美威鮭魚》 台北信義誠品美食 | Marine Harvest Taiwan
Last Updated on 2024-05-02 by Foodelicious
(Closed Down ) 在亞洲地區, 挪威商美威鮭魚 (Marine Harvest)在台灣設立鮭魚專賣店, 這次有這個榮幸在台北市信義誠品B2美食街品嚐美威鮭魚系列料理.
(Closed Down) In Asia area, Marine Harvest Corp. established its B2C restaurants and shops in Taiwan. Now, I have the opportunity to try out their salmon related cuisines at Xinyi District Eslite Bookstore B2 Food court.
美威鮭魚餐廳櫃檯位於天仁名茶旁, 顏色鮮豔但設計簡約的裝潢讓人印象深刻, 除了7~8張舒適高腳椅外, 櫃台後方則是有長桌可讓家庭或多人一起享用餐點. The remodeled restaurant is located next to TenRen Tea. Bright color and yet simply design catches many people’s attentions. The are 7~8 comfortable high chairs near the cashier. There is also a long table for family or large party as well.
菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article
English Name: Italian Pizza Salmon and Fresh Tomato
Price: $220
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍👍
暖色系的方型薄片披薩一端上桌, 立刻被主廚不惜成本加上的深綠色芝麻葉吸引, 芝麻葉是義大利常見的蔬菜, 單吃微苦, 但搭配其他食材後會成為風味微濃郁的辛香料角色. 咬一口事先切好的披薩, ”咔滋“酥脆的餅皮讓人期待, 先是品嚐到濃厚的起司風味, 味蕾則是在第二口時感受到切塊鮭魚的獨特風味, 再搭配不同口感的鮮蔬(黃椒, 紅椒, 花椰菜..etc), 建議吃法是一片披薩搭配少許芝麻葉會更精彩.
I was surprised to see arugula on the pizza since this particular food ingredient is quite expensive in Taiwan. However, arugula is a typical ingredient in Italian cuisines. You can clearly hear the crust sound from the thin pizza. The tastebuds would sense the thick cheese flavor at the beginning. The unique salmon flavors appears shortly. This dish also has different texture of vegetables, such as pepper and broccoli.
English Name: Mediterranean Grilled Salmon with Pasta
Price: $320
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍👍
厚度約2cm的炙烤鮭魚肉佔了1/3的餐點給予足夠的視覺震撼, 口感鮮嫩的鮭魚肉帶有著獨特的果香味, . 以番茄為醬底紮實不會過於稀釋, 可當作鮭魚肉的佐醬, 義大利麵硬度則是偏軟, 野菇與其他配料則是讓這道份量頗多的料理更加華麗.
The grilled mark on the thick salmon brings visual effect to this dish. Unlike other fishes, salmon has an unique and charming fruity flavor. The tender and yet succulent texture is mouth-watering. The tomato sauce base, which is great pairing with salmon, is creamy instead of watery. However, the pasta is soft. Other ingredients, such as mushroom and other ingredients, brings more texture and flavor to this dish.
English Name: Seared Salmon Nigiri (2 pcs)
Price: $99
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍👍
薄切的鮭魚表面經過炙烤將少許油脂逼出, 讓握壽司表面有著油亮迷人的外觀, 跟市面上不太一樣的是, 生鮭魚表面似乎沒有加少許美乃滋再炙烤, 似乎想呈現鮭魚的原始風味.
Thin-cut seared salmons have hints of oily appearance. Unlike other seared salmon, the chef doesn’t seem to put mayo on the salmon to transfer the meat into another tender level.
English Name: Calamansi and Plum Vinegar
Price: $60
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍👍
不管是吃哪種海鮮料理, 若能有少許檸檬片搭配是最適合的, 本來以為美威鮭魚的鮮桔梅果醋飲只有酸風味, 喝一口才發現其實是有酸跟甜2種風味, 不僅很適合搭配鮭魚, 也適合單喝.
Without a doubt, squeezed lemon juice is definitely the perfect match for any seafood. Marine Harvest restaurant promotes their drink “Iced Calamansi and Plum Vinegar” in the summer time. This drink has two main character- acidity and fruity sweetness. Both flavors are perfect match for salmons.
菜單 Menu (來自“美威鮭魚網站”)
*此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
延伸閱讀: 台北市政府捷運站附近餐廳&咖啡店 & Bar
Restaurant Name店名: Marine Harvest Taiwan Restaurant 美威鮭魚
Address: B2 ,No.11, Song-Gong Road, Taipei City (Xinyi Eslite Bookstore) 台北市信義區松高路11號B2 (信義誠品) (MAP)
Nearby MRT station: City Hall MRT station 市政府捷運站
營業時間:11 am ~ 10pm
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官網 http://www.supreme-salmon.com/
線上訂餐 https://supremesalmon.oddle.me/
FB粉絲頁網址 https://www.facebook.com/SupremeSalmon