
L’AGE 熟成餐廳 》忠孝復興捷運餐酒館美食 | Taipei Bistro

L’AGE 熟成餐廳 》忠孝復興捷運餐酒館美食 | Taipei Bistro
位於台北東區的L’AGE 熟成餐廳是一家低調餐廳, 老饕熟客回客率跟中山區的Popina餐酒館一樣高. L’AGE restaurant is located at the heart of the city- Taipei East District. This is a low-profile restaurant with many returning foodie customers, j...

K. LAB 甜點實驗室 》台北五分埔巷弄 | Taipei Dessert

K. LAB 甜點實驗室 》台北五分埔巷弄 | Taipei Dessert
K. Lab 甜點實驗室位於信義區後山埤捷運附近, 是一家五分埔甜點店, 與“深夜裡的法國手工甜點”一樣皆是手工法國甜點, 而且營業時間一樣誇張地短, 但蛋糕款式截然不同. K. Lab Dessert Shop is located near Blue Line Houshan Pi MRT station at Taipei Xinyi District. However, their ope...