Portaly 微型網站 》推薦 Portaly 的五個重點 ( 內有評價 )

Last Updated on 2025-01-02 by Foodelicious

(2025.1更新) 這次找到好用的中文 Portaly , 不僅是 Instagram 多連結工具推薦, 也是打造可以賣數位產品的中文微型網站, 文末有贈送免費頂級會員一個月的連結 (價值: NTD $450)
(2025.1 Update) Portaly is not only the instagram Link-in-bio with Chinese version , you can also setup the e-commerce platform to sell digital products in Taiwan. This article also offers one-month Free Premium Membership (Value: NTD $450)


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My New Protaly Link: https://portaly.cc/tina.brandmarketing


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為何選用 Portaly 替代 Linktree ?

Why substitute Linktree with Portaly ?

我之前有寫一篇文章比較各種 Link-in-bio. 這次 Focus 在 Portaly vs Linktree 的比較

✅ 降低時間成本
因爲我略懂英文頁面, 操作與設定 Link-in-bio 的 Linktree 頁面並沒有難度. 只是我要教導不太懂英文的客戶操作, 需要花時間寫使用手冊.

✅ 工作比較有效率
有ㄧ天, 我的 Safari 無法登入 Linktree , 從找 Linktree 英文客服到問題解決的過程, 大概花了 2 ~ 3 天. 所以我決定將 Linktree 換成 Portaly – 有台灣繁體中文頁面也有中文客服, 增加工作效率與減少溝通時間.

✅ 可以連結更多平台 (而且有 icon)
圖三可以看到 icon 選擇, Portaly 的 icon 選擇有 小紅書 , Etsy ,Notion, threads…etc.

✅ 預計 Portaly 版面點擊率會較好
Portaly 版面可以有圖片, 不再是簡單文字而已 , 預計會增加點擊率與轉換率


I once wrote an article between various Link-in-bio tools. This time, I focus specifically between Portaly vs Linktree.

✅ Decrease the Time Cost
Because I understand English platform, It is easy to set up the Link-in-bio Linktree. However, I have to teach the clients that do not understand the English well. It means that I need to spend time to write the User Guide in Chinese version.

✅ Work is more productive
One day, I cannot log in my Linktree account via Safari. From looking for English customer service to problem solving, I spend 2 ~ 3 days. So, I decide to substitute Linktree with Portaly. The main reason would be that Portaly has Chinese version platform to increase my work productivity and less communication time.

✅ You can link multiple platforms (and with icon)
From pic 3, you can see lots of icon selection in Portaly – Xiaohongshu (little red book) , Etsy, Notion, threads..etc.

✅ Portaly layout is expected to have more CTR (Click Through Rate ).
Portaly layout can have picture, not only with words. It will increase the CTR (Click Through Rate ) and Conversion Rate.


延伸閱讀: Instagram 多連結工具 》Review of Linktree | Linkby | Taplink | Campsite

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為何選用 Portaly 而不是用 Stan Store 或是蝦皮 ?

Why choose Portaly over Stan Store or Shopee  ?

我一直在找可以販售數位商品的平台, 而且需要容易操作. 每次在看 Instagram 時, 很多國外的 Freelancer 都是用 Stan Store 販售數位商品. 在台灣則是蝦皮平台

沒有用 Stan Store 的原因
以台灣消費者角度, 付費方式很重要, 可用 Paypal 或是台灣信用卡的 Portaly 比較適合台灣消費者.

我個人不喜歡蝦皮的網站頁面美感. Portaly 除了最簡單的文字按鈕, 也有雙方格看板與具有輪播功能的橫幅看板.

I always look for a easy-to-operate platform that can sell digital products in Taiwan. In Instagram, most foreign Freelancer uses Stan Store to sell digital products. In Taiwan, people use Shopee to sell digital products.

The reason that I didnt use Stan Store
From Taiwanese consumer point of view, the payment method is important. It would be better to use PayPal or Taiwan credit card accessible platform for the consumers.

