ROUND 4 Bar 》 台北中山國中捷運站酒吧 | Zhongshan District Bar
Last Updated on 2023-05-16 by Foodelicious
(已歇業) 2017 新開幕的ROUND 4 Bar加入台北中山區酒吧之一, 離中山國中捷運站只有約15分鐘, 酒吧裡除了有調酒,威士忌, 氣泡酒, 和讓人意想不到的VR遊戲 (虛擬實境).
(Closed Down) Newly-opened ROUND 4 Bar becomes one of the Taipei Zhongshan District Bars. It is only located near Zhongshan Junior High School MRT station with only 15 minutes walking distance. Besides cocktails, this bar has whisky, sparkling wine and unexpected Virtual Reality Games.
跟大部分的酒吧一樣都是低調的招牌, 但經過時隱約可看見裡面的吧台亮光, 推進大門後, 左邊是開放式包廂, 室內霓虹色ROUND 4招牌旁的櫃子上放著各種威士忌, 其中也有老闆珍藏的威士忌. 吧台旁放著PS4 VR遊戲機, 遊戲包括”Residental Evil”, Until Dawn: Rush of Blood”和“Farpoint”, 娛樂效果極佳!
Similar with other bars, the bar is not obvious and easy to miss. Entering the door at the left side, there are sofas for 8~10 people. The shelf has various whiskies. The PS4 VR machine is placed at the bar table. The games include “Resident Evil”, “Until Dawn: Rush of Blood” and “Farpoint”.
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警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康 No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health
*酒單在文末 Menu is at the end of the article
English Name: The devil’s Tail
Price: NTD $250
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
當看到ROUND 4的調酒價格時, 只有NTD$250, 市場價格大部分是$350起跳, 原本擔心酒精濃度不夠高, 但是喝了這款不常見的“惡魔之尾”調酒後, 發現我的顧慮是多餘的. 惡魔之尾調酒裡包括萊姆酒, 伏特加. 杏仁香甜酒. 萊姆酒 (Rum)是一種用甘蔗相關產品的蒸餾酒, 帶有較甜的風味, 是常見的基酒之一. 多數台灣人其實對“杏仁香甜酒 (Amaretto)” 較不熟悉, ROUND 4用的是義大利品牌 ” Disaronno Originale” 杏仁甜烈酒, 單喝則是會有杏仁和少許香草的香甜風味.
ROUND 4 only charges NTD$250 for this cocktail, which the market price is about $350. I was worried about the ABV is not strong enough. However, after taking the first taste, the ABV is far more than enough. The devil’s tail cocktail includes Rum, Vodka, and Amaretto. Rum is made from sugarcane, and Amaretto has sweet almond flavor with hints of vanilla flavor.
惡魔之尾調酒的深橘紅色則是來自少許紅石榴糖漿的顏色, 喝一口時, 冰涼的感覺覆蓋住舌尖, 明顯地降低調酒本身的過甜風味, 強烈的伏特加則是隨後入喉, 後勁跟長島冰茶一樣強烈, 較適合對已習慣酒精濃度的人.
This bright orange color of the cocktail is from Pomegranate Syrup. The tastebuds is numb because of the ice. The ice obviously lowers the overwhelmed sweetness. The strong vodka flavor follows and has strong impact afterwards. This cocktail is more suitable for people that are familiar with strong alcohols.
English Name: Paradise
Price: NTD $250
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A
這杯極度夢幻的調酒名稱為天堂, 基酒有琴酒和伏特加. 如同馬爾地夫海洋的寶藍色, 朋友跟我都以為杯緣的粉紅色顆粒是喜馬拉雅山玫瑰鹽, 但其實是店家自家用紅石榴糖漿與砂糖製作出清澈如同粉紅鑽石般的顏色. 這杯是我朋友點的, 我只喝了一口, 帶有中度甜味的紅石榴風味跟濃烈伏特加並行, 是杯意想不到的調酒.
This beautiful cocktail’s name is Paradise, which includes Gin and Vodka. The bright blue color is similar with the ocean at Maldives. The pink particles are not pink salt, instead, it is made with Pomegranate and sugar. Since my friend ordered this, I only taste a bit. Mild level of sweetness pairs with strong vodka flavor. This is an unexpectedly tasty cocktail.
English Name: She is my boss
Price: NTD $150
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A
這杯調酒Shot最上層是台灣之前受歡迎的星空酒, 如同銀河般閃爍, 緩緩地在杯中流動著, 非常適合拍照, ROUND4的酒吧也特別地亮. 星空酒有著出了名的甜葡萄風味, 因為只點一杯Shot, 就讓給我朋友喝.
On the top surface of cocktail is Viniq Shimmery liqueur, which has similar taste like Moscato. This cocktail is obviously photo-friendly.
延伸閱讀: 台北酒吧 》TAIPEI BAR GUIDE
Restaurant Name店名: ROUND4 Bar
Address: No.492, Fushing North Road, Taipei City 台北市中山區復興北路492號(MAP)
Nearby MRT station: Zhongshan Junior High School MRT station 中山國中捷運站
營業時間: Tuesday~ Sunday 7pm ~ 2am
酒單 Menu