天鍋宴大直店 》劍南路捷運站火鍋餐廳 | Dazhi Hot Pot Restaurant

Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious

(已結束營業, 搬至蘆洲) 天鍋宴台北大直鍋物名單裡, 天鍋宴大直菜單上是小火鍋, 而非大家所熟悉的大鴛鴦鍋. 這次很榮幸能品嚐到天鍋宴的嚴選海陸雙人鍋.
(Closed) Sky Pot Party Restaurant is at the list of Dazhi Hot Pot Restaurant list. I now have the opportunity to taste their Surf and Turf Hot Pot Set for Party of 2.


2019 天鍋宴大直店菜單在文末 2019 Sky Pot Party Menu is at the end of article



Sky Pot Party Dazhi Traffic

天鍋宴大直店停車位不難找, 樂群三路停車格很多.天鍋宴大直店最靠近劍南路捷運站, 也就是美麗華購物中心那一站, 從二號出口走路十分鐘左右, 附近餐廳有“教父牛排”和 “Osteria by Angie 大直店” 兩家高級餐廳.
It is not difficult to find a parking space near the Sky Pot Party Restaurant. There are quite a few sparking spaces on the Lequn 3rd Road side. The closet MRT would be Jiannan Road MRT station Exit 2. The nearby restaurants are “Osteria by Angie” and “Danny’s Steak House”



About Sky Pot Party Restaurant Dazhi Branch

天鍋宴在台北有四家分店, 分別在天母, 芝山, 大直, 西湖. 全部四家分店下午皆沒有休息, 天鍋宴大直店餐廳有三層樓,跟 “明水然鐵板燒“一樣沒有電梯, 第一層樓有座位, 除非有特別需求 (例如長輩或是行動不便的客人)或是餐廳全滿才會開放, 上樓前在廚房前面看到放活龍蝦的水族箱. 餐廳二樓是洗手間, 三樓空間靠近窗戶的座位較寬敞, 可放嬰兒車, 適合小家庭聚會. 文末有更多餐廳內部裝潢和醬料區細節
There are 4 branches Sky Pot Party Restaurants, which are located at Tiamu, Zhishan, Dazhi, and Xihu, at Taipei City. All Sky Pot Party branches operate during afternoon too. Dazhi Branch restaurant has 3 floors with no elevator, just like at “Minsui Zen Teppanyaki”. There are seating area at 1st floor for elders or handicapped. The live lobster aquarium is near the kitchen. Restrooms are at the 2nd floor. The seating area at the 3rd floor is better and not too crowded. There are more details in the video at the end of article.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Teppanyaki 》台北鐵板燒推薦 | 明水然鐵板燒之超值龍蝦牛排海陸套餐


三樓有醬料區和飲料區, 值得一提的是沙茶醬, 海鮮醬和少見的泡菜皆是店家自製, 當時有一位客人看到我在照相, 推薦天鍋宴的自製泡菜相當好吃, 我原本以為會是像韓國餐廳“北村豆腐家韓國料理”軟爛, 天鍋宴泡菜脆度高搭配適量辣度, 適合單吃也適合搭配肉品, 也同時凸顯與其他火鍋店的與眾不同, 沙茶醬也不會像牛頭牌死鹹. 更特別的是天鍋宴醬料區有提供土雞蛋和蛋黃蛋白分離器, 可將蛋黃加進醬料或是火鍋裡, 飲料區除了冰箱有免費罐裝飲料外, 也有冰沙,當天用餐時有冬瓜茶冰沙, 甜度偏高, 但相當特別.至於冰淇淋區則是有卡比索冰淇淋和曠世奇派冰棒. 天鍋宴的吧台費低消為 NTD $150, 天鍋宴的吧台可以說是比 “肉多多火鍋” 精彩許多.
There are sauces and drinks area at 3rd floor. There are custom-made satay sauce, seafood sauce, and kimchi. Unlike “North Village Korean Restaurant”, Sky Pot Party Restaurant ’s kimchi is surprisedly crisp and not too spicy. It is perfect pairing with meats or just served as appetizer. The satay is not too salty. The most interesting part would be the restaurant offer high-cost egg for the sauce or hot pot. The drink area has canned drink and also slush.The slush of the day is winter melon slush, which is overall sweet but special. The ice cream counter has Kabisuo Ice Cream and Popsicle. The min. charge of the counter is NTD $150. All drinks, sauces, and dessert counter are better than “Rododo Hot Pot”.