The reason that I didnt use Shopee
I personally do not like Shopee Page layout design. Portaly has easy-to-operate and also beautiful platform design.



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Portaly 費用方案 (有免費方案)

Portaly Fee Plan (They have Free Plan)

Portaly 有免費方案 , 也有付費方案, 可以選擇付年費或是付月費. 免費方案也是可以在平台販售數位商品, 抽的 %數較高. 如果你是商家, 品牌, 或是常辦團購的自媒體, 我會建議付費方案. 我這次是選擇頂級會員, 頂級會員在後台有標示皇冠
Portaly has free plan and also membership plan. You can choose to pay by month or by year. With free plan, you can still sell digital products on Portaly with higher % commission. If you are a store, brand or KOL, I would suggest the paid membership plan. I choose the premium membership. There is a crown icon for Premium Membership. 

免費與付費方案說明 Free and Paid Membership Plan Description  : https://portaly.cc/pricing

我的專屬推薦註冊連結 My Exclusive Recommendation Register Link




Portaly 優點- 好用嗎? 推薦嗎?

Portaly Selling Points – Is it easy to operate? Do I recommend it?

Portaly 有許多優點, 我很推薦!

✅ Portaly 是繁體中文介面與中文客服
免費基本會員也可以販售數位商品 (例如 PDF 檔案 / Excel 表格)/ JPG 檔) , 只是平台收取%費用較高, 收費頂級會員則是收取 % 數較低. 重點是可讓消費者直接用信用卡消費. Portaly 支持台灣金流, 而且不用再跟綠界申請金流.
✅ Portaly 頂級會員可以用 paypal 與信用卡來進行全球交易 ,  免費會員則是只有信用卡付費方式
✅ Portaly 有自媒體最喜歡 “小額贊助” 功能 (類似 “Buy Me A Coffee” ), 不用再透過台灣綠界申請金流.
✅ 有上百個品牌與自媒體皆在使用 Portaly. 精選帳號在此 https://portaly.cc/creators
✅ Portaly 網站有詳細說明的教學文章 Link: https://portaly.cc/blog , 讓操作更有效率
✅ 頂級會員 vs 免費基本會員比較 (Link: https://portaly.cc/blog/portaly_premium )

Portaly has many selling points. I definitely recommend it!

✅ Portaly is traditional Chinese link-to-bio platform with Chinese customer service.
Even free basic members can sell digital products (PDF, Excel, JPG file ) on the platform with higher commission. Portaly charges less commission for paid members. The main point would be consumers can use PayPal or credit card to pay. Portaly interacts with Taiwan banks as well.
✅ Portaly Premium account can use both PayPal and credit card as payment term.  Free basic account payment is credit card only.
✅ Portaly has similar “Buy Me A Coffee” donation system to the brand.
✅ There are hundreds of brands and KOL are using Portaly now. Reference accounts are here https://portaly.cc/creators
✅ Portaly has detailed educational article Link: https://portaly.cc/blog

✅ Premium member vs free basic member comparison  (Link: https://portaly.cc/blog/portaly_premium )


我的專屬推薦註冊連結 My Exclusive Recommendation Register Link






Portaly 缺點

Portaly Drawback

✅  其實也不是缺點, Portaly  免費基本會員目前只支援信用卡, Portaly 頂級會員可支援 paypal 與信用卡

✅ Portaly Free Basic account only accept credit card. Portaly VIP account can accept both PayPal and credit card.





⭐ Extra Bonus – 贈送免費頂級會員一個月的連結 ⭐

直接點進以下連結且註冊, 即可獲得贈送免費頂級會員一個月的連結 (價值: NTD $450)
Click the following link and register, you can get one Free Premium Membership for one month (Value: NTD$450 )

我的專屬推薦註冊連結 My Exclusive Recommendation Register Link

My New Protaly Link: https://portaly.cc/tina.brandmarketing






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