Seafood & Meat 波波海鮮市集 》現撈現煮的內湖海鮮餐廳 (內有菜單)

Last Updated on 2022-12-08 by Foodelicious

Seafood & Meat 波波海鮮市集內湖美食餐廳之一, 也是少數有水族箱的台北西式海鮮餐廳. 波波海鮮市集菜單龍蝦系列菜餚最受歡迎.
Taipei Seafood & Meat Market is one of the Neihu Restaurants. Surprisingly, this western restaurant has small aquariums. The lobsters are the most popular dishes on the menu.


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波波海鮮市集 停車與交通

Taipei Seafood & Meat Market Parking and Traffic

Seafood & Meat 波波海鮮市集地址為台北市內湖區民權東路六段184-1號 , “FOGANT 法式餐廳“ 就在附近. 餐廳有兩層樓, 一樓用餐環境的一側是水族箱, 每個水族箱上方皆有標海鮮名稱, 另一側是冰箱, 置放肉品與其他食材. 重點是用餐環境並沒有過重的海鮮鮮味.

✅ 開車: 這是最方便也是最簡單的方式, 附近很多停車場與停車位 (圖五)
✅ 捷運: 若是藍線, 可考慮到昆陽捷運站搭計程車 , 或是到內湖線的葫洲站搭計程車.

Taipei Seafood & Meat Market address is No. 184-1, 6th Section, Minquan East Road, Neihu District, Taipei City. “FOGANT French restaurant” is nearby. The restaurant has two floors. The first floor has aquariums with seafood labels. The other side is refrigerator with meats and other ingredients. There is no heavy seafood aroma.

You can select the following transportation:
✅ Drive: This is the best transportation method. There are many parking lots and spaces nearby. (Pic 5)
✅ MRT Station: You can take the taxi from Kunyang MRT station or Huzhou MRT station.

延伸閱讀: Fogant 法式餐廳 》內湖美食餐廳


波波海鮮市集 聚餐包廂

Taipei Seafood & Meat Market Group Dining Room

波波海鮮市集餐廳一樓後方有開放式包廂, 多人聚餐也可以告知餐廳安排一樓後方座位 (圖 1). 二樓一整層是包廂 (圖2 & 3), 可以坐 12 ~ 15 人, 適合公司聚餐或是家庭聚餐 . 包廂低消與訂金請直接詢問餐廳.
Taipei Seafood & Meat Market at the back of first floor has open dining room. If there is group dining, you can ask for first floor group dining room (Pic 1) . The whole 2nd floor is group dining room as well, which can fit in 12 ~ 15 people (Pic 2 & 3) . It is suitable for company gathering or family gathering. Please ask the restaurant about group dining room minimum charge and down payment.

延伸閱讀: 台北公司聚餐推薦餐廳 》Company Dining Restaurants Guide


波波海鮮市集 訂位與低消

Taipei Seafood & Meat Market Reservation & Minimum Charge

波波海鮮市集訂位採用 inline ( ) , 低消為 NTD $800/人, 用餐時間限制 2 小時.這裡很適合朋友聚餐或是家庭聚餐.
You need to reserve seats via inline ( ). The minimum charge is NTD $800/per person. The limited dining time is 2 hours. Taipei Seafood & Meat Market is suitable for friends’ gathering or family gathering.

延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 2022 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining




Taipei Seafood & Meat Market Dishes


Hand-Made Lobster Pizza
Price: NTD $1599
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

