日本三芳菊酒造 x 山田錦 》Celebrate | 新風味日本酒

Last Updated on 2024-01-04 by Foodelicious

當看到酒標上有著搖滾少女美圖時, 但卻標明是日本酒, 不禁心裡想這倒底品嚐起來是像哪種風味?
When you see the rock n roll picture on the sake label, you would wonder how it taste like.

警語: 禁止酒駕, 未滿十八歲, 禁止飲酒, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. People under 18 years old are prohibited to drink alcohols. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

Product Name 產品名稱: 三芳菊 x 山田錦 MIYOSHIKIKU Celebrate

Country of Origin 原產地: Japan 日本德島縣
Foodelicious 美味程度 : 🎉 🎉🎉
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Sales Channel 品飲地點: 朋友分享 Sharing with friends
Price: N/A
Total ml 總容量: 720 ml
ABV 酒精濃度: 15 %
Bottle Bar Code: N/A
進口商: 安莉國際商務有限公司

由於適飲溫度是5度C, 朋友先將此款酒放進冰桶, 之後再從深藍色酒瓶倒出金黃色的酒體, 一度以為是白葡萄酒Riesling, 再次確認酒標, 主要成份為日本山田錦的米, 號稱“酒米之王”, 網路上有人提到其實只是米的產量大和較易釀造,並非較為珍貴,才被稱為“酒米之王”.
The suggested tasting temperature is 5 degrees. Therefore, my friend put this dark blue bottle at the ice casket. When he poured out the golden color sake body, the color is similar with Riesling. After checking the label again, the ingredient is Yamadanishiki rice – which Japanese called it the “King of Sake Rice”. Google mentioned that Yamadanishiki rice is so far the most common sake rice in Japan. They called it “King of Sake Rice” is because it is easier to make sake.



既然都已經用Riedal 酒杯, 就要先聞香, 有著清爽果香, 是所謂的熏酒, 品嚐一口時, 蘋果風味多過於香蕉風味, 至於甘甜度則是偏高, 酸度則是平易近人, 記憶點頗高是因為跟傳統清酒風味截然不同, 不同的原因是因為日本三芳菊酒造加入”德島酵母“ , 為單純的清酒注入果酯的化學作用, 進階成爲日本新風味清酒.基本上來說, 這是一瓶可以讓喜歡喝甜白葡萄酒的人品嚐, 較適合當餐前酒.
Since we already used Riedal, we might as well taste this sake just like wine. The nose can sense fruity aroma. Taking one sip, the apple aroma overwhelms banana aroma. The sweet level is a bit higher than expected and the acidity level is mild. I remembered this sake well because it doesn’t taste like sake at all. MIYOSHIKIKU added yeast into this particular sake in order to have apple and banana aroma. General speaking, you can bring this sake to impress those who like to drink white wine. It is more suitable to drink prior dining.


** 因為風味太像白葡萄酒, 我將此款酒放在”野餐酒 PICNIC WINE GUIDE”**
延伸閱讀2: 【 野餐酒 PICNIC WINE GUIDE 】哪些酒比較適合帶去野餐?


警語: 飲酒過量,有害 (礙) 健康 <- 菸酒管理法規定要寫的!



