Podium Taipei 》法國料理美感與東南亞風格並存的台北私廚
Last Updated on 2023-05-15 by Foodelicious
Podium 台北 是少數位於士林的台北私廚, 台北 Podium 餐廳雙主廚運用東南亞辛香料融合於法式料理, 設計出令人意想不到的 Podium 私廚無菜單料理.
Podium Taipei is one of a few Taipei Private Kitchens located at Shilin District. Podium has two executive chefs, which offer an interesting fusion cuisine – French Cuisine along with hints of Southeastern flavors in their custom menu.
目錄 / Table of Contents
台北 Podium 交通 Podium Taipei Traffic
Podium 餐廳位於士林站捷運站一號出口附近, 步行只需 5 分鐘, 附近停車場(圖一) 與公車眾多, Podium 餐廳與 “BeApe 法國傳統餐酒館”一樣位於二樓, 一樓狹窄的門在 Pizza 餐廳旁邊. 從樓梯往上走向二樓, 發現門口需要密碼才能進入 (訂位後店家會提供密碼). 餐廳佔地比想像中地大和寬敞, 分為三個區域, 長桌座位, 吧台區和沙發區. 文末短秒影片有更多細節.
Podium restaurant is located near Exit 1 of Shilin MRT station. It only takes 5 minutes of walking. There are parking lots nearby (Picture 1) and buses. Similar with “BeApe Bistro”, the restaurant is located at 2nd floor. The door is right next to the pizza restaurant. However, you would need password to enter the 2 floor front door. After you reserve seats, the restaurant would offer passwords. There are three areas in Podium restaurant – Long table area, Bar counter seats and sofa area. There are more details at the short video at the end of the article.
延伸閱讀: BeApe 法國傳統餐酒館 》位於台北巷弄內的2 樓挑高法式小酒館
台北 Podium 訂位 Podium Taipei Reservation
2019 新開幕 Podium 餐廳的中譯是 “舞台”. Podium 主廚們 ( Chef Andy & Jackie) 曾在台北候布雄法式餐廳廚師團隊和台北 “五味瓶” 工作, 其中一位也在法國與英國的米其林一星和二星的餐廳工作過. 經驗相當豐富. Podium 餐廳提到雖然主打法國與東南亞 Fusion 料理時, 但是具有衝擊性的香料對比並不會過重, 不會搶過法式料理的優雅, 換句話說, 並不是重口味的東南亞料理. 不同於其他台北私廚的1 人主廚和1人外場制度 , Podium 廚師團隊共有 4 人, 在廚房而不是在中島位置準備菜餚, 外場基本上是 2 人, 並不會有手忙腳亂的狀況. Podium 採預約制, 不接受 Walk-In, 接待 6 位以上的客人, 也可接受包場, 甚至有投影機. 建議打電話訂位, 通常一天只接兩組客人, 中午一組, 晚上一組, 也可包場. 無菜單價格則是有分 NTD $2580, NTD $3080, 和 NT $3680, 皆是 6 ~ 9 道菜, 水資是NTD $80/人, 菜單內容可以與店家討論, Podium 餐廳有提供多款酒杯和醒酒器, 有專業度水準, 開瓶費則是 NTD $1000/烈酒, NTD $500/其他酒類. 其他訂位需知皆在餐廳的粉絲頁 ( https://www.facebook.com/pg/PodiumTaipei/about/ ).
Both Podium chefs (Chef Andy & Jackie) worked at Taipei L’atelier de Joël Robuchon and Taipei “C’est la vie Bistro” before. One of the chefs also work oversea at French and British Michelin Star restaurants. Podium offers French Cuisine along with hints of Southeastern flavors. In other words, Podium cuisine is not as strong as Southeastern Cuisines, such as Thai Food. Different from other Taipei private kitchens, Podium has total 4 people in the kitchen and 2 serving staffs outside. Podium is reservation only and accept 6 people or above reservation. The hardware in Podium also includes projectors. They only accept one set guests in the lunch time and another set guests at night. The custom menu has three types of price – NTD $2580, NTD $3080, 和 NT $3680 with 6 ~ 9 dishes. The water fee is NTD $80/person. They also has different types of wine glasses. Other informations are at their Facebook ( https://www.facebook.com/pg/PodiumTaipei/about/ ).
延伸閱讀: 五味瓶 C’est la vie Bistro 》永康東門捷運站餐酒館 | Taipei French Bistro
Podium Taipei Menu: NTD $2580
備註: 無菜單價格則是有分 NTD $2580, NTD $3080, 和 NT $3680, 皆是 6 ~ 9 道菜, 水資是NTD $80/人, 菜單內容可以與店家討論.
Remark: The custom menu has three types of price – NTD $2580, NTD $3080, 和 NT $3680 with 6 ~ 9 dishes. The water fee is NTD $80/person. The customer can discuss menu with the restaurant.
