Taipei Bib Gourmand 》八人吃榮榮園菜單的預訂菜餚

Last Updated on 2023-10-09 by Foodelicious

(2023.10 更新) 榮榮園浙寧餐廳 台北米其林必比登餐廳推薦 之一, 這次二訪吃到榮榮園必點的光餅夾 (㸆) 烤排骨 , 也有品嘗到榮榮園推薦且需預訂的傳統菜餚.
(2023 Oct Update ) Rong Rong Yuan Chinese Restaurant is one of the Taipei Michelin Bib Gourmand Restaurants. We tried the pork  rib with bun and  other recommended traditional dishes.


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榮榮園 訂位 & 停車

Rong Rong Yuan Restaurant Reservation & Parking

榮榮園浙寧餐廳地址為台北市大安區信義路四段25號2F, 離大安捷運站六號出口只有 5 分鐘路程, 雖然餐廳在二樓, 大樓裡有樓梯與電梯. 榮榮園 訂位是用電話 02-2703-8822. 一走出電梯, 就可以看到榮榮園浙寧餐廳的名人牆與台北米其林必比登的獎牌, 後來才知道原來這家餐廳已經 60多年 , 因為有搬過新地址, 整體的用餐環境與洗手間都比預期地好. 附近停車場似乎很多, 我個人還是建議坐捷運或是 Taxi 比較方便.
Rong Rong Yuan Chinese Restaurant address is 2F, No. 25, Xinyi Road, Daan District, Taipei City. It is about 5 minutes walking distance near No. 6 exit of Daan MRT station. Even though the restaurant is at 2F, there are stairs and elevator. You will need to reserve seats via 02-2703-8822. You can see the Bib Gourmand award and several celebrity pictures at the entrance. This restaurant is opened for 60 years. They moved to new address, so, the overall dining environment and restroom are better than expected. There seemed to have several parking lots around the area. But, I still suggest to take MRT or taxi.

2023 米其林餐廳列表 2023 Michelin Restaurant List

延伸閱讀👉 臺灣米其林指南 2023 》2023 Taiwan Michelin Guide ( Google Map)

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


榮榮園 用餐環境

Rong Rong Yuan Restaurant Dining Environment

這裡的餐廳燈光與 “玉喜“ 類似是鵝黃色, 那天用餐是星期日晚上, 也是餐廳最忙碌的時候, 包廂已坐滿人, 我們被安排到窗邊的座位, 隔壁剛好就是大桌 (圖二) . 請注意桌與桌之前偏近, 輪椅出入會需要技巧.
The light is yellow, just like at “Yu Hsi Restaurant”. Our dining time is Sunday night, which is the busiest time. The private rooms are booked. We are seated near the window. There is a large table (Pic 2) next to us. Please note that the distance between tables are quite closed. You might need technique to move the wheelchair around.

延伸閱讀: 玉喜飯店 Yu Hsi 》玉喜菜單推薦點什麼 ( 內有預訂桌菜 )



榮榮園 菜單 ⭐


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Impressive Dishes



Pork Rib and Bun
Price: NTD $700 + NTD $20/unit
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

烤排骨與烤光餅是分開點. 烤排骨的全名是上海蔥㸆排骨.經過長時間紅燒, 而不是字面形容用烤箱烤. 榮榮園店員會協助將去骨排骨肉夾進烤繼光餅裡. 整體視覺感類似 “Bogart’s Smokehouse Taipei “ 的 醬燒牛胸肉與漢堡. 建議趁熱吃 , 撒滿白芝麻的烤繼光餅口感微酥脆, 搭配有鹹甜且有嫩度的醬燒肉. 我個人很喜歡這一道菜餚, 而且不會像吃東坡肉與刈包有罪惡感.
You need to order the pork rib and bun separately. This dish is through braising instead of oven-roasted as the words describe. The staff would assist in wrapping the boneless pork ribs into the bun. The overall visual presentation is reminiscent of “Bogart’s Smokehouse Taipei” and their braised beef brisket burgers. I would suggest to taste this dish while it is hot. The bun, generously sprinkled with white sesame, offer a delightful crispy texture that complements the savory-sweet and tender braised pork. Personally, I really enjoyed this dish. It doesn’t leave you with the guilt that sometimes accompanies indulging in Dongpo pork or Gua Bao.

