團購宅配水餃 》水餃星球 | 玉米手工餃子

Last Updated on 2017-08-30 by Foodelicious

水餃乃大街小巷跟網購的常見中華料理之一, 連大賣場的冷凍櫃裡都擺滿各個大品牌的水餃, 這次有這個榮幸可以品嚐到“水餃星球”品牌的三種特別的水餃口味.
Dumpling is one of the most-seen Chinese cuisines. Nowadays, there are also many machine-made dumpling brand. Now, I have the opportunity to “Dumpling Planet” brand.


我收到產品的那天剛好小停電, 還好三包冷凍水餃是冷凍配送, “水餃星球”的餃子並無變形或破損, 光是這點就已經完勝大賣場裡的品牌. 每包印有“水餃星球”品牌透明夾鏈袋裡都各有30顆水餃, 也都有標示此包裝是哪種口味.
There are three printed transparent bags in the box, which is of course shipped in frozen condition. The printed informations indicated different kinds of dumplings.


每顆生水餃表皮撒著雪白麵粉, 從每個形狀不一就可看出是手工製作, 每個小本經營地水餃品牌幾乎都是祖傳 , 手工與內餡各有特色, 這次各試了多汁玉米水餃 ,開胃泡菜水餃,愛吃香菜水餃.
Every dumpling appearance has snowy white flour powder. Each shape is slightly different, which indicate that it is hand-made. This time, I tried corn dumpling, kimchi dumpling and parsley dumpling.




English Name: Corn Dumpling
Set Price: NTD $199/One Bag (30 pcs)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

從滾燙的鍋裡撈起煮熟的水餃, Size 雖然比巧之味北大荒袖珍, 但內餡跟外皮的比例跟知名餐廳不相上下, 咬下一口飽滿的內餡, 玉米並不會因為烹煮而軟爛, 反倒粒粒分明, 跟多汁肉餡一起品嚐時, 玉米甜味頗為明顯, 水餃整體風味與口感極佳, 建議不加醬油品嚐可嚐到最原始的風味.
The size of the dumpling is smaller than Chiao Chi Wei and Bei Da Huang. However, the percentage of filling and appearance is similar though. The corn filling itself is sweet and cooked in perfect condition. Generally speaking, this dumpling flavor surprises me with its original flavor and taste.



English Name: Kimchi Dumpling
Set Price: NTD $199/One Bag (30 pcs)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

泡菜食材來自高海拔的新竹尖石鄉農場的高山高麗菜, 店家採用天然發酵方式. 從外皮隱約可看到橘紅色的泡菜內餡, 品嚐前原本擔心會辣到舌頭, 但擔心是多餘的, 口感脆, 豐富的泡菜風味非常迷人, 又是一款不需要醬料輔佐的水餃.
The kimchi ingredient is from Hsinchu high altitude cabbage. The vendor used natural fermentation. You can see the orange/red color filling from the appearance. I was expecting super spicy flavor. However, it tastes mild spicy. The kimchi is crisp and full of complex flavor. This is another dumpling that doesn’t need to dip in soy sauce.



English Name: Parsley Dumpling
Set Price: NTD $199/One Bag (30 pcs)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

“水餃星球”居然用香菜來做內餡, 搭配的肉餡則是屏東家香豬品牌, 是屏東的中央畜牧場飼養, 有自己的專屬身份證, 網路上提到有許多餐廳採用他們的品牌. 香菜的特殊氣味蓋住豬肉風味, 就跟韭菜風味蓋住肉香味一樣, 整體口感不錯, 香菜是非常極端的一項食材, 愛的人會超愛, 我是屬於中立.
Parsley is an rare ingredient for dumpling filling. Its pork filling is also a famous brand from Pintung. The unique parsley flavor covers the meaty aroma. It tastes almost like chives aroma covers the meat flavor. If you like chives dumpling, you might also like this parsley dumpling.


*此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受





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