慕耕活文創茶品 》Morganhope Brand Tea | 獲得世界雙獎肯定

Last Updated on 2017-10-10 by Foodelicious

台灣茶品牌百百種, 文創產品更是琳琅滿目, 慕耕活品牌不僅擁有文創的靈魂, 更在比利時 iTQi 風味絕佳獎世界品質評鑑大賞獲得國外評審們的青睞.  這次有這個榮幸可以參加”慕耕活品牌 Morganhope的品茶會”.
There are various Taiwanese Tea with environmental-friendly mission. However, Morganhope is the only one brand that had won iTQI and Monde Selection medals. Now, I have the opportunity to taste their tea at its event.


慕耕活英文名稱為 Morganhope, 英文字拆開為More, Organic, Hope, 三位創辦人皆秉持著親自深入台灣茶產區,而不只是字面上的“小農”, 之前的努力得來的是國外iTQi 與 Monde Selection 的知名得獎肯定. 之前在食品業工作的我已知道這兩項知名比賽 (其實是被指派研究內容要參賽), 除了最基本的工廠與產品認證外, 評審盲測其產品的風味則是一大考驗, 曾經得獎的台灣知名品牌有“度小月”, “ 雙人徐“ …. 等品牌.但慕耕活品牌並不會因為得獎而將品牌打造成精品, 而是建立結合文創與環保而又不失美感的品牌形象, 在品茶會時, 其中一名創辦人拿出結合提袋與外包裝盒的雅典木色系禮盒, 可當中秋節禮物跟文創伴手禮送給有深度的品茶愛好者.
Morganhope stands for “More, Organic, Hope”. Three partners went to the Tea harvest area regularly to check the quality. In return, “Morganhope” brand products received both iTQi and Monde Selection medals recognitions. Besides the basic factory certification, the most challenging part would be the blind test since Taiwanese products are not common in the world well-known contest. Morganhope didint establish luxury brand image because its awards. Instead, it becomes environmental-friendly but yet elegant brand image. During the event, one of the hosts mentioned that they have gift box package for special occasion, such as moon festival.



品茶會是採用類似品酒會的設計, 由濃度較淺的茶品嚐到濃度較深的茶, 從”碧螺春”到”松柏白桃一葉青”兩位創辦人, 一人為品茶會講師, 講解品牌故事, 產品與茶文化, 另一位則是細心地沖泡茶葉, 讓茶達到最完美的狀態.
The event uses the method of wine trial test. We will taste from the light green tea to the dark black tea. The events have 2 hosts, one is to explain Morganhope brand and the other host assists making tea accurately to remains its quality.




English Name: Peach Scented Pekoe Tea
Foodelicious 程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

這是當天品茶會最讓我驚艷的是這一款新品種茶品, 此款茶才剛獲得 2017 iTQi比利時風味絕佳獎三星獎, 松柏白桃一葉青是白毫, 熱騰騰的茶散發出香甜適中的天然水蜜桃氣味, 已遠蓋過淡淡茶香, 品嚐起來並不會像市面上某些品牌裡成分有水果香料, 我則是在中段時感受到茶的圓潤口感, 我個人是比較喜歡豐富圓潤的風味, 就像我比較喜歡Syrah 或 Stout.
Peach Scented Pekoe Tea, which just won 2017 iTQi flavor awards, is the most surprising tea during the event. This particular hot tea has fair amount of natural peach aroma, which exceeds the hints of tea flavor. Unlike other flavored tea, Morganhope peach scented Pekoe tastes quite natural. I personally likes its thick and dense structure, just like Syrah and Stout.




English Name: Ruby Black Tea
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這次拿到的伴手禮是產於新竹峨眉的紅玉紅茶, 硬質不凹陷的圓筒式包裝裡裝著銀白色鋁袋, 打開包裝時, 條索型紅茶葉帶有獨特香氣和微薄的薄荷香氣, 之前在法國知名 Gontran Cherrier Bakery 使用紅玉紅茶製作茶可頌時我就已經注意到, 原來台灣紅茶可以比知名外國茶更精彩更精緻.
Every attendant brought home one gift bag. I received the Ruby Black Tea. While opening up the alumni bag, I can sense the unique black tea aroma with hints of mints. I have noticed this type of tea long ago when French Gentian Cherrier Bakery uses it to make “Tea Croissant”.