延伸閱讀: Bogart’s Smokehouse Taipei 》絕對是台北美式 BBQ 木柴燒烤餐廳推薦



Stir-Fried Spring Bamboo with Fried Seaweed
Price: NTD $520
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

此道需要跟餐廳討論與預訂, 因為市面上較少春筍食材. 這一道菜餚端上桌時, 我完全猜不出來是春筍與炸海帶 (海菜) . 我是一個愛吃竹筍的人, 每逢夏季到 ”鼎泰豐“ , 我都會點竹筍沙拉. 榮榮園的這一道春筍顏色偏醬色, 品嚐時, 雖然有適量的鹹度, 卻有意想不到的鮮脆口感, 甚至我覺得比西式餐廳 ( “LOPFAIT 樂斐 “ ) 採用的檳榔花食材更為清脆, 吃炸海帶時, ㄎㄠˇ的聲響更是響亮. 這一道是我當天最喜歡的菜餚.
You will need to discuss and reserve this dish with the restaurant. There aren’t too much of spring bamboo in the market. I am a bamboo lover, and I always order bamboo during summer time at “Din Tai Fung”. Bamboo in Rong Tong Chinese restaurant is a bit with soy sauce color. There are fair amount of saltness, but it still has the untested crispy texture. I even consider it much more crisper than “LOPFAIT restaurant” betel nut flower. When tasting the fried seaweed, there are more crispy sounds. This dish is my favorite dish of the day.

延伸閱讀: Din Tai Fung 2023 》N 訪到我有自己的鼎泰豐菜單 2023 推薦美食排名

延伸閱讀: LOPFAIT 樂斐 》 2021 新開幕台北法式餐廳 (內有菜單)




Roasted Duckling (Baby Duck )
Price: NTD $1510
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

先知鴨並不是鴨的品種, 先知鴨是歲數較小的幼鴨. 當店員端上桌時, 先知鴨體型比預期地大一些, 這絲毫不減少這款幼鴨的美味程度. 微脆的先知鴨脆皮泛著誘人的油光. 鴨肉呈現嫩口感卻不會多汁. 美味程度雖然不及 “朧粵“ 的手吊脆皮雞. 以價格為衡量, 喜歡烤鴨菜餚的人可以考慮點榮榮園的先知鴨.
When the staff served this dish, the roasted baby duck appeared to be larger than expected, but still delicious. The duck skin has crispy texture along with tender but not overly juicy meat. Considering the price, this dish is suitable for people who like roasted duck dish.

延伸閱讀: Longyue Restaurant Taipei 》 朧粵菜單推薦排行榜 (包括桌菜與港點)




Bean Curd Sheet with Various Ingredients Filling
Price: NTD $60/unit
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

素黃雀是傳統江浙經典名菜, 榮榮園的價格是 NTD $60/1個. 在台灣港式飲茶餐廳 ( 例如: “金獅大酒樓” ) 吃到的是蝦仁炸腐皮卷, 在台式餐廳 ( “My 灶” ) 會吃到用腐皮捲包肉餡的雞捲. 素黃雀的外層腐衣只下油鍋略煎, 並沒有經過油炸, 鹹香的腐皮雖然薄但是沒有破損, 豆干絲內餡並沒有過度調味, 整體吃起來並不會過鹹, 很美味. 素黃雀有在菜單上, 需要預訂, 我會推薦點.
This dish is a traditional Chinese dish. The price is NTD $60/unit. In Cantonese restaurant ( such as “Golden Lion Cantonese Restaurant” ) , we eat the fried bean curd with shrimp. In Taiwanese restaurant “My Zhao Restaurant” , we usually have “Bean Curd with marinated pork filling”. In Rong Rong Chinese restaurant, this dish’s bean curd is slightly pan-fried without direct frying. The bean curd is thin but with no damage. The dried tofu slices filling aren’t much braised. Overall, it is delicious. This dish is on the menu. You will need to reserve in advance. I definitely recommend this dish.

