Taipei BIB Gourmand 》人和園菜單推薦點哪些菜餚
Last Updated on 2024-01-16 by Foodelicious
人和園雲南餐廳 是 2023 台北米其林必比登餐廳美食 , 人和園菜單必點除了豇豆釀百花, 也有其他推薦菜餚. 文章也會提到人和園訂位方式.
Ren He Yuan Yunnan Restaurant is 2023 Taipei BIB Gourmand Restaurant. Ren He Yuan menu has various dishes recommendation. The article will also mention the reservation method.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
人和園 訂位
Ren He Yuan Restaurant Reservation
人和園 是 2023 台北米其林必比登餐廳 , 地址為台北市中山區中山北路二段112號2樓 , 離民權西路捷運站 1號出口 5 ~ 10 分鐘. 餐廳位於 2F , 除了樓梯外, 也有電梯. 抵達二樓, 餐廳佔地頗大, 這裡除了獨立包廂外, 也有適合四人的座位. 人和園雲南餐廳適合家庭聚餐也適合朋友聚餐. 服務生的友善態度也有加分. 人和園雲南餐廳菜單非常受到日本人歡迎, 因此菜單也有日文翻譯. 人和園訂位是用電話訂位 ( 02- 2536 – 4459 )
Ren He Yuan Yunnan Restaurant is 2023 Taipei BIB Gourmand Restaurant.. The address is 2F, No. 112, 2nd Section, Zhongshan North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City. It is about 5 ~ 10 minutes walking distance from Minquan West Road Metro Station. The restaurant is large. Besides private dining room, there are also tables for 4 people. This is a restaurant that is suitable for Family gathering and friends’ gathering. Their friendly additive is a plus. Many Japanese tourists would visit here, so, the menu has Japanese translation. You would need to call to reserve ( 02-2536-4459 )
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
♛ 2023 米其林餐廳列表 2023 Michelin Restaurant List
延伸閱讀👉 臺灣米其林指南 2023 》2023 Taiwan Michelin Guide ( Google Map)
人和園菜單 評論 ⭐
Ren He Yuan Restaurant Review
Pea Broth with Chicken Oil
Price: NTD $118
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍
我曾在 “晶華酒店蘭亭 ” 品嚐過新鮮手工挑選碗豆的豌豆炒雞米,深知很費工. 這一碗雞油碗豆湯看似普通且清澈. 入口時, 雞湯香氣十足. 店員提到湯頭是老母雞熬製而成. 淡色與其清澈程度令人驚艷. 碗豆口感更是脆. 餐廳是以小碗價格販售. 份量不多, 我推薦一人一碗.
I’ve tasted the fresh, hand-picked bean stir-fried chicken at “Lang Ting Restaurant” and know it requires a lot of effort. This bowl of chicken oil-infused bean soup appears ordinary and clear. However, when I take a sip, the aroma of chicken broth is rich. The staff mentioned that the broth is made by simmering an old hen. The light color and clarity are stunning. The peas add a crunchy texture. The restaurant sells it at a small bowl price. While the portion isn’t large, I recommend one bowl per person.
延伸閱讀: Regent Taipei Hotel Lan Ting 》終於吃到神秘的晶華蘭亭餐廳
Long Bean / Cowpea with Shrimp Paste
Price: NTD $368
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍
與四季豆相似的豇豆食材不常見 , 我只在 “玉喜飯店” 吃過泡豇豆私房菜. 人和園則是將豇豆鑲上新鮮蝦漿 , 經快炒處理. 微甜獨門醬汁帶有辣香風味, 完美包覆著每一顆鮮彈蝦丸. 這一道菜餚很適合下飯, 我會推薦點.
Similar to green beans, the ingredient long bean/cow pea is not commonly seen. I’ve only had this ingredient at “Yu Hsi Restaurant “. In Ren He Yuan Yunnan Restaurant, the cowpeas are paired with fresh shrimp paste and then quickly stir-fried. The slightly sweet signature sauce carries a hint of spiciness, perfectly enveloping each plump shrimp ball. This dish is excellent with rice, and I would recommend ordering it.
