為是 “Logy Taipei“ 夏季菜單裡的台灣東寶豬大里肌. 厚切上色均勻的鴨胸表層脆口, 與鴨肉一起入口層次分明且嫩度高, 絲毫沒有我在 “Chou Chou Taipei” 吃到的乾柴口感. 莓果醬汁與無花果賦予不少甜度與果香, 我個人是比較喜歡單吃不沾醬, 因為油潤口感與肉香會在舌尖停留一陣子.
Even though there are many steakhouses at Taiwan, but there are still a few people that do not eat beef. Therefore, Smith & Wollensky Taipei restaurant puts Dry-Aged Duck Breast at the new menu. They use cherry duck, just like at “ULV Restaurant and Bar taipei”. The large quantity of fats is similar with Taiwanese pork at “Logy Taipei”. The thick sliced duck breast skin is a bit crispy with tender texture. It is much more delicious than “Chou Chou”. The berry sauce and the figs bring fair amount of the sweetness and fruity flavor to this dish. I personally like to eat the duck breast without any sauce though.
延伸閱讀: Logy Taipei 》台北米其林一星 logy 餐廳美食
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
Smith & Wollensky 牛排餐廳菜單上有多項配菜, 我們則是選了櫛瓜, 鮮脆時蔬搭配牛排也是不錯的選擇.
There are many side dishes at the menu. We select zucchini, which are crisp and great pairing with the steak.
海鮮塔 (2 人份)
Shellfish Towers (For 2 people)
Price: NTD $2980
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
海鮮塔冷盤在菜單上有兩人份與四人份, 雖然名稱有”塔”, 其實並不是用常見三層塔架放置, 冷盤內容包括新鮮澳洲黃金蟹, 鮮蝦, 日本海膽, 台灣淡菜, 和波士頓龍蝦, 每款海鮮皆相當新鮮. 搭配四種醬料- 雞尾酒醬, 干邑芥末, 薑味美乃滋, 乾蔥紅酒醋. 我個人只喜歡擠上幾滴檸檬, 些許微酸勾勒出海鮮的鮮美.
There are 2-people and 4-people quantity options for shellfish towers on the menu. The cold plate includes Australia crab, shrimp, Japan sea urchin, Taiwanese oysters, and Boston Lobster. Each seafood is fresh. There are four sauces – classic cocktail sauce, cognac mustard, ginger sauce and sherry mignonette. I personally just like a few drops of lemon juice. The acidity would enhance the seafood refreshment.
香煎北海道干貝 & 庫斯庫斯
Seared Hokkaido Scallops with Couscous
Price: NTD $780
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
三顆北海道生食級干貝帶有微焦表層, 烹煮程度恰到好處, 干貝的嫩與北非小米顆粒口感形成多層次的口感.
Three Hokkaido Scallops have light brown color. The grilled texture is right on the spot. The tenderness of the scallops and the granule texture of the Couscous combination are quite interesting.
Chocolate Cake
Price: NTD $480
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
我必須承認蛋糕高度比我想像中地大兩倍, 巧克力慕斯並不會過甜, 蛋糕本體是濕潤口感, 而且不會膩, 由於台灣人不太習慣吃大份量甜點, 我會建議 4 ~ 6 人分享.
I have to admit that the height of the cake is double size of my expectation. The chocolate mousse is not overly too sweet. The cake body is moist and in perfect condition. Since Taiwanese don’t eat large quantity of desserts, I would suggest 4 ~6 people to share.
2017 Smith & Wollensky Sauvignon Blanc
Price: NTD $280/glass
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
Smith & Wollensky Taipei 牛排餐廳有專業侍酒師, 美國總公司餐廳與美國釀酒廠合作擁有自己的品牌, 這款白酒來自加州 Sonoma County, Sauvignon Blanc 酒體適中並不是輕盈, 先聞到經典白花香, 討喜哈密瓜風味與清新酸度停留在舌尖, 適合搭配海鮮.
Smith & Wollensky Taipei Steak house has its owns sommelier. The headquarter cooperates with US winery to OEM its own brand. This white wine is from Sonoma County, California. This Sauvignon Blanc has the classic white flower aroma and medium wine body. The honeydew melon flavor and crisp acidity stay at the tip of the tastebuds. It is great pairing with seafood.
2016 Smith & Wollensky Red Wine Blend
Price: NTD $380/glass
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
紅酒搭配牛排是不敗組合, 這款來自 Napa Valley 的紅酒主要有 Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec 與其他許多葡萄品種混釀而成, 我很喜歡這款紅酒的豐滿酒體和奶油般圓潤口感, 單寧偏柔和, 尾韻深厚. 由於這款在零售通路沒有販售, 我建議來 Smith & Wollensky 可以點一杯這款紅酒來喝.
Red wine and steak are great combination. This Smith & Wollensky Red Wine Blend is from Napa Valley. The main grape type would be Cabernet Sauvignon, along with Malbec and many different types of grapes. I like this full wine body along with buttery texture and soft tannin. Since this wine is not sold at the sales channel, I would suggest to come to Smith & Wollensky to drink this wine.
♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.
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餐廳: 史密斯華倫斯基牛排館 Smith & Wollensky Taipei
地址: 台北市信義區松智路17號 47F (微風南山) (Map)
捷運站: 象山與台北101捷運站
Reservation online:
Restaurant: Smith & Wollensky Taipei
Address: Taipei Nanshan Breeze Mall 47F (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Elephant Mountain & Taipei 101
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
台北區域美食推薦 》Taipei District Restaurants Recommendation
📌台北區域美食推薦 Taipei District Restaurants Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北東區美食推薦 》Taipei East District Food Guide
連結 (Link): 台北信義區美食餐廳推薦 》Taipei Xinyi District Restaurants Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北信義安和美食推薦 》Restaurant Recommendation near Xinyi Anhe MRT station
連結 (Link): 台北中山站美食推薦懶人包 》 Zhongshan Station Restaurants Guide
連結 (Link): 東門站永康街美食推薦懶人包 》 Dongmen Station & Yongkang Restaurants Guide
連結 (Link): 台北華山文創園區與週邊美食 》Huashan Creative Park Restaurants and Cafes
連結 (Link): 台北民生社區美食餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Minsheng Community Restaurant Guide
2019 Smith & Wollensky 菜單 》 2019 Smith & Wollensky Taipei
Smith & Wollensky Taipei Happy Hour Menu