Taipei Vegetarian Restaurant 》吃完祥和蔬食慶城店的非業配感想

Last Updated on 2023-05-16 by Foodelicious

2020 米其林必比登推薦祥和蔬食菜單 以川味素食為主, 兩家分店分別為 祥和蔬食料理慶城店祥和蔬食料理鎮江店.
Serenity Restaurant is a Taipei Vegetarian Restaurant, which also at 2020 BIB Gourmand Guide. And it has two branches at Taipei City.

祥和蔬食 菜單在文末 》Serenity Restaurant Menu is at the end of article

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About Serenity Restaurant Reservation

祥和蔬食料理慶城店離南京復興捷運站七號出口大約 10 分鐘路程, 祥和蔬食是2020 米其林必比登推薦, 直接把米其林寶寶放在餐廳門口, 很難不注意到. 用餐環境舒適不擁擠. 我與朋友們坐在大包廂裡, 大圓桌頗為氣派. 目前祥和蔬食餐廳都是採用電話訂位. 祥和蔬食料理菜單最特別的是有許多菜餚都可選大中小 Size, 兩人也可以吃!! 由於當天用餐吃很多菜餚, 我決定分類寫.
Serenity Restaurant Qingcheng Branch is about 10 minutes walking distance from Exit 7 of Nanjing Fuxing MRT station. It is also on the 2020 BIB Gourmand Guide. It is easy to see the restaurant since they put the Michelin logo at the entrance. The dining environment is comfortable. You would need to call to reserve. Serenity Restaurant dishes have small, medium, and large size. Two people can enjoy the dining. Since we ate lots of dishes, I decide to write with category.




Appetizers & Cold Dishes

松露松柏長青 (中)

Pressed Tofu with Cabbage in Truffle Sauce (M)
Price: NTD $450 (M)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這道松露松柏長青的刀工與“晶華蘭亭”髮絲牛百頁一樣細緻, 文謅謅的菜餚名稱松柏長青其實就是涼拌白菜心, 吃起來比預期地軟, 加入豆干絲與香菜, 再拌入西式食材- 松露醬, 涼拌後的酸辣味比菌菇風味明顯, 整體算是一道中西合併的創意料理.
The knife work of this dish is as good as “Regent Lanting restaurant” Shredded Ox-Tripe in Szechuan Pepper Oil. This cold dish is cabbage mixed with tofu, parsley and truffle sauce. The sour spicy flavor is more obvious than the truffle/mushroom flavor. This is basically a creative dish.

延伸閱讀: Regent Taipei Hotel Lan Ting 》終於吃到神秘的晶華蘭亭餐廳



Vegetarian Fuqi Feipian (M)
Price: NTD $420 (M)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

四川名菜夫妻肺片也在祥和蔬食的菜單上, 原本以為會是紅通通的外觀, 或是擺盤仿葷版的夫妻肺片, 孰不知, 這道素版的夫妻肺片看起來蠻普通, 吃起來則是每一口都有足夠的麻香, 黑木耳有脆度,杏鮑菇也有吸收到適量的醬汁, 這道扒飯可稱為下酒菜.
Vegetarian Fuqi Feipian , which is the famous Sichuan cuisine, is also on the Serenity Restaurant Menu. The dish appearance is nothing like the traditional one. This vegetarian version is sliced wheat gluten in chili sauce with black fungus , king oyster, mushrooms, wheat gluten pouches and mushrooms. Every bite stimulates the tongue. The black fungus is crispy and mushrooms absorbs enough sauce. This dish pairs great with rice or alcohols.



Classic Hot Dishes


Chengdu Style Steamed Vegetarian Chicken with Chili Sauce (M)
Price: NTD $530 (M)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

蓉城其實是成都的別名, 口水雞則是眾所皆知的川式菜餚之一, 外觀看似白斬雞, 實際上是大豆素雞, 這道菜最特別的莫過於店家自製的醬料, 店員提到除了辣豆瓣醬外, 也有加些許花生與老薑, 吃起來不會過於麻辣, 吃小辣的我是可以接受.
Steamed Vegetarian Chicken with Chili Sauce is a famous Sichuan dish. The most special part would be the custom-made chili sauce. Besides bean paste, they also put peanut and ginger. The overall taste is not too spicy.