延伸閱讀: 玉喜飯店 Yu Hsi 》玉喜菜單推薦點什麼 ( 內有預訂桌菜 )
Dessert Bun with brown sugar and kumquat
Price: NTD $45
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍
人和園的破酥包系列有糖包, 豆沙包與肉包. 我們點雲南知名的點心 – 破酥糖包. 外型與一般的肉包相似. 撥開後可感受到蓬鬆感. 品嚐第一口時, 味蕾立即感受到紅糖與類似金桔的橘子風味組合. 糖餡雖然甜, 搭配包子並不會甜膩. 我會推薦這一道有特色的甜點.
Ren He Yuan Yunnan Restaurant dessert bun series includes sugar sweet buns, red bean buns, and meat buns. We ordered the famous Yunnanese dessert – sugar sweet buns. The appearance is similar to regular meat buns. Upon opening it, you can feel the fluffiness. With the first bite, the tastebuds immediately sense the combination of brown sugar and a citrusy flavor similar to kumquat. Although the sugar filling is sweet, it doesn’t become cloying when paired with the bun. I would recommend this distinctive dessert.
Porcini Roll
Price: NTD $250
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
端上桌時, 我本來還以爲是四季豆捲餅, 殊不知牛肝菌藏在捲餅. 與 “川畝園麵食館” 捲餅最大的不同在於捲的次數與厚度.人和園只捲一層, 品嚐時 , 乾烙微酥脆捲餅皮很美味. 內餡雖然是以四季豆脆度與醬香為主導, 仍舊可以感受到牛肝菌的獨特風味. 如果不介意喝碗豆湯, 也吃四季豆, 可考慮點這一道菜餚.
When it was brought to the table, I initially thought it was a green bean roll. However, the porcini mushrooms were hidden within the roll. The most significant difference from the roll at “Taipei Chuan Mu Yuan restaurant” lies in the number of rolls and thickness. Ren He Yuan Yunnan Restaurant only rolls it once. When tasted, the crispy roll is delightful. Although the filling is dominated by the crunchiness of green beans and the sauce, I can still sense the unique flavor of porcini mushrooms. If you don’t mind having a bowl of bean soup and enjoy green beans, you might consider ordering this dish.
延伸閱讀: Taipei Zhongshan Restaurant 》有時會想念的川畝園麵食館
Chicken Broth
Price: NTD $1000
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
此道雞湯需要預訂. Size 有分 6 人份 (NTD $1000 ) 與 10 人份 NTD $1500. 相較於其他雞湯, 這道雞湯比較像 “花娘小館 ” 的淮山雞鍋 , 呈現微清澈, ,搭配著雞油的香氣,味蕾更能深刻地感受到雞湯的精髓. 雞肉經過蒸煮, 肉質更加柔嫩 多款菇類讓這一款更像我喜歡的香菇雞湯. 我推薦六人以上就可以點這一道湯品.
This chicken soup requires advance reservation. It comes in two sizes: a 6-person serving for NTD $1000 and a 10-person serving for NTD $1500. Compared to other chicken soups, this one is more like the chicken soup at “Flower Restaurant” . It presenting a slightly clear broth with the aromaof chicken oil. This allows the tastebuds to more deeply appreciate the essence of the chicken soup. The chicken is steamed, making the meat even more tender. The addition of various mushrooms makes this soup resemble the shiitake mushroom chicken soup that I enjoy. I recommend ordering this soup for groups of six or more.
延伸閱讀: 台北雞湯名店餐廳推薦懶人包 》Taipei Chicken Soup Guide
延伸閱讀: Flower Restaurant 》花娘小館菜單除了蒼蠅頭還點哪些菜餚
Dried Tofu with Pork Slice and Turnip
Price: NTD $288
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
大頭菜份量比例不高, 這一道讓我最驚喜的是豆干與肉絲切成極細的絲, 入味而且嫩. 與經典乾硬的豆干肉絲截然不同.
There aren’t much turnips. The most surprising is the thin slices of dried tofu and meat. Unlike the classic dish, the dish are tender with savory flavor.
Stir-Fried Mushroom
Price: NTD $288
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
人和園菜餚以雲南料理為主 , 多數菜餚皆會有菇類入菜. 杏鮑菇切絲後再干煸, 酥脆口感加上微辣香.可當作一款香菇零食. 不錯吃.
