徐家私廚 OUAH HANCHI 》關於這家台北私廚的三個重點
Last Updated on 2022-10-17 by Foodelicious
徐家私廚是三大台北私廚之一 , 黯然銷魂東坡肉飯更是有在台灣 500 盤名單, 這篇文章包括徐家私廚如何預約, 徐家私廚價錢 與 Review.
OUAH HANCHI Private Kitchen is one of the Taipei Private Kitchens. Signature Braised Pork Rice is announced on Taiwan 500 Plates award. This article includes how to reserve OUAH HANCHI Private Kitchen, price and review.
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♛ 延伸閱讀: 台北三大私廚推薦 》Taipei Private Kitchen Recommendation
目錄 / Table of Contents
How to Reserve OUAH HANCHI Private Kitchen
徐家私廚地址是台北市松山區復興北路313巷37號 , 離中山國中捷運站約 10 分鐘路程, 徐家私廚與 “鄒記食舖 Zou Ji ” 在同一條街上, 徐家私廚的英文名稱是 OUAH HANCHI Private Kitchen , OUAH HANCHI 是台語 – 芋仔蕃薯 , 徐家私廚的菜系集結台菜與外省菜 ( 眷村菜 ?!) , 實際上, 你 Google 不到徐家私廚的電話, 所以徐家私廚該如何預約? 答案是跟熟客去用餐一次 , 客氣地問有無座位可以訂, 目前是預約困難的餐廳, 徐家私廚有兩大桌, 一桌大約可做坐 10 位 , 感謝朋友揪我吃.
OUAH HANCHI Private Kitchen address is No. 37, 313th Lane, Fuxing North Road, Songshan District, Taipei City. It is about 10 minutes walking distance to Zhongshan Junior High School MRT station. Ouah Hanchi restaurant is at the same street as “Zou Ji restaurant”. In fact, you cannot google Ouah Hanchi phone number. So, how to reserve? You have to dine once with your VIP returned customer friends. And you have to ask politely if you can reserve tables. There are two tables in the restaurant. One table can be seated 10 people.
延伸閱讀: 鄒記食舖 Zou Ji 》關於這家台北私廚的五件事 (內有 500 盤的菜餚)
延伸閱讀: 其他中山國中捷運站餐廳 》 Other Restaurants near Zhongshan Junior High School MRT station
OUAH HANCHI Private Kitchen Price
2022.9 月的徐家私廚價格是 NTD $20,000/桌 , 當天我們是 10 人, 一人為 NTD $2000. 徐家私廚是無菜單 , 只收現金無刷卡.
2022. September price is NTD $20,000/table. We had 10 people, the average price is NTD $2000/per person. The menu is omakase, and they only accept Cash.
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
OUAH HANCHI Private Kitchen Review
我相信很多人都會問 “徐家私廚值得去嗎?” , 我會回答 “我會推薦你們去 ” , 主要原因如下
✅ 待客服務態度頗親切
✅ 價格與美味程度有 Match
✅ 菜單豐富且不錯吃
I believe that many people will ask “Is Ouah Hanchi Private Kitchen worth going?”. I would answer “I will recommend you to dine there”. There are the reasons down below.
✅ Customer Service is great
✅ Price matches the delicious level
✅ Various dishes and quite delicious
徐家私廚無菜單菜餚 List
OUAH HANCHI Private Kitchen Omakase List
小菜 Appetizer
小菜有筍乾皮蛋, 黃金泡菜, 豆乾花生, 我個人是喜歡豆乾花生
The appetizers include kimchi, dried tofu with peanuts, and bamboo with preserved egg.
Prawns Cold Dish
蝦仁比預期地脆且緊實 , 伴隨蛋黃絲,小黃瓜絲與魚皮絲入口, 味蕾可以感受到來自芥末的微刺激, 很適合當作開胃菜.
The prawns is more crispy and better than expected. The tastebuds can sense the minor stimulation from the mustard. It is a great choice of cold dish.
Blanched Sliced Lamb
我特別 Google “白灼” , 白灼是廣東菜餚裡的川燙烹調方法之一 , 水里要放油和調味料, 這道菜餚醬汁有蔥薑汁與蠔油, 再加上辣椒絲, 記得將羊肉與醬汁在盤裡攪拌, 讓每一口羊肉不會過辣.