延伸閱讀: My 灶 》菜單如果不點桌菜要點哪些招牌菜餚 (內有低消資訊)

延伸閱讀: 金獅大酒樓 》台北西門港式飲茶點心 | Taipei Ximending Restaurant



Shanghai Style Steamed Vegetable Rice
Price: NTD $265
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

很多人到榮榮園幾乎都是點 “榮榮園招牌煎麵 ” , 我們點的是砂鍋上海菜飯, 正常 Size 是 NTD $265 (圖一) , 大 Size 砂鍋上海菜飯價格是 NTD $530. 上次吃上海菜飯是在 “曉鹿鳴樓” , 這次在榮榮園吃到的砂鍋上海菜飯比較滿意, 因為主揪有先跟餐廳提到 “飯要收乾, 微鍋巴” , 正是我喜歡的口感. 我個人會建議點.
Most people order “Signature Pan-Fried Noodle”. We ordered Shanghai Style Steamed Vegetable Rice. The regular size is NTD $265 (Pic 1). The large size is NTD $530. I am quite satisfied with this dish is a bit dry with the crust of cooked rice. I would suggest to order this dish.

延伸閱讀: Tai Da Table Restaurant 》曉鹿鳴樓菜單輕鬆吃



Crab Rice Cake
Price: NTD $1250
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

此道在菜單上寫得是 “醬爆青蟹 ” , 建議與餐廳確認, 因為我們有八位, 圖片是兩份醬爆青蟹年糕 (NTD $1250 X 2 ) . 我在“鄒記食舖 ” 吃過螃蟹辣年糕, 這次在榮榮園吃到的醬爆青蟹年糕並不會辣, Q 彈年糕上色均勻, 吸收醬香多過於螃蟹賦予的海鮮風味. 如果喜歡吃螃蟹, 我會建議預訂
We have 8 people and the picture is 2 dishes (NTD $1250 X 2). I had the spicy crab rice cake at “Zou Ji restaurant”. This dish at Rong Rong Chinese restaurant is not spicy. The braised color on the chewy rice cake is decent. It has more soy sauce flavor than the seafood flavor from the crab. If you like crab, I would suggest you to reserve.

延伸閱讀: 鄒記食舖 Zou Ji 》關於這家台北私廚的五件事 (內有 500 盤的菜餚)



Chicken soup with Crab Essence & Fish Maw
Price: NTD $1170
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這次沒有點醃篤鮮, 而是點這一道砂蟹黃花膠, 後來發現是 500 盤的其中一盤, 之前吃到滿意的花膠類湯品是在 “喜來登請客樓” – 花膠一品雞湯, 顏色與濃稠度與這一道砂蟹黃花膠有些類似, 皆是雞湯底, 份量多的花膠有著彈牙口感, 連同湯一起品嚐, 伴隨更多濃縮海鮮風味一起入口,嘴唇微黏, 我個人覺得不錯吃, 如果每位在座賓客都接受吃花膠, 可考慮跟餐廳討論與預訂.
This particular Crab Essence with Fish Maw dish is one of the Taipei 500 plates. I am satisfied with the fish maw chicken soup at “Sheraton Guest House”. The color and thickness of chicken soup base are similar. There are lots of Fish Maws in this dish. While tasting, you will taste with the seafood essence. Overall, It is quite delicious. If you and your guests like fish maw, you can consider reserving this dish.

延伸閱讀: The Guest House 》喜來登請客樓菜單推薦 ( 內有預訂桌菜)

延伸閱讀: 台北雞湯名店餐廳推薦懶人包 》Taipei Chicken Soup Guide



Fried Glutinous Rice Ball
Price: NTD $25/unit
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

花生粉裹著酥脆炸湯圓很誘人 , 內餡的芝麻風味更是濃香 , 如果你們八人以上, 建議點之前先詢問今天的招待是清蒸臭豆腐還是炸元宵.
I love the Fried Glutinous rice ball with both peanut powder on the appearance. The sesame filling is with thick aroma. If you have 8 guests, you can ask the restaurants if they treat you with this dish or steamed sticky tofu dish.



