榮和漢酒肴 SAKAE 》在台北吃河豚是有趣的經驗 ( 內有菜單 )

Last Updated on 2022-10-15 by Foodelicious

榮和漢酒肴是少數台北河豚料理餐廳之一, 菜單裡的台灣河豚全餐更在台灣500盤名單.
SAKAE Japanese restaurant is one of a few Taipei restaurants that offers Puffer Fish cuisine. Their Puffer Fish dish is also on Taiwan 500 Plates Award.


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SAKAE Reservation & Parking

榮和漢酒肴餐廳地址為台北市大同區重慶北路一段83巷8號 , 離中山捷運站與北門捷運站都有一些距離, 附近也有停車場 (截圖) , 餐廳位於巷弄內, 橘色招牌頗為明顯. 進入餐廳, 給我的感覺就像芝山站 “豚馬日本料理餐廳” , 有種日式家庭料理餐廳的感覺,牆面上有日文海報與專業處理河豚執照. , 最大的不同應該就是可坐到 10 人以上的圓桌. 榮和漢酒肴也適合家庭聚餐. 訂位直接打電話即可 (02-2550-2110 ).    必需一提的是榮和漢酒肴除了河豚料理外, 也有其他日本料理 , 例如生魚片與日式家庭料理.
SAKAE Japanese restaurant address is No. 8, 83th Lane, 1st Section, Chongqing North Road, Datong District, Taipei City. The location is a bit far away from both Zhongshan MRT station and Beimen MRT Station. The orange color appearance is quite obvious in the alley. After entering the restaurant, the family dining environment feels like “Tun Ma Japanese Restaurant” at Tianmu. SAKAE restaurant also has large round table for 10 people, which are suitable for family. There are Japanese posters and professional puffer fish certificate on the wall. You can call to reserve seats (02-2550-2110 ). Besides puffer fish cuisine, SAKAE Japanese restaurant also offer Japanese Family cuisine.

延伸閱讀: Tianmu Japanese Restaurant 》豚馬日本料理餐廳 | 芝山站美食推薦





SAKAE Restaurant Dishes



Puffer Fish Hot Pot
Price: NTD $1800
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

跟朋友吃的時間是夏天 7月, 我是後來才知道冬天季節 11 月 ~ 3 月的河豚才是最好吃, 而且是越冷才有河豚白子 ( 在 “樂魚料亭”有吃過 ). 榮和漢酒肴餐廳有時候會採用不一樣的河豚, 有時候是日本虎豚, 這次吃的是台灣黑鯖河豚. 將蔬菜豆腐食材, 蛤蜊, 河豚放入昆布湯底的火鍋. 煮熟的河豚吃起來很像微厚實的石斑魚, 雖然不及 “富 四季割烹” 的龍膽石斑, 但是已比預期地的好吃. 建議點一個河豚火鍋大家一起分享, 建議預訂.
My friends and I dined during July, which is summer time. I realized that the best season to eat puffer fish is during winter time, which is November ~ March. And it gets colder, there will be puffer fish shirako. SAKAE Restaurant sometimes use Japanese puffer fish. We had Taiwanese puffer fish with other ingredients cooking in the Kombu broth (seaweed broth). The cooked puffer fish tastes a bit like grouper. Even though it tastes average, it is still better than expected. I would suggest to order a puffer fish hot pot to share with your friends/family.

延伸閱讀: 樂魚料亭 Leyu Ryotei 》關於這家中壢日式無菜單料理的四個重點

延伸閱讀: Taipei Restaurant 》富 四季割烹同時有日本料理職人水準與親民價格




Puffer Fish Fin Sake ( Hire Zake )
Price: NTD $240
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

日本有一種十分特別的魚鰭酒, 最常採用的是風乾微炙烤的河豚魚鰭. 很難想像榮和漢酒肴餐廳居然有河豚鰭清酒! 先品酌一小口, 熱騰騰溫度將河豚魚鰭的旨味釋放至味蕾. 不錯喝.
In Japan, there is a special sake, which is called fish fin sake. It is surprising to know that SAKAE Japanese restaurant has this special puffer fish fin sake. The sake is warm, and the tastebuds senses fair amount of umami flavor. I would have to say that overall, it tastes pretty good.



Puffer Fish Sashimi
Price: NTD $600
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

我個人覺得台灣黑鯖河豚生魚片比較沒有鮮味. 不管是哪裡產的河豚 , 我都建議點來分享, 畢竟在台北吃到河豚生魚片也是很難得. 建議預訂.
Taiwanese puffer fish doesn’t have much umami flavor as expected. But, I still suggest to order puffer fish sashimi to share. It is quite am interesting experience.



Fried Puffer Fish
Price: NTD $400 x 2 = NTD $800
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

一份是 NTD $400 , 我們 Order 兩份 (如圖) , NTD $400 x 2 = NTD $800 . 雖然吃起來沒有細緻魚肉的呈現, 我還是會建議別人點, 因為火鍋點了, 生魚片點了 , 當然炸的河豚也要點啊!
One plate is NTD $400, and we order 2 plates (see pic) . Even though fried puffer fish doesn’t have the tender texture. I would still suggest others to order since there are hot pot and sashimi on the table.



Grilled Miso with Eggplants
Price: NTD $240
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

I don’t eat eggplant much.



結論 Conclusion ⭐

榮和漢酒肴 SAKAE 不僅是販售河豚料理的餐廳, 他們也有販售其他日式料理. 我個人會在河豚季節 (11 月~ 3 月) 建議喜歡新奇食材的朋友來這家餐廳, 已將這家餐廳放進我的台北私藏美食口袋名單 . 建議點的菜餚就是這篇文章裡的菜餚. 請記得有些菜餚需要預訂, 以免售完.
SAKAE Japanese restaurant not only offers puffer fish cuisine, they also offer Japanese cuisine. I would suggest people who like new type of ingredients to visit during winter time (November ~ March ). I will put this restaurant in my Special Taipei Food Guide. My dish suggestion is at this article. Remember to reserve some puffer fish dishes in advance.

延伸閱讀: 我的台北私藏美食口袋名單 》My Special Taipei Food Guide


榮和漢酒肴 資訊

SAKAE Restaurant Information

店名: 榮和漢酒肴
地址: 台北市大同區重慶北路一段83巷8號 (Map)
捷運站: 中山/北門捷運站
電話: 02-2550-2110
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064046920131
Restaurant: SAKAE Restaurant
Address: No. 8, 83th Lane, 1st Section, Chongqing North Road, Datong District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongshan / Beimen MRT station.
Tel: 02-2550-2110


榮和漢酒肴 菜單 ⭐

SAKAE Restaurant Menu

菜單 Link: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064046920131&sk=menu