台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide

延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


麻辣水煮牛(中) – 慶城店限定

Sliced Vegetarian Beef in Chili Oil (M)
Price: NTD $530 (M)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這大概是那天用餐看起來也吃起來最辣的ㄧ道菜餚, 大紅袍辣椒與油條佈滿表面, 反倒是台灣食材馬告被忽視. 我很”俗仔”地只吃了一些豆腐, 嗆辣的程度讓我沒有嘗試素牛肉片與黃豆芽. 我們大約有 12 人, 點中 Size 似乎也有點多, 我個人會建議小 Size, 喜歡吃大辣重口味的人可點.
This dish is medium size, which is unexpected too large for 12 people. I would suggest to order small size though. The dish includes Soybean Sprouts, Cucumber, Frozen Tofu, Vegetarian Beef, Fried Fritters, Sichuan Pepper and Dried Chilies. The hot pepper and fried Chinese donuts are spread over the surface. Since I don’t eat too many spicy food, I only tried tofu. It is way too spicy for me.



Vegetarian Meat Balls Casserole (M)
Price: NTD $420 (M)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

台北許多中式餐廳都有紅燒獅子頭, 例如 “南村 私廚‧小酒棧 “ 奢華版的紅燒獅子頭, 也有”忠南飯館”家常版的紅燒師子頭. 這兩家的白菜幾乎都是軟爛口感, 祥和素版的白菜則是脆爽口感. 素肉丸則是用大豆製成,雖然不用蔥蒜烹調, 但獅子頭吃起來有足夠的鹹香. 我倒是希望菇類可以少一點, 素版獅子頭可以多一些.
There are many Chinese restaurants that offer Meat Balls Casserole (For example: “44 SV Bistro” and “Chungnam Restaurant”). The cabbage in this dish is crispy instead of mushy. Even though Serenity Restaurant chef doesn’t put garlic and green onion into this dish, the vegetarian meatball still has enough salty taste. I wish that there are more vegetarian meatballs though.

延伸閱讀:南村 私廚‧小酒棧 》忠孝敦化捷運站眷村菜美食 | 44 SV Bistro

延伸閱讀: 忠南飯館 》 台北市大安區美食 | LV 旅遊指南推薦 | Chungnam Restaurant



Three cups monkey head mushrooms (M)
Price: NTD $530 (M)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

三杯是麻油, 米酒與醬油. 但是祥和蔬食的三杯猴頭菇似乎沒有米酒?! 主要風味是九層塔與麻油香味, 猴頭菇在超市與市場上的價格頗高, 如果喜歡吃菌菇, 可考慮.
Three cups is sesame oil, rice wine, and soy sauce. But, I am not sure if Serenity Restaurant doesn’t put rice wine into this dish though. The main flavor is sesame oil and basil. This type of mushroom is quite high cost at the market. If you like mushroom, you can consider this dish.



Chef’s Special


Kung Pao Vegetarian Chicken Cubes in Chili Sauce with peanuts (M)
Price: NTD $390 (M)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

由於祥和蔬食都不加蔥蒜, 這道料理看似蔥的食材是碧綠筍, 視覺感十足! 素雞丁因為微油炸, 吃起來像緊實的雞丁, 與素雞肉偏軟的口感不一樣, 香辣程度頗高, 很適合配飯, 建議若同桌有吃葷也有吃辣的人可點.
Serenity Restaurant chef does not use green onion and garlic. The look-alike green onion is actually baby bamboo. After frying the vegetarian chicken cubes, the chicken is a bit hard. This dish is quite flavorful and easy pairing with the rice.



