Lazy Point Restaurant & Bar 》台北內湖早午餐 | Taipei Brunch
Last Updated on 2020-01-21 by Foodelicious
Lazy Point Restaurant & Bar 是台北港墘捷運站週末早午餐選擇之一, 除了提供週末早午餐與商業午餐外, 三樓則是內湖戶外露天酒吧. 這次很榮幸可以品嚐到 Lazy Point Restaurant & Bar 的早午餐.
Lazy Point Restaurant & Bar is one of the weekend brunch options at the Neihu area. Besides brunch, they also offer business lunch. The third floor is a outdoor bar. Now, I have the honor and opportunity to try out their weekend brunch.
菜單連結在文末 Menu Link is at the end of article
餐廳離港墘捷運站2號出口走路只需 5 分鐘, 獨立一棟三層樓餐廳被辦公室大樓圍繞著, 附近有相當多收費停車場, 下班後與假日不怕沒位置停. 一樓是開放廚房, 出菜時, 店員會放進餐點升降梯直達其他樓層. 零售義大利松露醬, Monbana 巧克力粉, 和唐寧茶禮盒擺放於長桌上, 落地窗旁則是擺設少數個人高腳椅座位區.
It only take 5 minutes walking from Gangqian MRT station exit 2. The 3-floors building is surrounded by office buildings. There are quite a few parking lots at the area. The first floor has a open kitchen. There are also truffle sauce, Monbana Chocolate powder, and Twinings gift box on the long table for retail sale. Surprisingly, the restaurant has a few one-person high hairs near the window.
二樓挑高天花板以少許乾燥花作為裝飾, 並不會有壓迫感, 陽光照進落地窗讓整體空間明亮 ,用餐氛圍相當適合小家庭或是約會. 三樓露天酒吧晚上六點開始營業, 有舒適沙發座椅, 也可點下酒菜, 相當適合下班後小酌.
2nd floor has high ceiling with a few dried flowers as decoration. The dining atmosphere is suitable for family or dating. The bar is at the third floor, which opens after 6pm until midnight. There are sofa areas and they offer snacks to pair with the drink as well.
📧 自媒體採訪, 文字邀約, 行銷合作, 請 Email 至 [email protected]
If interested in cooperation, please Email to [email protected]
Weekend Brunch for 2 People Promotion Description:
1. 松露奶油蘑菇烤歐式酸麵包一份,
2. 班尼迪克蛋一份
3. 蛋糕任選一份
4. 飲品選二杯 (200元以下任選,可補差額更換)
備註: FunNow會員加贈:早安新鮮果昔二杯
Promotion includes:
1. Truffle Cream Mushrooms Toast
2. Egg Benedict
3. One piece of Cake
4. Two Drinks (Select NTD $200 value drink),
Remark: FunNow App members can receive 2 x morning fresh fruit shakes
班尼迪克蛋 (煙燻鮭魚)
English Name: Egg Benedict (Smoked Salmon)
Price: NTD $420
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍
印象中的班尼迪克蛋擺盤是像 “ PS Tapas” 西班牙小點, Lazy Point 擺盤是以牛奶吐司切片為底層, 外型類似大家所熟悉的法式吐司, 但品嚐起來相當有濃郁奶油香氣, 口感酥脆程度意想不到地高. 微鹹煙燻鮭魚和清脆生菜漸層放置於吐司上. 店家提到他們採用有機蛋, 班尼迪克蛋一刀劃開, 鮮黃色蛋汁緩緩從水波蛋流出, 炒洋蔥, 玉米筍和糯米椒都相當脆, 全部吃完後覺得這道料理是“Ugly Delicious” 最佳寫照.
The previous impression of Egg Benedict is more like “PS Tapas” tapas. The chef uses the so-called milk toast, which is made with high percentage of milk. When eating the toast alone, the tastebuds can sense both butter and milk flavors. The toast texture is crispy. The smoked salmon brings salty taste to this dish, which pairs well with the crisp and refreshing lettuce. The restaurant mentioned that they use organic egg. While cutting down the fluffy egg, the yolk slowly floated down to all other ingredients. The grilled onion, baby corn, and sweet chili are all very crispy and flavorful. After finish eating, I personally consider this dish is the great example of “Ugly Delicious”.
English Name: Truffle Cream Mushrooms Toast
Price: NTD $360
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
副店長提到 Lazy Point Restaurant & Bar 與專業麵包&甜點工作室合作, 維持從前菜到甜點的高水準.歐式酸麵包並沒有想像中地硬, 反而稍微鬆軟且有加熱過, 滿滿的新鮮蘑菇切塊浸在濃稠松露奶油醬裡, 奶油香氣中隱約有獨特菇類香氣, 建議將醬抹在酸麵包切片上, 或是直接沾著醬汁皆可, 我比較喜歡先抹醬再放上幾塊蘑菇. 建議在吃完後, 再單獨吃 Sun-Dried 小番茄與生菜較不會膩.