There are green onion, ginger ,oyster oil, and sliced spice in this dish along with sliced lamb. Please note that you should mix all together. So, every bite will be tasty.
我還是比較喜歡 “喜相逢”的剁椒魚頭, 用 “蒸 ” 的烹調方式, 徐家私廚是用煎, 外層酥脆. 另一道豆鼓蒸魚吃起來頗嫩.
I prefer the steamed instead of grilled. The other dish would be steamed. Steamed Fish with Fermented soya bean is quite tender.
延伸閱讀: Xi Xiang Feng 喜相逢麵館 》想再訪餐廳卻訂位不易
燒鴨 & 叉燒
Grilled Duck & BBQ Pork
兩款都不錯, 不會乾柴.
Both meats are pretty tender instead of dry.
Deep Fried Bacon , Shrimp and Scallop
培根將干貝與蝦包覆住, 再裹粉酥炸, 外層美乃滋沙拉醬讓外觀看起來像鳳梨蝦球 ,培根的鹹味並沒有明顯, 干貝與蝦的口感比鮮味更有印象, 我個人蠻喜歡這一道菜餚
Bacon wrapped the shrimp and scallop. The fried appearance along with mayo sauce makes this dish looks like Shrimp with Pineapple. The salty flavor from the bacon is not too obvious. The texture of the scallop and shrimp is more impressive than the seafood flavor. I personally like this dish.
Sticky Tofu Spring Roll
薄脆口感的炸春捲皮裡裹著剁碎的臭豆腐, 內餡不會過於軟爛, 臭豆腐香味也不會過重 , 我也很喜歡這一道菜餚.
The fried spring roll appearance is crispy. The sticky tofu filling is quite firm. And the flavor is not too strong. I also like this dish as well.
Steamed Boneless Ribs with Japanese Yam
端上桌時, 我本來以為是米糕, 店員後來告知是粉蒸無骨牛小排佐日本山藥. 牛小排吃起來頗嫩
I thought that this dish was steamed rice cake.It turns out to be Steamed Boneless Ribs with Japanese Yam. The beef is quite tender.
Spicy Stir-fried Cabbage
我只吃一口, 因為蠻辣.
I only taste one bite since it is quite spicy.
Signature Braised Pork Rice
首先, 徐家私廚開始放音樂 ( “小當家” BGM 配樂 ) , 店員先將飯上面佈滿太陽蛋, 再將紹興酒倒入另一個熱鍋, 在煙霧瀰漫的同時, 將整個熱鍋裡的東坡肉倒入飯上 (圖二 ) , 每人都可以分到一碗有蛋, 東坡肉與飯 , 吃起來如名真得很銷魂, 美味十足, 果然是徐家私廚的招牌.
They will turn on the music (BGM) before it all starts. There are several sunny-up eggs on the rice. The staff pours the Shaoxing wine into another hot pot. While there are smokes, the staff will pour all the braised pork on the rice (pic 2). Everyone will have a bowl of egg, pork and rice. It tastes very delicious.
Chicken Soup with Clams
看似有點像 “海派上海小吃餐廳”的濃郁雞湯, 吃起來則是比 “雞家莊”的蛤蜊雞湯濃郁一些而已, 是一個不錯的結尾.
It looks like the thick chicken broth at “ Hai Pai restaurant”. It tastes only a bit thicker than the chicken soup with clams at “Chi Chia Chuang”. It is a nice ending.
延伸閱讀: 海派上海小吃 Hai Pai 》除了煙燻圓鱈也有其他拿手好菜
延伸閱讀: Taipei Michelin Restaurant 》雞家莊菜單除了三味雞還有哪些台菜推薦
徐家私廚 資訊
OUAH HANCHI Private Kitchen Information
店名: 徐家私廚
地址: 台北市松山區復興北路313巷37號 (Map)
捷運站: 中山國中捷運站
電話: N/A
Facebook: N/A
Restaurant: OUAH HANCHI Private Kitchen
Address: No. 37, 313th Lane, Fuxing North Road, Songshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongshan Junior High School MRT station
Tel: N/A