Vegetarian Intestines Sautéed with basil (M)
Price: NTD $530 (M)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

除了麻辣水煮牛外, 許多饕客也推薦塔香脆腸. 主廚花心思與手工將杏鮑菇做成脆腸形狀, 油鍋酥炸後微彈牙, 收汁乾淨, 比較沒有多餘的醬汁, 九層塔與辣椒的爆香風味很迷人.
Besides Sliced Vegetarian Beef in Chili Oil, foodies also recommend this dish. The mushroom was cut/made into the shape of intestines ingredient. After frying, the taste is full of basil and chili flavor.



Stir-Fried Beans (M)
Price: NTD $390 (M)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

很適合搭配飯, 若是吃不慣素肉或是菇類, 我會建議這道乾扁四季豆.
It is great pairing with rice. If you don’t like vegetarian meat or mushroom, I would suggest this dish.



Stir-Fried Vegetarian Meat (M)
Price: NTD $390 (M)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

目前這道菜餚不在菜單上, 而是在桌上小立牌, 屬於新菜色. 用豆瓣醬爆炒高麗菜,豆干片與素肉片, 適合喜歡鹹香重口味的人, 完全適合搭飯.
This dish is not on the menu, which include the new dish. The chef uses bean paste to stir-fried the cabbage, tofu, and vegetarian meat. If you like heavy flavors, you are suitable for this dish.



Classic Hot Dishes


Deep Fried King Oyster Mushroom (M)
Price: NTD $420 (M)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這道完全是給平常吃葷食的人吃, 整體不油膩, 也十分地台味, 這道很適合點給初次到台灣的外國人, 畢竟鹽酥風味在國外很少見.
This dish is not oily and suitable for people who are not vegetarian. It is also a Taiwanese dish. This is for foreigners who first visiting Taiwan. After all, it is not easy to eat salt and pepper mushroom at other countries.





Steamed Stinky Tofu Stew (M)
Price: NTD $450 (M)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

圖片裡是 中 Size 清蒸臭豆腐, 六人吃絕對足夠. 雖然名稱是清蒸與偏米白色, 但實際上有著微辣度, 臭味不嗆鼻也不會留在舌尖過久, 軟嫩多汁也是特色之一, 毛豆讓這道清蒸臭豆腐加分, 醬汁很適合拌飯.
The picture is medium size steamed stinky tofu stew, which is suitable for 6 people. Even though it is steamed, it is still small amount of spicy flavor. The stinky flavor is not too strong. The juicy texture is quite great.



Seasonal Vegetables


Loofah wit vegetarian crab roe(中)
Price: NTD $420 (M)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

敬佩主廚創意十足, 素版蟹黃是紅蘿蔔燴製而成, 醬汁品嚐起來完全沒有紅蘿蔔原味汁味道, 絲瓜嫩口感不錯吃, 若是吃膩素川菜, 可點這道菜餚.
The vegetarian crab roe is made with smashed carrot. But the sauce doesn’t have the classic carrot flavor. The loofah taste is soft and delicious. If you are tired of Sichuan cuisine, you can order this dish.


養生湯 砂鍋湯類

Health Preserving soups & Casseroles

祥和養生鍋 (需預訂)

Serenity’s Health Preservation Hot pot (Prior Ordering required for Limited Serving)
Price: NTD $1500
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

祥和養生鍋需要預訂, 份量 12 人喝一碗還會有剩. 這道養生鍋裡有用到較少見的中藥珍貴食材 , 也少不了紅棗,腰果與蓮子, 全部食材調好比例再砂鍋內熬煮六小時以上. 養生鍋湯頭濃郁, 並沒有中藥味, 對我來說是個新體驗.
The customer would need to pre-order Serenity’s Health Preservation Hot pot. The quantity is quite large for 12 people. This soup has expensive Chinese herbals, red dates, cashew and lotus seeds. All ingredients are stewed over 6 hours. The broth is thick and doesn’t have unique Chinese herbal flavor. It is a new experience for me.