Crab with Mini Fish Paste
Price: NTD $500
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

此道蟹粉魚米在菜單上 , 但是在台北中式餐廳菜單並不常見, 看似白米型狀, 實際上是迷你 Size 魚漿, 味蕾可以感受到兩種來自蟹與魚的不同海鮮風味, 互相襯托帶出最佳效果, 魚的鮮香頗為明顯, 不錯吃且需預訂.
This dish is on the menu, but rarely see on Taipei Chinese restaurants. The rice shape is actually mini size fish paste. Two different types of seafood flavors from crab an fish are combined together at the tastebuds. The fish flavor is quite obvious. This dish is delicious and need to reserve in advance.



Braised Editable Fish Intestinal and Liver
Price: NTD $500
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

紅燒托肺有在菜單上, 但是需要跟餐廳預訂這一道傳統菜餚.「 托肺 」是「魚內臟」 , 我很少吃內臟類菜餚, 網路上提到榮榮園這一道菜餚的內臟是要當天現殺的魚內臟, 除了嫩脆口感外, 味蕾可感受到醇厚紅燒的輔佐, 並沒有腥味. 如果你吃魚內臟, 建議點這道傳統菜餚, 記得點白飯來搭配.
This traditional dish in on the menu but need to reserve. I rarely eat Editable Fish Intestinal and Liver. The website mentioned that the dish is made with daily fresh editable fish intestinal and liver. Besides the tender and crispy texture, the tastebuds can sense the thick braised flavor. If you can eat intestinal and liver, you might want to consider ordering some rice to pair with.



Other Dishes


Pan-Fried Egg with Chives
Price: NTD $460
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

榮榮園的醬香韭菜煎蛋偏薄, 韭菜香氣與蛋香並存 , 只是我偏好上次在”花娘小館” 吃的有厚度的塔香烘蛋.
This pan-fried egg is quite thin. The chive aroma and egg flavor are still tasty. However, I still prefer the Scrambled Egg with Asian Basil at “Flower Restaurant”.

延伸閱讀: Flower Restaurant 》花娘小館菜單除了蒼蠅頭還點哪些菜餚




Stir-Fried Shrimp
Price: NTD $893
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這一道招牌清炒蝦仁有在菜單上, 小 Size 是 NTD $595 , 圖片是 中 Size ( NTD $893 ) , 大 Size 清炒蝦仁價格是 NTD $1190. 特色是在於餐廳員工手剝蝦仁, 滋味清爽高雅, 記得加些許醋調味, 只是我個人比較喜歡有茶香的 “龍井蝦仁” .
This dish is on the menu. Small size is NTD $595. The picture is medium size (NTD $893). The large size is NTD $1190. The selling point is that shrimps are hand-pulled off the shell by the restaurant staffs. Remember to add a bit of vinegar to pair with. However, I personally prefer the shrimp with tea flavor.




Pan-Fried Eight Ingredients Sticky Rice ( Ba bao fan )
Price: NTD $430
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

之前吃過的八寶飯皆是類似甜點的角色 , 這是我第一次品嚐油煎八寶飯, 外層口感脆 , 內部的糯米微黏牙.
The original eight ingredients sticky rice is more toward Chinese dessert. This is my first time tasting the pan-fried cooking method on this particular dish. The appearance is a bit crispy. The rice itself remains a bit of sticky as usual.



Pork Belly with Dried Fish
Price: NTD $1000
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

此道並不是單純的紅燒豬五花肉, 而是加黃酒與魚鯗一起紅燒. 魚鯗就是魚乾, 並非一般的小魚乾, 而是類似鹽漬或曬乾的魚片. 這一道符合上海菜濃油赤醬的風味與視覺感. 只是我個人比較喜歡只有單一主角的東坡肉菜餚.
This dish is not the original braised pork belly. The chef added dried fish and yellow wine as ingredients to braise together. The visual and flavor fits the Shanghai cuisine style. However, I still prefer the simply braised pork belly without the dried fish.