延伸閱讀: 統一時代百貨餐廳 》 北村豆腐家韓國料理 | Taipei Korean Food

延伸閱讀: 肉多多火鍋 》 信義安和捷運站火鍋 | Taipei Shabu Shabu




湯底: 麻辣湯底 (+ NTD $130) 和 藥膳湯底 (+NTD $130)
1. 火鍋湯底5款選2款
2. 海鮮盤的內容有: 季節時蟹一隻, 明蝦, 活蝦, 蛤蜊, 蚵仔, 小卷,鮑魚,鮭魚, 鱸魚, 干貝
3. 肉品7選4:雪花牛肉, 沙朗牛肉, 牛肩肉, 梅花豬肉, 培根豬肉, 霜降雞肉, 小羔羊肉
4. 飯麵食 5選1: 麵條, 冬粉, 滷肉飯, 白飯, 泡麵
5. 菜盤可換肉品
6. 飲料甜點吧台無限享用
7. 菜單也有單人鍋, 吃不完可外帶, 不收服務費
價格: NTD $1850/Set + NTD $130 + NTD $130 = NTD $2110


Surf and Turf Hot Pot Set (For 2 People)

Broth Base: Mala Spicy Hot Pot (+ NTD $130) and Chinese Medicine (+ NTD $130)
1. Select 2 Hot Pot Broths out of 5 Hot Pot Broths
2. Seafood Plate includes One Seasonal Crab, Large Shrimp, Live Shrimp, Clams, Oyster, Squid, Abalone, Salmon, Striped Bass, Scallop
3. Select 4 out of 7 meats: Marbled Beef, Sirloin beef, Beef Shoulder Meat, Pork, Bacon Pork, Chicken Meat, Lambs
4. Select 2 out of 5 rice/noodle: Noodle, Green bean noodle, rice, braised pork rice, ramen
5. Drink and Dessert All-you-can-eat
6. The customer can change vegetable plate to meat plate
7. There is also single hot pot choice. You can also take-out if not finishing it. No service charge
Price: NTD $1850/Set + NTD $130 + NTD $130 = NTD $2110




Mala Spicy Broth & Chinese Medicine Broth
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

天鍋宴火鍋湯底有五種- 蔬菜柴魚 (免費) , 番茄 (+ NTD $70), 信州味噌 (+ NTD $70), 麻辣 (+NTD $130), 藥膳 (+NTD $130), 嚴選海陸雙人鍋湯底是五選二. 我朋友是選藥膳, 尚未涮肉前我喝了藥膳湯底一口, 藥膳草本風味沒有想像中地重. 平常吃小辣的我選擇麻辣湯底, 最主要原因是天鍋宴店員有提到用豬骨與十幾種辛香料熬煮的麻辣湯底辣度是小辣, 雖然無法調整辣度, 但店家有提供辣椒, 單喝一小口麻辣湯底, 味蕾則是先辣後麻, 是吃小辣的人可以接受的程度. 麻辣湯底也有我喜歡的豆腐和鴨血. 整體缺點則是鍋子沒有 “橘色涮涮屋”深與廣口, 因為限時兩小時, 手需要很忙地加進火鍋裡和撈出來吃, 以免溢出來, 整體優點是天鍋宴加湯不像有些火鍋是加清湯, 而是加原本的湯底.
There are 5 types of hot pot broth – Vegetable (Free), Tomato Base (+ NTD $70), Miso Base (+ NTD$70), Mala Spicy Base (+ NTD $130), Chinese Medicine (+NTD $130). Surf and Turf set is select 2 out of 5 broths. My friend selected Chinese medicine, which overall doesn’t have strong herb flavor. I chose Mala Spicy Base, which is only hints-mild spicy. The broth is stewed with pig bones and dozens of spices. However, the restaurant is not able to adjust the spicy level. They offer chilis at the sauce counter. The mala broth has tofu and duck bloods, which I like. The down side is that the pot is smaller than “Orange Shabu Shabu”. The pot is easy to be fulfilled of ingredients. The upside is the restaurant refills the broth base with the flavored broth instead of clear broth.


延伸閱讀: 橘色涮涮屋 》信義新光三越A9餐廳推薦 | Taipei Wagyu Beef Hot Pot



Vegetable Plate
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

天鍋宴火鍋菜盤裡除了基本款 (例如芋頭,香菇,豆腐, 高麗菜…..etc) ,較特別的是有帶葉玉米筍, 蘋果片和海藻, 菜盤可以換肉品, 若兩人是肉食派, 我會建議將一盤菜盤換成肉品.
Besides the basics (taro, mushroom, tofu, cabbage ..etc). The interesting part would be corn with leaves, sliced apple and seaweed. The customer can exchange the vegetable plate for meat plate. If two people both prefer meats, I would suggest to exchange one of the vegetable plates to meat plate.