這一道手工龍蝦披薩是 2022 年的新菜餚, 當我看到 “ 手工龍蝦披薩 ” 在波波海鮮市集菜單上 , 我沒想到會是一個 6 吋圓形 Pizza, 上面是一整隻龍蝦的切塊, 頗具賣相, 披薩餅皮是廚師手工現揉現桿的麵團, 再鋪上三種起司 – 帕馬森起司, 莫札瑞拉起司, 水牛起司, 店家也有提供自製辣油, 喜歡吃辣的人可自行加. 這款每日限量的薄皮Pizza 比預期地美味, 也間接呈現龍蝦的鮮美,  我個人很喜歡起司與龍蝦肉的組合, 我個人會推薦 3 ~ 4 人一起分享這款手工龍蝦披薩.
Hand-Made Lobster Pizza is a 2022 new dish. When I see “Hand-Made Lobster Pizza” , it is surprising to see a 6 inch round Pizza with a whole lobster chunks. The lobster head is not only for decoration, there are also roes to taste. The pizza dough is hand-made by the chef. There are 3 cheese – Parmesan, Regular Mozzarella, and Buffalo Mozzarella on the pizza. The restaurant also offers custom-made chili oils. Both lobster and pizza itself taste better than expected. This pizza only has limited quantity to sell each day.  I personally like the cheese and lobster combination. I would recommend 3 ~ 4 people to share this Hand-Made Lobster Pizza.



Deluxe Oyster
Price: NTD $399/pcs
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

這一道豪華生蠔視覺感十足 , 常出現在 Social Media. 店家告知生蠔是空運且冷藏保鮮, 這次吃到的是日本生蠔, 產地不定期更換. 店員現場開生蠔, 堆疊上新鮮蛋黃, 北海道海膽, 鮭魚卵與蝦卵. 我是分兩口吃, 新鮮飽滿的日本生蠔如預期地嫩滑且爆汁,蛋黃增加潤滑度, 鮭魚卵與海膽也讓這道菜餚如其名 “豪華”. 店家自製微鹹日式淡醬油並不會覆蓋住生蠔海鮮風味, 整體蠻好吃, 如果敢吃生蛋黃, 我個人推薦點.
Deluxe Oyster dish has great first impression, which appeared at Social Media quite often. The staff mentioned that the oyster is air-shipped in refrigerated condition. Oyster origin may vary. This time, I have Japanese oyster. The staff shucked the oyster at site and put on various ingredients.  I tasted in two bites. Fresh Japanese oyster is smooth and juicy. The fresh egg yolk increases the overall texture. The salmon roe, shrimp roe and Hokkaido sea urchin represent the “deluxe” of this dish. The custom-made Japanese soy sauce doesn’t cover the oyster seafood flavor. Overall, it is quite delicious. If you can eat fresh egg yolk, I would recommend it.



Lobster Bisque with pumpkin
Price: NTD $399
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

波士頓龍蝦頭置放在暖橘色濃湯增加視覺震撼感. 不同於其他西式餐廳, 波波海鮮市集的龍蝦南瓜湯有 ”波士頓龍蝦切塊“ , 店員提到湯裡是 1/3 的波士頓龍蝦, 碩大鮮美, 波波海鮮市場的波士頓龍蝦爽脆不錯吃, . 店員提到食材是甜度高的日本南瓜, 經過長時間 (5 ~ 6 小時) 與龍蝦膏熬煮 , 過濾十分乾淨, 湯喝起來沒有沙沙感, 造就這一碗鮮美濃稠的湯頭, 南瓜的香甜風味佔據味蕾. 這一道龍蝦南瓜湯的份量足夠讓 2 ~ 3 人分享, 我個人會推薦點.
Boston Lobster head is placed on the orange color lobster bisque, which makes quite a first impression. Different from other Western restaurants, Taipei Seafood & Meat Market lobster bisque has the “actual Lobster chunks”, which is about 1/3 of lobster. The lobster meats taste quite good. The staff mentioned that the Japanese pumpkin is cooked within 5 ~ 6 hours of cooking with lobster roe. Also, the bisque is filtered . It becomes a great and delicious lobster bisque. The sweet pumpkin flavor dominates the tastebuds. The quantity is suitable for 2 ~ 3 people. I would recommend to order.



Lobster Pasta
Price: NTD $1699
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

這ㄧ道辣味義大利麵份量頗多足夠 2 ~ 3 人分享, 搭配一整隻波士頓龍蝦, 蝦螯裡的鮮甜龍蝦肉也可以很輕易地拿出來品嚐, 味蕾可以感受到單一辣味的刺激.
The quantity is large enough for 2~ 3 people to share. There are sweet lobster meats inside lobster claw. The tastebuds can sense the stimulation of spicy sauce.



Stir-Fried Mussels with Garlic and White Wine
Price: NTD $589
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

我上次吃到大份量的淡菜是在 “SAPORI 餐廳“, 這次在波波海鮮市集吃到的淡菜菜餚比較不一樣, 店家直接將每週兩次空運的馬祖淡菜置放於水族箱“保持”生鮮度 , 這些淡菜是活的. 馬祖淡菜搭配白葡萄酒 ,淡菜品質不錯, 蒜味頗重.
Last time, I have large amount of mussels are at “SAPORI restaurant”. This time is a bit different. The restaurant air-shipped the Matsu mussels are put into the aquarium to keep it alive. The chef pairs Matsu mussels pairs with white wines. The quality of the mussel is good. However, the garlic flavor is quite heavy.

延伸閱讀: SAPORI 義品味小餐屋 》期待再訪這間台北義大利餐廳



波波海鮮市集也有販售酒類, 這次吃海鮮是搭配店家販售的白酒
Taipei Seafood & Meat Market also offers wines. This time, I have white wine to pair with the seafood dishes.



結論 – Conclusion ⭐

波波海鮮市集是少數台北「 西式 」餐廳採用「 現撈現煮海鮮 」, 與一般西式餐廳採用冷凍海鮮不同. 以下是你們可以注意的幾個重點

✅ 要訂位
中午晚上都有營業. 我個人會建議 3 ~ 4 人去, 才能分享多款海鮮
✅ 菜餚可外帶也可外送, 也可以買生鮮食材回家自己料理
✅ 龍蝦系列菜餚要點哪一款?
我最喜歡“每日限量”的 6 吋龍蝦 Pizza , 最愛龍蝦肉與起司組合, 也很喜歡龍蝦濃湯, 有過濾沒有沙沙感, 南瓜甜味明顯, 而且有龍蝦肉.
✅ 其他菜餚
如果可以吃生蛋黃, 也可以點豪華生蠔. 如果喜歡吃辣, 可考慮點龍蝦義大利麵, 招牌海味酒香蒜炒淡菜的蒜味比較重. 適合喜歡重口味的人

Taipei Seafood & Meat Market is one of a few Taipei「 Western 」restaurants that offer「Alive Seafood 」. It is different from other Western restaurants, which use frozen seafood. There are a few remarks:

✅ Need to reserve seats
The operation hour includes lunch time and dinner time. I would suggest 3 ~ 4 people to dine. So, you can share several types seafoods.
✅ You can order to-go or delivery. You can also purchase seafood ingredients to take home to cook.
✅ Which Lobster dish should I order?
I prefer the 6 inch Lobster Pizza. I love the lobster meat and cheese combination. I also like the lobster bisque. The thick and filtered broth has sweet pumpkin along with delicious lobster meats.
✅ Other Dishes
If you can eat fresh egg yolk, you can try the deluxe oyster. The Stir-Fried Mussels with Garlic and Wine has more garlic flavor though. If you like spicy food, you can consider spicy lobster pasta.

♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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波波海鮮市集 資訊

Taipei Seafood & Meat Market Information

餐廳: Seafood & Meat 波波海鮮市集
地址: 台北市內湖區民權東路六段184-1號 (Map)
捷運站: 昆陽捷運站 or 葫洲捷運站
電話: 02-8792–7474
Restaurant: Taipei Seafood & Meat Market
ddress: No. 184-1 , 6th Section, Minquan East Road, Neihu District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Kunyang MRT station or Huzhou MRT Station
Tel: 02-8792–7474



波波海鮮市集 菜單

Taipei Seafood & Meat Market Menu