Bread / Balsamic Vinegar
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
台北 Podium 餐廳與知名新竹北埔一家深山裡的柴窯麵包店 ( 樸實柴窯 Simple Original https://www.facebook.com/simpleoriginal ) 合作進貨麵包, 就跟 “Gen Creative” 和 Purebread Bakery 合作概念相似. 麵包酥脆香氣足, 若是搭配陳年義大利酒醋會更完美.
Taipei Podium cooperates with another famous Hsinchu bakery (Simple Original: https://www.facebook.com/simpleoriginal ) for the toast. The concept is similar with “Gen Creative” cooperates with Purebread Bakery. The bread is full of aroma and crispy. It would be perfect if pairing with aged balsamic sauce.
延伸閱讀: Gen Creative Taipei 》不要以先入為主的觀念來品嚐這家餐廳
脆 – 牡丹蝦/白蘿蔔/梅子
Crunchy- Peony Shrimp/Daikon/Plum
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
第一道菜餚並不是常見的生蠔, 菜餚外觀原本以為是像之前在 “Bencotto Taipei”的千層外皮, 孰不知是醃製薄切白蘿蔔將牡丹蝦包覆住, 一口吃進才會感受到濃郁海鮮風味, 味蕾也可感受到蝦的鮮甜. 整體頗具巧思.
First dish is not the usual oyster. The appearance of this dish was mistaken as the lasagna sheet at ““Bencotto Taipei”. The transparent cover is pickled slice daikon along with the shrimp inside. The first bite brings strong seafood flavor and also the great texture of the shrimp. I would definitely call this dish creative.
延伸閱讀: Bencotto Taipei 》台北文華東方酒店義大利餐廳新菜單新主廚
鮮 – 白鮑魚/綠竹筍/芫荽
Umami – Abalone/Bamboo/Coriander
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
料理擺盤設計展現出法式料理對美感的堅持. Podium 餐廳廚師團隊將鮑魚肝與盤底的醬融合, 再將一片薄切白鮑魚, 一片綠竹筍薄片依序擺置於盤裡, 再撒上些食用金箔粉. 店員講解白鮑魚食材是採用南非六頭鮑, 餐廳建議先品嚐一片原味鮑魚, 以含蓄鮮味貫穿這道菜餚, 沾醬後會加重海鮮風味. 我建議將鮑魚與竹筍沾醬後一起入口, 可同時感受到海鮮香氣與竹筍的鮮脆. 這道料理是我當天喜歡的菜餚之一.
I was amazed by the dish plate with French cuisine elegant design. Podium chefs mix the abalone liver along with the sauce. Then, they place one slice abalone , one slice bamboo and and repeat. Spreading the editable golden foils at the top as the final step. The staff mentions that the abalone is from South Africa. I would suggest to eat both abalone and bamboo with dipping sauce at the same time. The tastebuds would sense the seafood flavor along with crispy texture. This dish is one of my favorite dishes of the day.
♛ 台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List
連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)
連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康 No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health
炎 – 北海道干貝/天使紅蝦/香茅
Hot – Scallop/Prawn/Lemon Grass
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
干貝在歐式料理幾乎都是獨當一面,像是我在 “logy” 吃到的干貝料理, 或是創意馬賽魚湯裡的食材之一. 在飽和橘紅色澤的東蔭功醬料注入於盤裡的同時, 濃郁澎湃的泰式香氣繚繞, 鮮香酸辣與鹹香是喜好泰式料理饕客所嚮往的風味, 也符合這道料理的主題 – 炎, 半熟干貝和鮮蝦反倒像個不可缺少的配角.
Scallop is always the main character of the dish, such as the scallop dish at “logy”. Scallop can also be one of the ingredients at creative Bouillabaisse. While pouring Tom Yum into the dish, there are fair amount of the Thai Food aroma appears. The spicy and salty flavor are what Thai Foodies are looking for. It also matches the dish theme- Hot. The scallop and the shrimps are more like a supporting role.
延伸閱讀: Logy Taipei 》台北米其林一星 logy 餐廳美食
純 – 番茄/羅勒
Nature – Tomato/Basil
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
西式料理餐廳通常都會在中場休息時準備一款清味蕾的冰沙, 上次在 “十方長私廚餐廳” 吃到的是小黃瓜冰沙, 這次在台北 Podium 則是準備番茄蘿勒冰沙, 最令人驚豔的是這款冰沙絲毫沒有番茄鮮紅色澤, Podium 採用冰滴咖啡和法式澄清湯概念將番茄色素過濾二次, 番茄酸香依舊留在冰沙裡, 不僅頗具創意, 也相當費工.
Most western cuisine restaurants would prepare a drink/slush for customers to clear the tastebuds. Last time at “Kitchen 10 Taipei”, I had the cucumber slush. Now, at Podium Taipei, they prepares Tomato Basil slush. The most surprising part would be there isn’t any sign of Tomato Red colors. Chef uses the consommé and drip coffee method concept and methods. The acidity and classic tomato flavor still stays in the slush. This dish is quite creative and also takes fair amount of works and times to make.