主食類 – 麵飯

Main Course: Ric & Noodle

松露炒飯 (M)

Stir-fried rice with Truffle Sauce (M)
Price: NTD $600
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

祥和蔬食的炒飯並沒有 “ 元味料理”炒飯的經典鑊氣, 最主要原因是祥和蔬食的米是用日本越光米, 這道與松露松柏長青一樣皆拌入進口松露醬. 炒飯吃起來不會過濕軟, 菇類香氣明顯有入味. 這道比較適合喜歡創意料理的人, 不習慣的人也可以點白飯.
Serenity Restaurant stir-fried rice is not as delicious as “Yuan Restaurant”. The main reason is that Serenity restaurant chef uses Japanese rice. Mixed with truffle sauce is basically a creative dish. If you are not into creative dish, you can order just rice.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Fried Rice 元味料理 》饕客公認台北炒飯推薦與台式手路菜推薦餐廳


麻辣拌麵 (M)

Noodles served with spicy ad hot sauce (M)
Price: NTD $240
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

對於重口味的人來說, 吃到這一道的感想就是 “辣得很到位”, 因為有四川大紅袍, 自製花椒油, 甚至加進辣椒細粉增強麻辣度. 這道適合吃大辣的人, 我這種吃小辣的人只能吃 2 ~ 3 口麵.
This dish is perfect for people who like heavy spicy flavor. The chef even puts the chili powder to enhance the spicy level. Since I only eat small amount of spicy flavor, I can only tolerate 2 ~ 3 bites of noodles.





Non-Alcohol Beer
Price: NTD $140
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這是祥和蔬食料理的特殊飲品, 酒標上也是印製祥和蔬食的英文名稱 Serenity. 這款喝起來有啤酒香氣卻是 0% 酒精, 我個人覺得很特別!
Non-Alcohol Beer is a special drink at Serenity Restaurant, even stated at the label. It has beer flavor and aroma but with 0% ABV. It is quite special.





Brown Sugar Mochi
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

Brown Sugar Mochi is quite delicious.




我是個無肉不歡的人, 偶而可接受吃素, 我也是個吃小辣的人, 很少主動去川菜餐廳. 這次因為祥和蔬食是連三年米其林必比登推薦, 決定去品嚐. 所有菜式均不含蔥蒜, 全素可吃. 最重要的是祥和蔬食餐廳主要是以“素式川菜為主”.

假設你帶吃素朋友或吃素家人去, 你需要注意什麼?

很適合來祥和蔬食料理, 菜單上菜餚皆可選!

我個人是比較喜歡松露松柏長青, 清蒸臭豆腐,宮保素雞丁,乾扁四季豆, 白飯.


I am a meat person, but can accept eating Vegetarian dishes. I am also a person that can accept small amount of spicy flavor. But since Serenity Restaurant is on BIB Gourmand Guide for 3 years. So, I decide to visit here. All dishes are without green onion and garlic. The most important part would be that Serenity Restaurant mostly offers spicy vegetarian Chinese dishes.

If you are taking your vegetarian friend or family there, is there anything that you need to think prior visiting.

Vegetarian can accept strong spicy flavor
Basically, Serenity Restaurant is made for you!

Vegetarian can accept small amount of spicy flavor
I personally like Pressed Tofu with Cabbage in Truffle Sauce, steamed stinky tofu, Kung Pao Vegetarian Chicken, Stir-friend beans, and rice.

Vegetarian who doesn’t eat spicy food at all
You are not suitable here.

2023 米其林餐廳列表 2023 Michelin Restaurant List

延伸閱讀👉 臺灣米其林指南 2023 》2023 Taiwan Michelin Guide ( Google Map)

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount




餐廳: 祥和蔬食慶城店
地址: 台北市松山區南京東路三段303巷7弄7號 (Map)
捷運站: 南京復興捷運站
電話: 02-2546-6188
Restaurant: Serenity Restaurant
Address: No.7, 7th Alley, 303th Lane, 3rd Section, Nanjing East Road, Songshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Nangjing Fuxing MRT station
Tel: 02-2546-6188


祥和蔬食 菜單 》Serenity Restaurant Menu

Menu Link:



