KICHI 吉天婦羅 》 忠孝復興捷運站美食 | SOGO 日本料理餐廳

Last Updated on 2018-02-10 by Foodelicious

忠孝 SOGO 樓上有一家2017 新開幕的日本餐廳, 名稱為KICHI 吉天婦羅, 讓人記憶深刻的則是鍍24K金炸盤.
There is a newly-opened Japanese restaurant, which is called KICHI, at SOGO department store. Its famous selling point would be the 24K golden plate for Tempura.


菜單連結在文末 Menu is at the end of article


專賣天婦羅的日本料理餐廳早在近幾年已經紛紛在台北店, 從“天吉屋”到 “下町天丼秋光 (已歇業)”, 直到排隊名店 “金子半之助”開幕後, 一般消費者才發現原來有在專賣天婦羅炸物系列料理的餐廳. KICHI 吉天婦羅有適合一人坐的吧台, 也有四人座. 被安排至吧台區, 服務生隨後提供置物籃與熱茶, 與師傅工作吧台中間有跟 “五味瓶 C’est la vie Bistro” 一樣的走道, 讓服務生可以方便端菜, 桌上也有四種調味料 – 玫瑰岩鹽, 七味粉, 咖哩粉和柚子胡椒辣醬.
There are actually several restaurants that only offer Tempura (fried vegetables and seafoods) in Taipei City. Until the popular “Kaneko Hannosuke” opened, consumers start to notice the restaurants that only offer Tempura KICHI restaurant has one-person counter seat and 4-people seats. I was seated at the counter seats. There are spaces between counter and table, similar with “C’est la vie Bistro”. The friendly waiter offers hot tea prior ordering. There are also 4 spices/flavorings – Rock salt, 7 spices, curry powder and grapefruit spicy paste, on the table.




套餐包括: 天丼, 淺漬時蔬 , 赤味噌湯, 茶碗蒸, 咖啡或茶
English Name: Tempura Rice Bowl Set
Set includes: Tempura with Rice bowl, Pickled Vegetable, Miso Soup, Steamed Egg, Coffee or Tea
Price: NTD $580




天丼包括 鮮蝦兩尾, 雞腿肉, 豬里肌, 白身魚, 栗子南瓜, 水蓮櫻花蝦餅, 溏心蛋, 茄子
English Name: Tempura Rice Bowl
Tempura Rice Bowl Content: Pawn x 2, Chicken thigh x 1, Pork Tenderloin x 1, Fish x 1, Pumpkin x 1, Water lilies with small shrimp x 1, Half-boiled Egg x1 , Eggplant
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

大部分客人到KICHI 吉天婦羅都是點 “天套餐 (NTD $650) ” , 我則是點特製豪華天丼套餐, 服務生隨後將鍍24K金炸盤收回, 因為豪華天丼並不是其他天婦羅會分 2 ~ 3 次上菜, 而是炸物與飯放置在碗中一次上桌. 天丼部分也沒有額外大根泥炸物沾醬, 因為都已淋在飯上. 也許是我太久沒吃天丼, 我記憶中的天丼
都是有附沾醬, 而且我剩餘的沾醬到最後都會淋到飯上.
Most consumers order “Tempura Set (NTD $650) ”, however, I ordered “Tempura Rice Bowl Set”. After ordering, the waiter takes back the golden plate since all tempuras will be placed and served at the bowl. Down my memory line, I thought Tempura Rice bowl has extra tempura dip sauce on the side. Instead, I was served with only small amount of dip sauce on the top of the rice.



中型炸蝦麵衣並沒有想像中地薄, 一咬下依舊有ㄎㄠˇ的酥脆聲響, 建議撒些玫瑰岩鹽提味, 較不會膩. 雞腿肉與豬里肌因為有油脂, 不會有柴的問題, 海苔相當地軟, 魚, 南瓜和茄子則是本身帶點水分而表現平平, 搓破炸溏心蛋讓蛋黃流入飯中代替沾醬, 讓丼飯不會無趣或乾. 最讓人驚豔的是水蓮櫻花蝦餅, 適量鮮紅櫻花蝦附著在綠色水蓮上, 櫻花蝦海鮮味比炸蝦更具有迷人海鮮風味, 水蓮反常地酥脆, 成為這道天丼最亮眼的主角.
The medium size pawn fried coating is not as thin as expected. However, it is still crispy. I would suggest to spread some rock salt on the surface. Both chicken thigh and Pork Tenderloin are tender. As for the fish, pumpkin and eggplant, it is just at its average level. The seaweed is unexpectedly too soft. It would be better to let the egg yolk float into the rice in order to make the rice more moist. The most interesting part would be the fried lilies and sakura shrimp. The small red shrimp combines with fried green lillies. The taste has more seafood flavor. And the water lilies are crispy as well.




English Name: Pickled Vegetables
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

在天丼上桌前, 服務生會先提供淺漬時蔬, 有時是豆芽, 有時是白菜, 清脆不軟爛.
Before the Tempura rice bowl is served, the waiter would offer the pickled vegetables. Sometimes, it is bean sprout, and sometimes it is pickled cabbages. The taste is crispy instead of soggy.




English Name: Miso Soup
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

赤味噌發酵時間較長, 鹽加較多, 本身風味較鹹. 但 KICHI 吉天婦羅的味噌湯保持著味噌香氣, 而且不會過鹹, 湯裡的豆腐與小香菇吸收少許湯汁,相當順口, 是會讓想再續碗的味噌湯.
The fermented time is longer than the regular miso, therefore, the flavor is supposed salty. However, KICHI’s miso aroma remains and not too salty. The small mushroom and tofu absorbs fair amount of soup. This is actually the type of soup that I am willing to keep drinking.




English Name: Steamed Egg with Seafood
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

打開碗蓋, 表面依舊濕潤不乾裂, 口感滑順, 理所當然比 “欣葉日本料理”好.
The appearance is moist and not dry. The taste is absolutely soft and it is definitely better than “Shinyeh Japanese Restaurant



English Name: Tea
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

日本料理搭配西式茶是一件很妙的事情, 尤其可以選擇咖啡或是茶, 我會建議選茶.
It is rare for western tea to pair with Japanese food, especially when you can choose coffee or tea. I would suggest tea though.



延伸閱讀: 2017 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2017 Taipei New Restaurants & Cafes Guide




Restaurant Name 店名: KICHI 吉天婦羅
Address: 11F , No. 45, 4th section Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei City 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段45號11 樓 (忠孝 SOGO 11F) (MAP)
Nearby MRT station: Zhongxiao Fushing MRT station 忠孝復興捷運站
電話:02- 2731-2518
營業時間: 11:30am ~ 9:30pm




