王鵬老師 X 隆河葡萄酒公會 》Diversity of Syrah in the Rhône Valley Vineyards
Last Updated on 2020-03-23 by Foodelicious
法國隆河葡萄酒公會與酒類專家王鵬老師合作舉辦一堂大師講堂, 我很榮幸可以南下高雄參加這次的”隆河希哈的多樣性“ 課程.
Inter Rhône Association cooperates with Mr. Paul Peng Wang to host a course regarding the topic – Diversity of Syrah in the Rhône Valley Vineyards. I am honored to attend this particular course at Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
與法國隆河葡萄酒公會大使 Miss Amélie Rouot 聊天後, 才知道法國隆河葡萄酒公會像是一座橋樑, 讓台灣進口酒商更了解各款法國南北隆河酒莊與隆河酒類教育知識, 公會也與隆河國際認證講師王鵬老師合作, 不定期邀請台灣餐飲和酒商從業人員參加舉辦在台灣的講堂.
Inter Rhône Ambassador Miss Amélie Rouot mentioned that the association is like a bridge in between France Wine Vendors at Rhône and Imported Wine Merchants in foreign countries. The association would cooperate with local Certified Wine specialist to educate local staffs at Wine or Food & Beverage Industry regarding Wines at Rhône. In another word, the purpose of this course it is similar with the Trade Marketing Event.
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課程大綱不外乎是基礎希哈葡萄品種知識, 南北隆河希哈比較, 和試飲希哈酒款的風味特性. 課程內容是公會提供投影片, 為了達到教學的目的,王鵬老師重新編排與設計. 另外也在網路上搜尋了適合的影片, 自行剪輯,翻譯成中文,加上字幕, 輔助學員們理解. 王鵬老師在課堂開始時先提到他會用 “新式教學法”, 主要講求學生自我測驗和互動, 畢竟這個講堂是以“教育”為主, 讓餐飲和酒商從業人員有上課收穫才是主題, 而非關於希哈葡萄酒的數據.
The general topics are basic knowledge of Syrah, Syrah comparison between South and North, and tasting various Syrah. The association provides the powerpoint. In order to achieve education purpose, Paul himself re-edits and designs the course content. He also researched, translated and edited suitable videos to assist the students to understand. At the beginning of the class, Paul mentions that he would teach the course in different method. It would focus on self-test and interaction. After all, the course is for learning Syrah knowledge instead of seminar data number.
我個人認為講義視覺感很重要, WSET 課堂幾乎都是文字段落, 感覺很像在補習, 很多有 WSET 認證的人常提到考完 WSET 就忘記學過什麼. 翻了一下王鵬老師的彩色講義, 有圖片講解. 王鵬老師也找了一些適合影片來貫穿課堂, 印象最深刻是講到在隆河酒莊常遇到的密斯特拉風 (La Bise or Mistral), 光是用講的讓人很難想像, 王鵬老師除了將自己照片放進ppt外, 也用影片來展現密斯特拉風的強勁, 我相信大家對影片印象遠比文字深刻.
I personally think that the visual of the course/textbook is very important. WSET course is always words. Many people with WSET certificate would say they forget what they learn at the WSET course. Paul’s course textbook includes both pictures and words. He also puts suitable videos to explain more about the Rhône region. For example, the video would show the La Bise strong wind in action. I believe that most people would have more impression on the video than words.
這次課程有試飲七款南北隆河希哈葡萄酒, 通常酒杯擺設方式是一字排開, 這次希哈課堂的酒杯擺設杯墊則是由王鵬老師親自設計 (圖一), 不僅在杯墊標出每杯地區的名稱, 酒標和一些細節也放在講義裡. 試飲時, 除了自己的品酒筆記外, 與同桌同學分組討論也是一種不一樣的上課互動.
There are seven Syrah from North and South of Rhône. Usually in other courses, the wine glasses would be placed from right to left in straight line. However, in this course, Paul designs this particular map with number mark by himself. He also puts wine labels and wine information in the textbook as well. Besides the tasting note, there would be also team discussion interaction.
台灣餐飲和酒商從業人員平常上班都沒空複習, 因此王鵬老師在講義放進一個小測驗作為結尾, 讓每位學生複習當天學到關於隆河希哈葡萄酒的知識.
Staffs at Wine or Food & Beverage Industry usually do not have time to review. Therefore, Paul puts a small test at the end of the course textbook. The purpose would be to let the student review immediately right after class.
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