Since this restaurant offers Yunnan cuisine, so, there are several dishes that have mushrooms. Overall, it is quite crispy with hints of spiciness. The dish is quite like snack.
Snack made with Milk
Price: NTD $50/unit
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
請注意是每卷 NTD $50 , 圖片裡有五片, 共是 NTD $250. 乳扇是由牛乳與羊乳製作而成, 可沾糖或是沾胡椒粉吃. 頗特別, 而且可以只點一片, 很適合想要嚐鮮的人.
Please note that one unit is NTD $50. The picture has 5 units, so, the total is NTD $250. This snack is made with cow milk and goat milk. You can choose to dip into sugar or peppers. It is quite special. You can order one unit, which is suitable for people who want to try new types of foods.
Stir-Fried Beef with Peppers
Price: NTD $368
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
辣香襯托出牛肉的肉香 , 彩椒的脆口感與肉的嫩度成為對比. 屬於重口味菜餚 , 很下飯.
With spicy flavor, the beef flavor becomes more obvious. The crispy of the peppers can also showcase the tenderness of the beef. It is great pairing with the rice.
Stir-Fried Rice with Mushroom and Chicken slice.
Price: NTD $228
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
看似木耳顏色的虎掌菌是雲南特產. 此款炒飯有蛋香與菌菇香比例頗相近. 我仍舊喜歡 “元味” 炒飯.
The special mushroom color is similar with black fungus and it is originated from Yunnan, China. This stir-fried rice has both egg aroma and mushroom flavor. However, I still prefer “Yuan “ restuarant’s stir-fried rice.
延伸閱讀: Taipei Fried Rice 元味料理 》饕客公認台北炒飯推薦與台式手路菜推薦餐廳
結論 Conclusion ⭐
我推薦人和園雲南餐廳, 我會想要帶我家人們到人和園雲南餐廳聚餐有以下幾個原因:
✅ 我們點的菜餚不會重辣也不會重酸
我原本以為人和園的雲南料理是重辣與重酸. 這次吃完發現人和園有調整口味, 做成中辣與小辣.
✅ 價格合理
台灣中式與台式餐廳價格越來越貴 , 人和園的合理價格已經非常少見. 而且有吃飽也是優點.
✅ 人和園菜餚都不錯吃
這次用餐經驗非常滿意 , 我個人是建議4 ~ 6 人. 請打電話訂位.我會推薦點雞油碗豆湯 ,豇豆釀百花 ,破酥糖包 ,牛肝菌捲餅 ,汽鍋雞湯 , 大頭菜豆干肉絲. 唯獨要注意的是多數菜餚都有菇類或豆類入菜, 不喜歡這兩樣食材請自行斟酌.
I recommend Ren He Yuan Yunnan Restaurant and I would like to bring my family there for several reasons:
✅ The dishes we ordered are not excessively spicy or sour.
I initially thought that Yunnan cuisine at Ren He Yuan would be very spicy and sour. However, after trying it, I found that they have adjusted the flavors to be moderately spicy and mildly spicy.
✅ Reasonable prices
Prices at Chinese and Taiwanese restaurants in Taiwan are getting higher, and Ren He Yuan offers reasonable prices, which is quite rare. You can also fulfill your appetite.
✅ The dishes are delicious.
I had a very satisfying dining experience this time. I would recommend going with a group of 4 to 6 people. Make sure to call and make a reservation. I would recommend Pea Broth with Chicken Oil , Long Bean / Cowpea with Shrimp Paste ,Dessert Bun with brown sugar and kumquat , Porcini Roll,Chicken Broth ,Dried Tofu with Pork Slice and Turnip. However, most dishes include mushrooms or beans. So, if you don’t like these ingredients, you may want to re-consider that.
人和園雲南餐廳 資訊
Ren He Yuan Yunnan Restaurant Information
店名: 人和園雲南餐廳
地址: 台北市中山區中山北路二段112號2樓 (Map)
捷運站: 民權西路捷運站(O11 & R13 )
電話: 02-2536 -4459
Restaurant: Hsiao Cho Chih Chia Taiwanese Restaurant
Address: 2F, No. 112, 2nd Section, Zhongshan North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby Metro Station: Minquan West Road Metro Station (O11 & R13 )
Tel: 02- 2536 – 4459
Menu ⭐