The owner mentioned that they cooperate with other pastry shops in order to keep the high quality from appetizer to dessert. The sour dough is not hard, instead, it is quite soft. I would suggest to spread the truffle cream sauce on the sliced sour dough or just dip into the sauce. You can eat the sun-dried tomato and lettuce later to refresh the tastebuds.
English Name: Lemon Cake
Price: NTD $180
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
最底層派皮酥脆, 生乳蛋糕體相當細緻, 切面極度像雞蛋豆腐般完美, 少許檸檬末灑在蛋糕體上增加酸度, 酸甜風味平衡, 口感極度像義大利冰淇淋般滑順, 檸檬乾切片是點綴也可拿來吃.
The cake bottom is crispy as expected. The cake texture is smooth and similar with the tofu texture. Small of fair amount of lemon zests increases the acidity, but still balanced with sweet. The taste is like gelato. The dried lemon is not only for decoration but eatable.
西西里咖啡 (冰)
English Name: Sicilian Iced Coffee
Price: NTD $180
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍
對我來說, 西西里咖啡是可遇不可求, 所以我與朋友都各點一杯. 我目前只在台北 “Fly’s Kitchen” 喝過西西里咖啡, Lazy Point Restaurant & Bar 的西西里咖啡做法與喝起來的風味也不盡然相同. 亮黑色咖啡基底是濃縮咖啡 (Expresso), 副店長解釋中焙咖啡豆與專業咖啡工作室合作研發, 採用的咖啡豆是綜合產區, 從中南美洲到非洲產區皆有, 讓我驚訝的是咖啡豆裡有包括高成本的藝妓咖啡豆 (Geisha Coffee). 兩片糖漬檸檬切片飄浮在咖啡上, 整體喝起來除了不會過酸與並不會具有刺激性外, 反而帶有酸甜風味, 彷彿香甜檸檬汁與咖啡最完美的結合, 我相當推薦這一款咖啡.
Honestly, it is not easy to find Sicilian Iced Coffee at Taipei City. I only tasted once at “Fly’s Kitchen”. Therefore, I was excited to see this particular coffee item on the menu, which my friend and I both ordered. Lazy Point Restaurant & Bar cooperated with professional coffee shop to develop mixed origin coffee bean. One of the coffee bean is high-cost Geisha coffee bean. Two sugar-coated sliced lemons are floating at the top of the bright black espresso. The flavor is not overly too much acidity and not stimulate too much at the tastebuds. The taste is an impressive combination of lemonade and coffee. I strongly recommend this coffee.
English Name: Fresh Fruit Shake
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
此款為綜合果昔, 只有 FunNow App 專屬會員才能附贈. 每日皆用不同水果製作, Lazy Point 那天是用楊桃, 芭樂, 蘋果和柳橙, 再加上少許牛奶或是優格. 喝起來並不會過冰, 入口香甜果香裡帶有點酸味, 濃稠之程度類似優格, 整體相當不錯.
This is mixed fruit shakes that only FunNow App members can have for the brunch set. The restaurant uses different fruits to make the shake. They use start fruits, guava, apple and orange with bits of milk and yogurt. This fruit shake will not stimulate the tastebuds, instead, it is full of fruity aroma and flavor and thick texture. Overall, the fruit shake is quite delicious.
English Name: Porcini Mushroom Risotto with Matsusaka Pork
Price: NTD $420
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
此款料理不包括在 FunNow App 優惠專案裡, 這款料理是我跟朋友加點. 當我朋友要點松阪豬時, 其實我有點害怕, 因為普遍餐廳的松阪豬都是過於乾. 當這道料理端上桌時, 松阪豬有先調味且香煎程度拿捏恰到好處, 口感脆且帶有適度鹹味, 拌在燉飯裡的牛肝菌互相襯托, 兩者風味並行. 燉飯採用義大利長米, 燉飯米心較硬, 我會推薦給平常有在吃正統義大利燉飯的人.
This dish is not included in the FunNow App promotion.My friend and I ordered this dish as extra dish. At the beginning, I was afraid that the Matsusaka Pork would be too dried. Instead, Lazy Point chef pre-marinated the meat and pan-fried well. The taste is crispy, moist with salty flavor. The porcini is mixed within the risotto that brings out unique flavor. I would suggest this dish for the people that eat true Italian risotto frequently.
店名: Lazy Point Restaurant & Bar
地址: 台北市內湖區洲子街78號 (MAP)
捷運: 港墘捷運站
營業時間: 以臉書為主
Restaurant Name: Lazy Point Restaurant & Bar
Address: No. 78 , Zhouzi St., Neihu District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT station: Gangqian MRT station
Tel: 02-8751-5509
Operation Hour: Check Facebook