Pork Slice with Dried Tofu
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

It is suitable to pair with the rice.


Steamed Sticky Tofu
Price: NTD $45/Unit
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這一道清蒸臭豆腐通常是招待客人, 我們有八位,建議兩人分一塊清蒸臭豆腐.
This dish is usually to treat customers. We have 8 people . I would suggest 2 people to share one slice of steamed sticky tofu.



Chicken with Dried Tofu Slice
Price: NTD $368
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

此道有在菜單上, 如果想在榮榮園吃比較清淡的菜餚, 雞火拌干絲會是你的選擇.
This dish is on the menu. If you prefer light flavor dish, chicken with dried tofu slice can be your choice.



Braised Ox Tail in Braised Sauce
Price: NTD $893
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

醬香與肉香是經典搭配, 牛尾肉如預期地嫩.
The braised sauce aroma and meaty flavor are great combination. The braised ox tail is tender as expected.



Braised Dried Fish
Price: NTD $395
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

此道不在菜單上. 我必須說這ㄧ道鮝㸆圈子與另一道紅燒托肺顏色很像, 不僅都是經典上海家常料理, 而且皆是上海菜的濃油赤醬風格. 網站提到「鮝」是指魚乾, 也許是連續吃相同風格的菜餚, 我只吃一次, 沒有再夾第二次.
This dish is not on the menu.This dish color is similar with Braised Editable Fish Intestinal and Liver dish. And both are thick braised. However, I only tasted once though.



Braised Fish Head
Price: NTD $1450
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

菜單註明這一道干燒大魚頭需要 45 分鐘, 如果你喜歡多層次風味的紅燒海鮮, 也許這一道適合你.
The menu mentioned that this dish needs 45 minutes. If you like layers of braised seafood, this dish might be suitable for you.


結論 Conclusion ⭐

榮榮園浙寧餐廳適合家庭聚餐, 當然愛吃上海菜的朋友們也適合在這裡聚餐.

榮榮園初訪建議 4 ~ 6 人 , 需訂位, 建議點以下的菜餚
✅ 光餅夾㸆排骨
✅ 干煸春筍 (需預訂且需要看春筍的產量)
✅ 素黃雀 (需預訂)
✅ 砂鍋上海菜飯
✅ 先知鴨
✅ 炸元宵
✅ 醬爆青蟹年糕 (需預訂)
✅ 砂蟹黃花膠 (很多人是點另一道醃篤鮮, 如果你喜歡吃花膠, 可考慮點這一道, 需預訂)

✅ 紅燒托肺 (如果喜歡吃魚內臟, 可考慮預訂這一道)

Rong Rong Yuan Chinese restaurant is suitable for family gathering. And of course if you and your friends like Shanghai cuisine, you can dine here too.

I would suggest 4 ~ 6 people for the first visit. You will need to reserve seats. I would suggest the following dishes
✅ Grilled rib with bun (This dish is a signature dish. But we didnt eat this dish though.)
✅ Stir-Fried Spring Bamboo with Fried Seaweed (You need to reserve and depends on the quantity of the spring bamboo)
✅ Bean Curd Sheet with Various Ingredients Filling (Need to reserve)
✅ Shanghai Style Steamed Vegetable Rice
✅ Roasted Baby Duck
✅ Fried Glutinous Rice Ball
✅ Crab Rice Cake ( Need to Reserve)
✅ Chicken soup with Crab Essence & Fish Maw ( If you like fish maw, you can consider reserving this dish.)

✅ Braised Editable Fish Intestinal and Liver (If you like fish intestinal, you can consider ordering this dish)



榮榮園 餐廳資訊

Rong Rong Yuan Restaurant Information

店名: 榮榮園浙寧餐廳
地址: 台北市大安區信義路四段25號2F (Map)
捷運站: 大安站
電話: 02-2703-8822
Restaurant: Rong Rong Yuan Chinese Restaurant
Address: 2F, No. 25, Xinyi Road, Daan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: DA’AN MRT Station
Tel: 02-2703-8822