“慕耕活”的建議是 85度C, 水量比例是1:50, 第一泡是 40 秒, 之後依序增加15秒, 可連續沖泡 3 ~ 4 次. 其實我本身泡茶喝其實是憑感覺, 我本身是比較喜歡濃厚的紅茶,慕耕活的紅玉紅茶的茶體跟深色紅寶石一樣燦爛, 喝起來則是帶有薄荷風味, 並不會乾澀而是順口.
I usually don’t follow the instruction for making the tea since I personally like dark black tea. The ruby black tea tastes a bit with mint and not dry, which is perfect for black tea texture.






English Name: Alishan Oolong Tea
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

外國人對台灣茶印象最深的即是烏龍茶,”慕耕活“更是精挑細選產地與品質, 因此獲得 2017 Monde Selection – 世界質選大賞(特金獎) 和2016 iTQi 比利時風味絕佳獎三星獎, 這是第一款我看過得雙獎項的產品.這次的伴手禮中有烏龍茶茶包, 期待地喝下一口熱騰騰的茶, 順口的程度不在話下, 帶有花香, 甚至有點堅果香, 顛覆多數人對烏龍茶的豪邁粗獷印象, 此款帶給每個品嚐者柔順的印象.
Most foreigners know about Taiwanese Oolong Tea. Morganhope selects specific area and quality, therefore, it won both 2017 Monden Selection and 2016 iTQi. Drinking this particular hot tea, it has floral and nutty flavor. Its impression is different from the regular Oolong Tea. This tea brings soft sides of Oolong Tea.






English Name: Alishan Mixiang Oolong Tea
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

蜜香烏龍茶是紅烏龍, 蜂蜜的香氣絲毫不會因為濃郁的茶香蓋住, 進階的圓潤口感與香氣是市面上烏龍茶沒有的特色, 若不喜歡烏龍茶的簡約, 可以選擇此款多層次的蜜香烏龍茶.
Taiwan Mixiang Oolong Tea is so called “Red Oolong”. Its honey flavor is stronger than than tea flavor. It offers more and complex unique flavor than regular oolong tea.



English Name: Bi Luo Chun Green Tea
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

碧螺春顧名思義是春天採收的茶, 這是這次品茶會試喝的第一款茶. 茶葉是條索型的茶葉, 而非市面上的茶散葉, 只需將熱水注入放有茶包馬克杯, 淺綠色的茶體品嚐有著鮮爽風味, 甚至帶有點海苔風味.
Bi Luo Chun Green Tea harvest during spring time. Since it is light green tea, it is the first tea that I tried. The gift bag includes Bi Luo Green Tea tea bag, which has actual tea leafs instead tea powders. The light green tea is refreshing with hints of seaweed aroma.



English Name: Alishan Jinxuan Tea
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

金萱茶是我回台灣後才知道的茶品種, 那時在City Super 試喝時記憶點並不高, 後來透過“慕耕活”的創辦人解釋其實金萱比較好種, 市場上的品質參差不齊, 且 大部分看到的幾乎都是中低海拔, “慕耕活”則是採用高海拔 1300 公尺的半球狀的金萱茶, 泡出來的顏色雖然比烏龍茶淺, 但風味帶有獨特花香與圓潤口感.
I didn’t know about Jinxuan Tea until coming back to Taiwan. Most Taiwan Jinxuan tea are grown in low altitude. But Morganhope brand’s Jinxuan Tea are grown at high altitude Alishan. The tea color is lighter than Oolong Tea, but its flavor has floral flavor.



品茶時搭配他們的奶香核果棗酥, 棗泥風味加上濃郁的烘烤果仁香味與口感, 搭配任何一款茶都非常適合, 伴手禮中也有慕耕活的阿里山咖啡, 得到的不是神農獎, 竟然是國外競爭對手林立的iTQi風味絕佳獎章.
The gift box also has Morganhope Alishan coffee. At the end of trial taste event, they offer “Milky Walnut Date Cake” for the perfect ending.



*此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受



Morganhope 慕耕活
樂天購物傳送門: https://www.rakuten.com.tw/shop/morganhope/
慕耕活2017中秋禮盒的 EDM 及相關訂購單,請參閱連結:http://bit.ly/2y1RLtE