Meat Plate
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

圖一從上至下分別是 小羔羊, 沙朗牛肉, 雪花牛肉, 梅花豬肉,天鍋宴火鍋牛肉肉品皆是採用美國牛肉Prime 等級, 豬肉也是來頭不小, 天鍋宴是用美國SRF極黑豬肉, 很多消費者都覺得火鍋肉品的產地來源沒有差別, 因為都是要拿來涮全熟, 我個人很在乎火鍋肉品的油花, Prime 等級油花較多, 涮完入口比較不會乾硬. 這次吃天鍋宴, 我會推薦梅花豬肉和雪花牛肉, 其他兩種則是看個人喜好.
From Picture 1 top to bottom, it is lamb, sirloin beef, marbled beef and pork. Sky Pot Party Restaurant offers Prime Level USA beef. The pork is from high-cost USA SRF pork meat. Some might think that the origin isn’t very important for hot pot meat. However, I prefer the meat with fair amounts of fats. So, the texture wouldn’t be too dry. I would recommend the pork and marbled beef.



Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

日本生食等級干貝食材和海鮮盤是分開處理, 天鍋宴將干貝蒸 8分熟, 讓客人不會因為分心而將干貝食材煮成全熟, 端上桌時會是熱的干貝, 建議趕緊吃,   雖然與 “井上禾食” 炙燒烹煮方式不同, 天鍋宴干貝口感也不錯.
The scallop is steamed into medium-well done texture. The scallop is served in hot condition. Even though the cooking method is different at “Jin-Shan Japanese Restaurant“, the texture is still great.

延伸閱讀: 六張犁捷運站海鮮丼 》 井上禾食 | Taipei Da’an District Restaurant



Seafood Plate
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

海鮮盤的內容有季節時蟹一隻, 明蝦, 活蝦, 蛤蜊, 蚵仔, 小卷,鮑魚,鮭魚, 鱸魚, 我個人認為天鍋宴主打活體海鮮, 海鮮盤的種類比台北信義區的 “鐵支火鍋餐廳”還多, 讓我眼睛為之一亮的不是高單價的紅蟳和少見的鮑魚, 而是一整條小卷和活蹦亂跳的活蝦, 若不是對自家海鮮有自信, 通常不會提供這兩款.我們桌邊牆有貼特殊海鮮的建議烹煮時間,紅蟳蟹鮮美,蛤蜊和蚵仔皆相當飽滿, 以這些新鮮海鮮單價和大直店面地點, NTD $1850 兩人套餐可以說是相當划算.
Seafood Plate includes One Crab, Large Shrimp, Live Shrimp, Clams, Oyster, Squid, Abalone, Salmon, Striped Bass, I personally think that Sky Pot Party Restaurant’s seafood plate is better than meat plate. The variety of seafood is better and more than “TIGI Hot Pot” at Taipei Xinyi District. I was actually surprised to see a whole squid and live shrimps instead of crab and abalone. I guess that this hot pot restaurant is confident about their seafood. There are cooking method instruction on the wall. The crab’s meat is fresh. The clams and oysters are juicy. Based on the cost of the seafood and store location, NTD $1850 is quite reasonable.


延伸閱讀: 鐵支火鍋信義區旗艦店 》 Taipei XinYi District Hot Pot Restaurant



飯麵食 & 甜點

Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

我跟朋友分別選擇麵與冬粉, 先前的海鮮與肉品份量多, 已經吃不太下麵跟冬粉, 甜點我是選花生巧克力和香草冰淇淋, 我朋友是選曠世奇派的冰棒.
My friend and I picked noodle and rice noodle. My friend picked popsicle and I picked peanut chocolate and vanilla ice cream.



延伸閱讀: 台北火鍋餐廳懶人包 (分區) 》TAIPEI HOT POT GUIDE  (By District)


♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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餐廳: 天鍋宴優質海鮮火鍋
官方粉絲頁: skyhotpot.com.tw
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/天鍋宴優質海鮮火鍋-2296399563950963/

地址:台北市士林區中山北路六段35巷27號 (MAP)

地址:台北市士林區天母北路66號之1 (MAP)

地址:台北市中山區樂群三路53號 (MAP)

地址:台北市內湖區環山路一段12號 (MAP)



Restaurant: Sky Pot Party Restaurant
Website: skyhotpot.com.tw
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/天鍋宴優質海鮮火鍋-2296399563950963

Zhishan Branch
Tel: (02)2831-1157
Address: No. 27, 35th Lane, 6th Section, Zhongshan North Road, Taipei City (MAP)
Operation Hour: 11am ~ 11:30pm (10 pm Last Order)

Tienmu Branch
Tel: (02)2873-3466
Address: No. 66-1, Tienmu North Road, Taipei City (MAP)
Operation Hour: 11am -11:30pm(10pm Last Order)

Dazhi Branch
Tel: 02-8501-1337
Address: No. 53, Lequn 3rd Road, Taipei City (MAP)
Operation Hour: 11am -11:30pm (10pm Last Order)

Xihu Branch
Tel: (02)2658-1233
Adress: No. 12, 1st Section,Huanshan Road, Taipei City (MAP)
Operation Hour: 11am ~ 11:30 (10pm Last Order)



2019 天鍋宴大直店菜單 》 2019 Sky Pot Party Menu

Menu Link: https://www.facebook.com/skypotparty3.0/menu/
