Le Ming Noodle Bar 》Le Ming 麵食精釀餐酒館中山店 (內有2020菜單)

Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious

(已結束營業 ) Le Ming 麵食精釀餐酒館是台北中山站拉麵店之一, 日式拉麵搭配酒似乎會變成一種另類餐酒館潮流?!
(Closed Down) Le Ming Noodle Bar is one of the Ramen Shop near Taipei Zhongshan MRT station. Ramen pairs with alcohol might be the future Bistro trend?!


Le Ming 麵食精釀餐酒館 菜單在文末 》Le Ming Noodle Bar Menu is at the end of article


關於 Le Ming 麵食精釀餐酒館

About Le Ming Noodle Bar

Le Ming 麵食精釀餐酒館第一家店開在林口, 2020年則是選在拉麵一級戰區 – 中山區開第二家店. Le Ming 拉麵店位於屯京拉麵與 “青花驕火鍋”後面巷弄內, 從中山站一號出口需步行大約 10 ~ 15 分鐘. 餐廳外觀與餐廳內皆有設計潮流感, 餐廳內的樹與 “Bar Weekend” 的櫻花樹有異曲同工之妙. 餐廳內除了有吧台座位外, 兩人與四人座位也蠻多, 小黑板上有近期推出的精釀啤酒酒單. 入座後看了 Le Ming 菜單, 發現其實除了拉麵與沾麵外, 他們也有提供燉飯與西式下酒菜, 酒類除了精釀啤酒外, 也有提供梅酒, 其實不應該把傳統日式拉麵店 與 Le Ming 麵食精釀餐酒館比較, Le Ming 是以西式烹調方式來製作日式拉麵湯頭與配料, 具有獨特風格.
First Le Ming Noodle Bar is opened at Linkou. 2020 Branch Store is opened at Zhongshan District, which is the most popular Ramen District. Le Ming restaurant is located near “Chin Hua Jiao Hot Pot”. It would take 10 ~ 15 minutes walking from the Exit one of Zhongshan MRT station. The restaurant appearance is full of fashion trend design. Besides the single bar seats, there are also two-people and four-people seats. Besides the soup ramen and dip sauce ramen, they also have risotto and western cuisine appetizer. Besides craft beer, they also have plum wine. General speaking, Le Ming chef uses western cuisine cooking style at their ramen dishes, which is quite unique.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Hot Pot 》青花驕麻辣鍋菜單適合哪些人?

台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide

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娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


Le Ming 海老魚介拉麵

Ramen with Seafood Broth
Price: NTD $ 300
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

海老魚介拉麵配料包括生食級天使紅蝦, 石安牧場溏心蛋, 川耳, 蓮藕與蔥絲. Le Ming 海老魚介湯頭並非像”一幻拉麵“與 “五之神拉麵” 的混濁深褐色濃郁的海鮮湯頭, 而是像西式湯頭微濁且淺橘褐色. 單喝一口, 蝦與海鮮味與預期般含蓄, 這款湯頭是可以單獨成為一碗像”Folio Hotel餐廳“的無番茄風味的馬賽魚湯, 值得稱讚的為紅蝦並不會過老, 凸顯出生食級這個優點, 以 Fusion 概念來吃這一碗拉麵, 整體吃起來是不錯吃, 適合可接受創新的饕客們. 缺點就是我詢問店員這碗拉麵應該搭配哪款精釀啤酒, 店員們回答不太出來, 若是餐搭酒搭配得不好或是衝突, 就會毀了用餐經驗. 其實是可以請啤酒廠商協助搭餐, 才能讓拉麵搭酒的概念發揚光大.
Ramen with Seafood Broth ingredients shrimp, local egg, black angus, lotus root and green onion slices. Le Ming Seafood broth is different from the dark brown and deeply unclear seafood broth at “Ebisoba Ichigen Ramen” and “Gonokami Ramen”. Instead, Le Ming seafood broth is in light orange color with small amount of unclear. The broth is not strong as expected. However, the broth can be Bouillabaisse (minus the tomato flavor) at “Folio Hotel”. The shrimp tastes perfect since it is not well-down. If you taste this ramen as fusion cuisine, this ramen dish is successful. Overall, this ramen is suitable for people who like creative cuisine. However, the down part would be the staff didn’t know which alcohol would pair perfectly with which ramen. It would be better to ask the draft beer vendor for professional advice. After all, this is a restaurant who would like to introduce the concept of alcohol pairing with ramen.

台北單身友善餐廳 Single-Friendly Restaurant List

連結 (Link) 👉 台北咖哩飯懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Curry Rice Guide (By District) 

連結 (Link) 👉 台北平價美食推薦 》Taipei Budget-Wise Restaurants

連結 (Link)👉  台北日本拉麵懶人包 》Taipei Ramen Guide

連結 (Link)👉  台北牛肉麵餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Beef Noodle Guide

連結 (Link)👉  台北宵夜餐廳 》Taipei Midnight Diner Guide

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount

延伸閱讀: 台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》TAIPEI BISTRO GUIDE (BY DISTRICT)



餐廳: Le Ming 麵食精釀餐酒館
地址: 台北市中山區中山北路一段135巷1號 (Map)
捷運站: 中山捷運站
電話: 02-2581-3501
FB: https://www.facebook.com/lemingtaipei/
Restaurant: Le Ming Noodle Bar
Address: No. 1, 135th Lane, 1st Section, Zhongshan North Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongshan MRT station
Tel: 02-2581-3501


Le Ming 麵食精釀餐酒館 菜單 》Le Ming Noodle Bar Menu

