Mallard Grilled Cheese Eatery 》在野鴨小餐館吃特色起司三明治搭調飲
Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious
(2021.3 結束營業) 台北市民大道上有一家綠頭鴨 Logo 的餐廳, 名為野鴨小餐館, 全綠裝潢讓人好奇這家台北輕食餐酒館的菜單.
(2021.3 Closed Down) There is a restaurant with Mallard (Green Duck) logo at Taipei Civil Blvd. The whole name is Mallard Grilled Cheese Eatery.
野鴨小餐館菜單在文末 Mallard Grilled Cheese Eatery Menu is at the end of article
在市民大道的野鴨小餐館位於微風廣場附近, 直接從忠孝復興站四號出口往市民大道走, 餐廳附近有 “牛肉麵雞湯”, 餐廳招牌並沒有中文, 只有餐廳英文名稱 ”Mallard Grilled Cheese Eatery“ , Mallard 中譯是綠頭鴨. 野鴨小餐館有簡單的戶外座位, 開放式廚房在入口右邊, 左邊則是可以看到自助式餐具,水, 和調味料, 所以並沒有收服務費. 有單人吧台座位也有2 ~ 4 人座位. 野鴨小餐館難免會與另一家 “Liquid Bread Company” 做比較,LBC 有許多種麵包可搭配. 此外, LBC大部分都是用簡單台灣在地煙燻肉品 (火腿或是其他肉切片), 但是只搭配單純免炒配料 (例如新鮮蔬果). 野鴨小餐館目前只搭配一款麵包, 多數內餡選擇反而是西式菜餚, 例如紅酒燉牛肉和芙蓉蔗燻鴨賞.
Mallard Grilled Cheese Eatery is located near Breeze Center. You can just walk out of exit 4 of Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT station to Civil Blvd. The restaurant sign is only in English without Chinese. The place has a few outdoor seats. The kitchen is at the right hand side and the self-served area (utensil, water, sauce..etc) is at the left side. There are single seats and also 2 ~ 4 seats. Due to the similar style, the customer always compare Mallard Grilled Cheese Eatery with “Liquid Bread Company”. LBC usually offers local smoked meat (for example ham). And it always pair with fresh fruits & vegetables. Mallard Grilled Cheese Eatery nowadays only offers one type of toast. The filling is more like western cuisine, for example smoked duck cuisine or beef bourguignon.
延伸閱讀: LIQUID BREAD COMPANY 》台北大安區美式輕食三明治搭配啤酒
延伸閱讀: 牛肉麵.雞湯 | Taiwan Beef Noodles.Chicken Soup | 深夜食堂
延伸閱讀: 其他忠孝復興站餐廳 》Other restaurants near Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT station
芙蓉蔗燻鴨賞起司三明治 + B 套餐
包括三明治, 洋芋薯片, 60 元內飲品
價格: NTD $225 + NTD $110 = NTD $335
Smoked Duck Cheese Sandwich + B Set
Includes Sandwich, Potato chips, Drink (less than NTD $60)
Price: NTD $225 + NTD $110 = NTD $335
Smoked and Corned Duck Cheese Sandwich
Price: NTD $225
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
這道三明治是店員推薦, 主要原因是老闆是宜蘭人, 恰巧鴨賞就是有名宜蘭食材. 這道三明治內餡包括鴨賞,蒜苗, 半風乾番茄, 醃洋蔥, 瑞可達起司, 切達起司和莫札瑞拉起司. 咬一小口時, 溫熱吐司對我來說是最基本, 酥脆是我喜歡的口感, 即使有內餡, 在第一口是可感受到所謂的麵包小麥香氣. 三明治切面可看到適量鴨賞與起司, 鴨賞並不是肉片, 而是切塊, 整體以煙燻鹹香風味和醃洋蔥風味為主導, 三種起司完全是小配角. 你如果可以接受 “Liquid Bread Company”的三明治單價, 你也可以嘗試野鴨小餐館的起司三明治.
The staff recommends the smoked duck sandwich. The main reason is that the owner is from Yilan, which is the origin of duck. The sandwich filling includes smoked duck, green garlic, semi-dried cherry tomato, pickled onion, homemade ricotta, cheddar, mozzarella. The first bite at the toast can sense the crispy texture of the warm toast and wheat aroma. Unlike at “Curio Comma Taipei”, the duck meat is not sliced. The overall taste is dominated by smoked meaty aroma with pickled onions. Three types of cheese are not easy to sense. If you can accept the sandwich price of “Liquid Bread Company”, you can try the sandwich at Mallard Grilled Cheese Eatery.
延伸閱讀: LIQUID BREAD COMPANY 》台北大安區美式輕食三明治搭配啤酒
Potato Chips
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
套餐配菜選擇有洋芋薯片與薯條, 野鴨小餐館的洋芋薯片稍微有點厚度且酥脆, 重點是不會過於油膩, 吃起來ㄙㄨㄚˋ嘴, 我個人蠻喜歡吃.
The set side dish options have potato chips and fries. The chips are thick sliced with crispy texture. It is not oily at all. I like it quite much.
♛ 台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List
連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)
連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康 No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health
Pomelo Orange Green Tea
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
這杯飲料單點 NTD $120, B 套餐飲料規定是 NTD $60 以內, 所以只需再多付 NTD $60. 所以當天我的餐費是 NTD $225 + NTD $110 + NTD $60 = NTD $395. 喝之前會建議先攪拌, 每一口才能感受到綠茶與柳橙香氣的平衡.
The drink is NTD $120. With B set, you only need to pay extra NTD $60. So, my lunch fee is NTD $225 + NTD $110 + NTD $60 =NTD $395. I would suggest to stir the drink in order to balance the green tea and orange flavor.
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
店名: 野鴨小餐館
地址: 台北市松山區市民大道四段75號 (Map)
捷運站: 忠孝復興站
電話: 02-8771-0690
營業時間: Call to Confirm
Restaurant: Mallard Grilled Cheese Eatery
Address: No. 75, 4th Section, Civil Blvd, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT station
Tel: 02-8771-0690
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm
野鴨小餐館菜單 》Mallard Grilled Cheese Eatery Menu