延伸閱讀: Kitchen 10 Taipei 》十方長私廚餐廳將台北私廚重新定義
海 – 馬頭魚/叻沙/蛤蜊
Sea – Amadai/Laksa/Clam
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
我曾在 “Yamasan 山男“ 看過類似酥炸馬頭魚料理, 看似 Podium的風味更為複雜, 馬來叻沙賦予迷人且不會過重的南洋風味, 嗅覺挑逗著味覺. 蛤蜊高湯並沒有很顯著, 我對酥脆魚鱗搭配鮮嫩野生馬頭魚肉的口感情有獨鍾, 這道料理有多層次且截然不同的滋味. 這道料理是我當天喜歡的菜餚之二.
I saw the similar dish at “Yamasan”. However, Podium’s dish seemed to be more complicated. Laksa offers attractive and not-too-heavy Southeastern spice flavor. Therefore, the clam broth doesn’t appear at the tastebuds. I love the crispy fish scales with tender fish meats. This is also one of my favorite dishes of the day.
延伸閱讀: YAMASAN TAIPEI 》山男菜單料理可獨享也可多人刷菜單
南- 桂丁雞/仁當/粉絲
South- K.T. Chicken/Rendang/Bean Noodle
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
近年來, 台灣東南亞料理不再是街頭小吃, 而是蛻變成餐酒館等級. Podium 餐廳採用 “鳥哲” 用的國寶台灣桂丁雞, 店員建議先吃一片雞肉, 低溫舒肥雞肉吃起來非常嫩並沒有肉香, 仁當揉合其他香料賦予這道料理香濃勁辣的味覺與東南亞風味, 衝擊著味蕾, 粉絲也細緻滑順, 吃到一半時可將溫熱雞高湯到入碗裡, 讓這道料理成為亞洲人最愛的湯湯水水, 也將風味有節奏起伏地從濃郁辛香轉為溫醇.
Same as “TORI TETSU Restaurant”, Podium restaurant offers K.T. Chicken, which is originated from Taiwan The sous-videc chicken meat is tender without meaty flavor. Rendang and other spices enhances the spicy and strong herbs flavor at the tastebuds. You can pour the chicken broth in order to become a soup dish.
延伸閱讀: Tianmu Restaurant 》鳥哲有桂丁雞串燒也有限量鳥哲拉麵
地- 美國 Prime 牛菲力/沙嗲/白花菜
Land- Prime Tenderloin/Satay/Cauliflower
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
主餐可選牛菲力或是伊比利豬, 當時 Podium 皆有準備給我們, 用著專業牛排刀切開五分熟深紅美國 Prime 等級牛菲力, 單吃時並沒有太多肉香, 吃起來有嫩度. 牛排搭配沙嗲對我來說是一種新的組合卻不會過於突兀.
You can choose between the steak or Cerdo Iberico. Podium prepares both. The dark red USDA prime Tenderloin doesn’t have much meaty aroma, but still remains its tenderness. Paring with Satay is a whole new experience to me though.
地- 伊比利豬/扁豆/蒔蘿
Land- Cerdo Iberico / Lentil / Dill
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
Podium 主廚採用伊比利豬的上蓋肉, 就是所謂的老饕肉部位,我個人並沒有沾扁豆蒔蘿醬, 伊比利豬品嚐起來依舊嫩度高與肉味餘香, 比起牛菲力, 我個人比較喜歡這道伊比利豬料理.
Podium chefs uses high-cost ribeye cap of Cerdo Iberico. The pork meat is well-known of its delicious level and tenderness. I didn’t dip into the lentil and dill sauce though. Comparing with the steak dish, I prefer this Cerdo Iberico.
酸- 檸檬/檸檬葉/柑橘
Citrus – Lemon/Lemon Leaf, Citrus
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
Podium 主廚 Andy 曾在晶華酒店甜點部門工作, 這道檸檬塔則是他的傑作之一,挺立的檸檬甘納許 (Lemon Ganache) 撩起饕客們的食慾, 綿密酸甜檸檬清新風味是台灣人喜歡的風味, 派皮有著堅果香口感偏硬, 類似蛋塔. 自然紅柚蛋白霜則是有法式情懷的美感.
Podium Chef Andy works at Regent Hotel desserts department. This lemon tart is one of his proud works. The lemon ganache is eye-catching. The creamy along with sweet and acidity is Taiwanese’s favorite. The pie crusts has nutty flavors with hard texture. The red grapefruit natural colors brings pink color to the meringue. The overall taste is delicious.
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
Podium offers Oolong Tea from Taiwan High Mountain to bring this dining experience to the end.
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.
♛ About Me | Front Page
店名: Podium Taipei
地址: 台北市士林區中正路209號2樓 (Map)
捷運站: 士林站
電話: 02-2883-5720
營業時間: Call to Confirm
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PodiumTaipei/
Restaurant: Podium
Address: 2 F, No. 209, Zhongzheng Road, Shilin District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Shilin MRT station
Tel: 02-2883-5720
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm